Every color of crystal represents something different, something special. If you haven’t explored the powers and beauty of orange stones, it’s time to start.
Orange crystal meanings involve the sacral chakra and help manifest creativity and joy. Look through the best 23 orange crystals to find which ones will serve your intention.
Orange Crystals and Their Meanings
Crystals come in nearly every shape, size, and color imaginable. Orange crystals, in particular, hold unique meanings and occur in a wide selection. In general, orange stones manifest passion, creativity, and strength.

Many brilliant crystals you’ll read about below have ancient histories of sacredness and glory. Find out which stones you need to use to draw desired positivity in your life.
Benefits of Using Orange Crystals
Orange crystals and orange stones represented sun deities in ancient cultures, including ancient Greece and Rome. Various yellow, orange and red crystals warded off evil spirits and strengthened the wearer. This reverence for orange crystals’ powers is still a part of modern spiritual practice.
The color orange symbolizes enthusiasm, confidence, and happiness. When represented in a stone, yellow and red hues offer passion and cheerfulness characteristics. Orange stones also focus on the sacral chakra, raising the energy in your romantic and sexual life.
Positively Impact Relationships with Orange Crystals
Orange crystals can help positively impact your connections and relationships with others. They’ll be your best friend by providing confidence and optimism as you raise your intentions to strengthen and foster new or old relationships. Therefore, say goodbye to shyness with orange crystals in hand!
Orange Crystals Bring Power and Wealth
Royalty traditionally was the exclusive wielder of orange gemstones. As such, they symbolize not only power but wealth and success. When using orange crystals in your practice, you can use your boost in confidence and motivation to cultivate further wealth.
Top 23 Orange Crystals
Here is a list of the best orange crystals to use in your manifestation practice.
1. Amber
- Amber holds not only incredible metaphysical powers but also a fascinating and unique history. Archeologists found jewelry of Baltic amber dating back 5,000 years ago. People in ancient times used amber in their religious rites and appreciated its natural beauty.
- Did you know amber is fossilized tree resin? Tree resin is that sappy liquid that oozes out of a damaged limb of a tree. Since it started as a sticky liquid, amber contains impurities such as dirt or insects within the stone.
- Amber’s earthy nature has excellent healing properties, including grounding your energy and balancing your spirit and body. Traditional Chinese medicine used amber to calm the mind. Furthermore, the ancient Greeks used this stone for an array of treatments.
2. Andesine Feldspar
- Colombian miners discovered andesine in the 1840s. As you might guess by the name, the mineral is abundant in the Andes mountains.
- It’s a grainy mineral that forms in large clumps. It’s rare to see uniform crystal formations of andesine. Andesine is a brittle stone with a pearly surface.
- It’s a heart chakra stone with stress-relieving metaphysical properties. Surprisingly, no zodiac signs claim it.
3. Carnelian
- People commonly use this semi-precious stone for jewelry. It has brownish-red hues dashed with iron-oxide impurities. Notably, ancient Egyptians revered this stone for its sunset-like shades.
- It symbolized creativity, aiding any aspiring artist in their journey. Carnelian focuses on the lower chakras, meaning it has a grounding effect and is the birthstone of August.
4. Citrine
- This glassy variation of quartz comes in a range of orange tones, from pale yellow to vivid, magnificent red-orange. People sometimes confuse iron-stained quartz for citrine, but it’s lacking the correct chemical composition of citrine. Sometimes, citrine grows together with smoky quartz.
- Ancient Romans believed this stone could ward off evil thoughts. Today, admirers know it for its association with success, wealth, and positivity. How could you despair with these bright orange rays nearby?
5. Sunstone
- Stone enthusiasts call some sunstone varieties “heliolite,” after the sun god Helio. The stunning orange color is due to copper in the chemical makeup. It’s a feldspars crystal that forms over hundreds of years in lava.
- People believed sunstone was extremely rare until mines discovered this gemstone in the United States, specifically in Oregon. Oregon Sunstone is a specific variety that can be quite large. In 1987, Oregon declared it the state gemstone.
- Sunstones break into irregular pieces, and the center of these orange stones often sparkles in the light. These orange stones symbolize life, warmth, and delight.
6. Coral
- Red coral is known as “Mars stone” due to its orange-red color palette. The Ancient Egyptians used coral in burial ceremonies to ward off evil spirits. Some believe they hold drops of holy blood in their organic material.
- Artisans desire red coral for use as a gemstone and make it into stunning jewelry pieces. Accordingly, authentic red coral can be worth over $1,000 per gram.
