Every culture and civilization has unique beliefs about the universe’s creation and regulation. Such set of religious and cultural beliefs is called mythology.
Norse or Nordic mythology revolves around Norse Gods and Goddesses of the Old Norse religion worshiped by Nordic-Germanic and Scandinavian people. Sit back tight and allow yourself to dive deep into the magnificence of Norse Mythology.
Creation of the World
Long before the beginning of time, the universe was a bottomless abyss, Ginnungagap, spanning across eternities. The fiery realm of Muspelheim and the frosty realm of Niflheim separated that endless and eternal abyss.
However, the universe was meant to be something more than just fire, air, ice, and an eternal void. The rise in power in both Muspelhhein and Niflheim eventually caused them to clash with each other.
The clash between ice and fire formed water, which gave rise to life. Life started from water droplets with the creation of a hermaphrodite giant, Ymir, the father of all giants. His arm grew into a male and a female, and his legs formed his six-headed son.
One of the first of the Æsir gods and the grandfather of Odin, Búri, was created from Ymir. However, Odin and his brothers eventually killed Ymir because of his evilness.
Clans of Gods
Norse Gods and Goddesses had two main clans: Æsir and Vanir. The main gods including Búri, Odin, Loki, Thor, Heimdall, and Tyr belong to the Æsir clan. On the other hand, the Vanir clan contained fertility gods.
These two clans had been at war for a long time. Æsir gods were warriors and used their bravery and brute force in battles. Whereas Vanir gods were more peaceful, linked to nature, and used their primordial magic in battles.
The war between Æsir and Vanir went on for a long time and eventually, both clans agreed to a truce which resulted in the unification of both clans. Asgard is the place of order where the gods live.
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The Norse Gods and Goddesses
Odin Allfather, the greatest of the Norse Gods, belonged to the Æsir clan. He was the ruler of Asgard, the fortified home of the Æsir gods. Odin is the god of war, poetry, and magic. He is known for his quest for knowledge and the sacrifices he made for it.
Odin sacrificed his eye, committed symbolic ritual suicide, and then hung himself in Yggdrasil, the tree of life. He stayed hanging for nine days and nine nights to quench his thirst for knowledge of the worlds and to understand the runes.
Yggdrasil is the tree of life supporting the universe. One of its roots is extended into Jötunhein, the realm of the giants; another into Niflheim, realm of frost and the underworld; and the third one into Asgard, home of the Æsir gods.
Frigg is Fjorgynn’s daughter and Odin’s wife. She is the goddess of motherhood and marriage. Frigg gave birth to Balder, Hoder, and Hermod. Frigg was the only goddess permitted to sit next to Odin as the Queen of Asgard.
Although she held high status among the gods, she was very vulnerable and protective as a mother. She took an oath from all the weapons, beasts, and poisons, that they will never harm her beloved son Balder. Ironically, things did not go as per the oath, and Loki, the god of mischief, killed Balder.
Balder is the son of Odin and Frigg. He is Frigg’s most beloved child. A child so beloved that Frigg took oath from all the elements of nature and warfare to never harm Balder. Balder was the god of wisdom, light, and courage.
Although immortal, Balder died at the hands of Loki’s deception. His death was the prophecy of Ragnarök, a series of catastrophic events that led to the end of everything.
Loki was the god of mischief who could shift his shape and appearance. He could turn into any living creature as per his will.
Loki is particularly responsible for deceitfully killing Balder. He placed a branch of mistletoe into Hoder’s hand and tricked him into throwing it at Balder, killing him. Hoder is a blind god and Odin and Frigg’s son.
Freya is one of the most renowned Norse goddesses. She is Njörd’s daughter and Freyr’s female counterpart and sister. Freya is the goddess of love, fertility, and beauty. She rode a pig with shiny golden bristles.
Freyr is the god of fertility, peace, rain, and sunshine. He is Njörd’s son and Freya’s male counterpart and brother. Freyr was a member of the Vanir clan but was later accepted in Æsir. The daughter of the giant Gymir, Gred, was his wife. Also, Freyr is widely popular for his enormously huge phallus.
Heimdall is arguably the shiniest of all gods. He is a son of Odin and responsible for guarding Bifrost (the rainbow bridge that connects Asgard; the realm of gods with Midgard; the realm of humans). Also, Heimdall is the god of foresight, always on guard for any intruders.
To sum up, the magnificence of Norse mythology will undoubtedly keep on intriguing people of all backgrounds and generations. Although many novels, books, and sagas have already been based on Norse mythology, you will see new interpretations of these ancient legends every day.
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