Manifestation means to make something happen, but is manifestation a sin? The new-age community calls this concept “the law of attraction.” It refers to the idea that one’s mental state determines the quality of their existence.
According to this theory, there is an appealing magnetic pattern to the universe, and as thoughts are energy, they can attract other energies with comparable characteristics.
A number of different philosophies, including Hermeticism, New England transcendentalism, selected biblical passages, and Hinduism, inspire the practice of manifestation.
The Bible condemns manifestation, often known as the Law of Attraction because it spreads deadly heresies about God that run counter to the obvious revelation of Scripture. The doctrine promotes idolatry, egotism, and a materialistic obsession with the self. The manifestation is antichrist because it rejects the Christ figure.
Let’s take a more in-depth look at what manifestation is, how it is a sin and what we can do instead.
What Is Manifestation, The Law Of Attraction?
The concept of manifestation became widely known because of popular psychological books such as “The Secret” and “The Law of Attraction.”
The concepts discussed in texts such as these are typically what people have in mind when they refer to the concept of manifestation.
Unfortunately, this is the case because professionals in the field of psychology will tell you that these books are examples of pseudoscience.
Pseudoscience refers to anything that asserts to be scientific and factual but is not based on the scientific method.
Any scientific data do not support this method of manifestation. You should proceed with extreme caution if you utilize these methods.
The Law of Attraction is the ability to draw to oneself that which one focuses on.
It posits that the way you think directly correlates to the results you experience in life.
In the New Age community, the belief in the Law of Attraction is considered pseudoscience.
Is Manifestation A Sin?
So, is manifestation a sin? Some people believe that manifestation is not a sin because it is typically used with good intentions to acquire things that are not harmful to the practitioner, such as a good job, financial success, passing an exam, etc.
Many people believe that all they have to do is wish for something that would magically appear in their lives, but the truth is that both manifestation and hard work are necessary to achieve any goal.
In contrast, the practice of manifestation is sometimes stigmatized since it is associated with the controversial spiritual movement known as “The Law of Attraction,” which closely ties to the sinful practices of witchcraft, sorcery, and divination.
It’s essential to be careful when manifesting because it might easily backfire.
Likewise, it is sinful to bring about for other people circumstances that put them at grave risk or put them in harm’s way.
Conjuring up something that you know will cause harm to others is also a sin. Intentionally harming another person is always wrong.
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The Bible and Manifestation
Manifesting goes against the Bible in numerous ways. One scriptural objection to manifestation is the deity worship it encourages.
You are relying on your resources to achieve your goals rather than praying to God and trusting His abilities to aid you.
Rather than putting your faith in God, manifestation encourages you to put your confidence in man.
The Faith
According to the Bible, we should put our faith in God rather than ourselves. When we trust in God, He will guide our path and give us direction.
Proverbs 3:5
When a person is in the process of manifesting, they tend to want to influence the course of events to make it such that they get what they want.
Because it relies on enchantment, most people consider manifestation a form of sorcery. Magic is any practice in which a person uses rituals to coerce the world to give them what they want.
Witchcraft and Magic
God tells us in the Bible not to participate in witchcraft, sorcery, or magic. Satan and the demons he commands are intimately linked to the practice of witchcraft.
Deuteronomy 18:10
Manifestation cannot save you. The only way to have peace of mind, salvation, and eternal life is to have confidence in Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection.
Putting your hope in your ability to create what you want will lead to frustration, false hopes, and ultimately separation from God. God does not want His children to experience manifestation.
“Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.”
Psalm 27:14
This verse emphasizes the value of patiently waiting on God.
It is a sin to work against God by forcing prayers to be answered quickly. Praying more fervently or trying to make it happen through manifestation won’t speed up the process.
Your prayers will be answered when they are supposed to be since God always does what is best.
God may not answer your prayers simply because you practice manifestation. When our prayers are in harmony with God’s will, rather than our own, He grants our requests.
As an alternative to the principles of manifestation, Christians should spend more time in prayer and take other active steps toward their goals.
What Can You Do Instead?
And so, what do we do when we wish to fix our sights on a specific goal? Right now, we can take action that aligns with the Bible.
Pray and put faith in God
Put your faith in God and pray for His assistance in achieving your goal. Pray for the ability to discern God’s will and the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Believe in God’s wills
Let’s not get so caught up in what we want that we completely miss what God wants. Pray confidently, knowing God is on your side and will do what is best for you.
Where do positive affirmations vary from manifestation? Using biblical affirmations means expressing the truth of God’s words over your life and goals.
You’re sharing your dreams with God and asking for His guidance rather than following your whims.
Do Your Work
Take responsibility for your actions. Make the changes you know you need to if you want to increase your financial well-being through prayer.
Going back to school, picking up a new skill, or searching for a higher-paying career are all options.
Once we’ve presented our desire to God and sought His direction, we should actively pursue our goal.
You should schedule enough prayer time with God if you wish to avoid Manifestation and the Law of Attraction. You should ask God to help you accept and follow His will in your life, and all will become well.
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