- This stone represents vitality and passion. Also, it’s a symbol of humbleness, intelligence, and longevity.
7. Fire Opal
- Fire opals, also known as Mexican Opals due to their mining location, are generally transparent and come in shades of yellow, orange, and red. Each stone may possess a unique pattern or splotches of color.
- This stone is formed when water drains into lava, and the lava traps water molecules inside it. The effect is dazzling.
- Fire opals are considered rare compared to other opals. In general, crystal healers use opals to prompt abundance and creativity. Fire opal is the birthstone of October.
8. Orange Garnets
- Garnets can come in many colors, and they’re the birthstone of January. Some garnets form from lava flow on the Earth’s crust. Garnets are zodiac stones for Capricorn and Aquarius.
- Garnets form when sedimentary rock that contains aluminum undergoes extreme heat and pressure. As garnets grow, their chemical design can transform. Mandarin garnet is the purest orange color that garnet can come in. In the 1990s, archeologists discovered this stone in Namibia.
- The geological name for the orange garnet is spessartine.
- People have cut orange stones into gemstones for thousands of years. Consequently, they’re renowned for their beauty and spiritual symbolism. The metaphysical meaning revolves around boosting sexuality, fertility, and creativity.
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9. Orange Sapphires
- Did you think sapphires only exist in the color blue? Well, they come in other colors, including orange. Not surprisingly, orange is the rarest color of sapphire, displaying brilliant hues from every angle.
- Trace minerals of chromium and iron give orange sapphires their signature hue. On the other hand, radiation exposure can create their orange vibe.
- They originate from Sri Lanka and Australia. The Ancient Greeks considered them sacred stones bringing abundance, power, and creativity.
10. Imperial Topaz
- In nineteenth-century Russia, workers mined topaz out of the Ural Mountains. They dubbed it “Imperial Topaz” to honor the Russian czar. Nowadays, topaz is a November birthstone famous in the United States.
- Topaz crystals grow in the last stages of the magma cooling process.
- The Ancient Greeks believed this stone offered strength and power. For centuries, people have worn topaz on their chests in India to summon longevity and beauty. In brief, it’s a stone that helps you manifest joy and rejuvenation in your life.
11. Tangerine Quartz
- Quartz in any color variation has fascinating historical significance. For example, the ancient Romans and Greeks praised its ability to ward off impurities of spirit. In another case, ancient Egyptians believed it brought the wearer longevity.
- The tangerine variety of quartz has a light coating of rust, giving it the color of tangerine. Use this stone to open your sacral and solar plexus chakra. In brief, it symbolizes confidence, delight, and motivation.
12. Orange Calcite
- Calcite is the main mineral comprising limestone. Calcite exists in many shades and can be completely clear, like glass. Orange calcite is a distinctive stone mined worldwide.
- Crystal healers use these orange stones to unleash creativity and sexual desire. In addition, you can use orange calcite to facilitate meditation and help resolve your emotional issues. Further, placing this stone in your office space or bedroom will add brightness and inspiration to your work and personal time.
13. Orange Moonstone
- Like other moonstones, these orange stones exhibit adularescence. To clarify, adularescence means that under light, orange moonstone gives off a bluish sheen. Orange is a rare color to find in moonstones, making this a desirable catch.
- The ancient Greeks and Romans associated orange moonstones with their lunar gods. Generally, these stones spark love and romance.
14. Orange Zircon
- The natural colors of zircon include yellow, orange, red, blue, and green. The Persian word “zargun”, meaning “gold-hued,” is the origin of the name zircon. In addition, the Greeks named yellow, orange, and red-colored zircon after the flower “hyacinthus.”
- It’s common to find them cut into gemstones and beads, and archeologists have found orange zircon on decorative ceramics. Orange zircon is a manifesting crystal that attracts success, wealth, and happiness. Hence, this is why it’s known as the “Stone of Prosperity”!
15. Orange Spinel
- Like many of the crystals on this list, spinels come in various colors, including orange. Spinels are most famous for their ruby-red color. Accordingly, common folk used to think red spinels were the same as rubies.
- Geologically, orange spinels occur in limestones and mudstones due to magma interaction. They grow in long, parallel layers. Normally, these stones are mined out of Myanmar and Sri Lanka.
- Further, orange spinels hold a meaning of hope and joy. The stone’s energy is most suitable for Leos, as it will enhance their sunshiny energy.
