Overview of Virgin Mary
Born into a poor family in Nazareth, Galilee, the Virgin Mary was an obedient child who followed the Jewish religion faithfully. At 14, she was betrothed to Joseph, an older man who was also a carpenter. Before they could marry, she became pregnant with the son of God.
When Mary became pregnant, it horrified Joseph at first, but an angel appeared to him in a dream and told him not to be afraid to take Mary as his wife. The couple then moved from their hometown of Nazareth to Bethlehem, where Jesus was born.
During Jesus’s childhood and adolescence, very little is known about Mary’s life. However, she must have been a devoted mother because when Jesus began his ministry at 30, she accompanied him on many of his travels around Israel.
She was present at his crucifixion and burial, and after his resurrection, she appeared to him on several occasions. Little is known about Mary’s later years, either.
The Bible tells us that she continued to live in Jerusalem with the disciples after Jesus’ ascension into heaven and that she died sometime before AD 70 (the year Roman troops destroyed the city).
Jesus’ Conception
The angel Gabriel appeared to Mary and told her she would conceive and bear a son, even though she was a virgin. Gabriel explained that the Holy Spirit would come upon her and that the power of the Most High would overshadow her. In other words, God would cause Mary’s womb to conceive, even though she had never had sexual relations with a man.
This story raises several questions. First, why did God choose to have His Son born this way? Second, if Mary was a virgin, how could Joseph marry her without being accused of adultery? And third, why does the doctrine of the Virgin Birth matter?
There is only speculation why God chose this method of conception. Perhaps he wanted to emphasize his son’s divine nature by having him born miraculously, or maybe he wanted to protect his son from the corruption that comes through sexual intercourse. It isn’t known for sure, but it is known that God is sovereign, and he knows what is best.
Joseph was betrothed to Mary, but before they could marry, Mary became pregnant with Jesus. Joseph knew he was not the father, but he was a just man and did not want to publicly disgrace Mary by exposing her as an unmarried pregnant woman.
Joseph planned to divorce Mary quietly. An angel appeared to him in a dream and told him not to be afraid to take Mary as his wife because the Holy Spirit conceived the child she carried. So, Joseph took Mary as his wife and raised Jesus as his own son.
The doctrine of the Virgin Birth is important because it affirms both the deity and humanity of Christ.
If Jesus had been born like any other human being—if he had been conceived through sexual intercourse—then he would have been tainted by original sin just like everyone else. But because he was born of a virgin, he did not inherit original sin from his mother or father; instead, he remained sinless throughout his life.
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The Answer: How old was Virgin Mary when she had Jesus?
There is no definitive answer to Mary’s age when she had Jesus. However, many people believe she was a young girl. The Bible does not give a definite answer, but clues can help make an educated guess.
Mary was married to Joseph before they had Jesus. Jewish girls were usually married around the age of 13 or 14. Joseph was an older man—he is often referred to as being “an old man” in the Bible, making it known that Mary was likely younger than Joseph.
Another clue comes from Luke 2:41-52, which says that Jesus was 12 years old when he went missing for three days and then found in the temple talking with the teachers. This means that Mary must have had Jesus when she was around 15 years old, at the oldest.
Mary was probably between 13 and 15 years old when she had Jesus. Of course, this is just an educated guess, and there is no way of being certain of her exact age.
Why does Virgin Mary’s Story Matter?
For many Christians, the story of the Virgin Mary is a reminder that God is always present, even in difficult times. It also teaches hope, love, and forgiveness. The story can be interpreted differently, but one thing is for sure—it has had a lasting impact on billions of people worldwide.
The nativity story teaches hope—even in dark times, there is always light at the end of the tunnel.
It also teaches love—Joseph could have abandoned Mary when he found out she was pregnant, but he chose to love her and stand by her instead.
Finally, it teaches forgiveness—even though Mary made a mistake (or at least that is how it would have looked to people at the time), Joseph forgave her and took her as his wife.
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