16. Orange Tourmaline
- These long, slender, prismatic crystals can shine soft or dark orange. Once in a while, types of tourmaline have magnetic properties. This durable mineral occurs in nature in or near granite or marble. Good luck finding a pure orange tourmaline, as this variety is quite rare.
- Its name derives from the ancient Sinhalese word that means “stone of many colors.” Dravite, the dark yellow variety, is mined in Slovenia. Countless types exist, which are mined worldwide.
- Finally, orange tourmaline has powerful healing properties in the metaphysical sense. It helps ward off negative perspectives and fills the wearer with feelings of hope and inspiration.
17. Orange Aventurine
- Firstly, this crystal was discovered in the 18th century and is most commonly known for its green variety. The orange varieties come from Russia, Spain, and Chile. Aventurine must have hematite or goethite in the chemical composition to produce a lovely orange color.
- Scientists have found tools made of aventurine, dating back thousands of years. Aventurine is a type of quartz, and most of these stones are transparent, although they can also be opaque. Orange aventurine is excellent for the heart chakra and exudes comforting, healing energy.
- If you have a meditative practice, consider using orange aventurine to help your mind become quiet and still. It will ward away negative, judgmental thoughts.
18. Orange Fluorite
- Fluorite is a popular, accessible, and beautifully translucent gem. It’s a fluorescent mineral that has historically been used in decoration and jewelry-making. Flourite is also used to produce certain types of glass and is found worldwide.
- Crystal healers use orange fluorite to improve mental clarity, increase positivity, and enhance wisdom. This stone matches the zodiac signs Capricorn and Pisces.
19. Orange Jasper
- Orange jasper is a semiprecious gemstone that’s a member of the quartz family. Jaspers are generally opaque and have speckled color patterns. The name derives from a French term meaning “speckled stone.”
- When jasper fractures, it creates a smooth surface. Bruneau jasper is a reddish-brown and light-brown variety that was discovered in Idaho. Noreena Jasper, found in Australia, has red, orange, and yellow tones.
- Lastly, orange jasper is the March birthstone and is the zodiac stone for Virgo. These gemstones symbolize peace and steadfastness.
20. Sardonyx
- Sardonyx is a powerful stone. The ancient Greeks and Romans believed that if they wore this going into battle, they would have protection against their enemies. Consequently, it was associated with Ares, the god of war.
- Romans used to use sardonyx for their seals and symbolic rings. Why? Because wax does not adhere to sardonyx. During the Renaissance, speakers donned themselves in sardonyx to gain clarity of the mind.
- Harness this stone’s ability to provide protection, grant strength, and boost confidence by wearing it proudly. Were you born in August? If so, sardonyx is your birthstone!
21. Orange Kyanite
- Kyanite is typically blue but does exist in an orange variation. It’s used in the manufacturing of ceramics. Its surface shines brightly with a pearly sheen.
- The metaphysical benefits of this stone include assisting the wearer with lucid dreaming and psychic powers. Further, these orange stones help heal aching emotional pains.
22. Orange Jade
- You’ll see plenty of green jade traditionally used in Chinese culture, but what about its orange variation? Surprisingly, orange jade is rarer than green, and ancient people used it for decoration and holy rites.
- Eight thousand years ago, the ancient Chinese were mining jade. Locals considered it an imperial stone. Orange jade, in particular, is prized for its ability to heal the heartbroken soul and foster unconditional love.
23. Orange Diamond

- These are on the market as naturally colored by nitrogen or synthetically colored. Like any other diamond, orange diamonds demand exceptionally high prices from buyers. Therefore, investing in one of these is not for the faint of heart, but you won’t regret it.
- Most orange diamonds originate from South Africa or Australia. You may hear them referred to as “fire diamonds” or “pumpkin diamonds” due to their color. Additionally, these were discovered only a few short centuries ago and have been highly sought after since discovery.
- Besides being a status symbol, orange diamonds symbolize courage, zeal, and passion.
Pair Orange Crystals with Other Stones
To target sacral chakra healing, take any of the above crystals and pair them with another orange crystal to strengthen your intention. Also, you may notice many of the orange crystals in this list exist in shades of yellow, red, pink, or brown. Consequently, pairing any of these colors will strengthen the desired magical power of the foundational orange stone.
For example, if you have an interest in citrine, consider collecting a pale yellow piece alongside a brilliant red piece. So, be as creative in your color choices as you like, and the result will be exponential energy.
Generally, pairing orange gems with other sun-colored or fire-colored crystals is intentional toward the sacral chakra. Gather a blend of these sunset colors to support the lower chakras and strengthen your foundation.
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