The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity in Christianity. He is considered the “gift” of God to humanity and helps His people on their path to salvation.
The Holy Spirit is also a key figure in Pentecostalism and Charismatic Christianity, where he empowers believers for miraculous healing and other supernatural events.
The Holy Spirit is God
God, Himself, is the Holy Spirit. When you invite Christ into your life as Savior, the Holy Spirit moves in and makes His home within you. The only way to know Christ is if the Holy Spirit draws you near Him.
Part of the job of the Holy Spirit is convicting you when you sin and convincing you to turn away from that path back toward God.
Asking for forgiveness is what changes everything β at that moment, you become children of God and new creatures with joy and peace. This is because Jesus gave up His life so that you could have greater abundance here on Earth.
“Thieves come only to steal, kill, and destroy. I have come so that my followers may have life in all its fullness.”
John 10:10
The presence of the Holy Spirit abides within you
Jesus promised He would send the Holy Spirit to live inside His people after He had died and risen again.
“I will ask the Father to give you another Helper, who will stay with you forever. The world cannot see or know Him, but He is with you, and He lives in you!”
John 14:16 -17
Before Jesus ascended to Heaven, He knew that the Holy Spirit would enter His people, and they would become temples of God.
“How could you not know that your body is the temple of God and that His spirit lives within you?”
1 Corinthians 6:19-20
The Role of the Holy Spirit in your Life
The Holy Spirit is constantly by your side and plays a critical role in your life. Through Him, you can get to know Jesus on a deeper level. He also points out when you make mistakes and guides you towards becoming a better person overall.
God wants the Holy Spirit to bring more power into your life than you could have ever imagined. You can turn to Him anytime you need assistance, and he will graciously answer your prayers.
Additionally, the gifts He bestows upon you β such as preaching ability or skill in teaching or prophecy β enable you to glorify God in unique ways.
“The Holy Spirit will empower you to be my witnesses, telling others about me in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the farthest corners of the Earth”.
Acts 1:8
Christians can confidently speak about their faith because they receive power from the Holy Spirit.
For example, two months after Peter denied Jesus three times, He received the Holy Spirit and spoke in front of a large crowd about his faith. Because of this proclamation, over 3,000 people developed a personal relationship with Christ.
“Not only does God want to show the world their sin, but He also wants to give His people spiritual gifts“.
These presentiments include miracle healing, wisdom, prophecy, speaking tongues, and discernment. Even though they took place over two centuries ago, they are still possible today! Through many people’s experiences and testimonies, the world has seen them happen.
They always bless the individual recipient of their gift while glorifying God at the same time.
The Work Of The Holy Spirit
The work of the Holy Spirit is to help become more like Jesus Christ. He convicts you of your sins, enables you to forgive others, and gives you spiritual gifts. He also allows you to proclaim your faith boldly.
The Holy Spirit desires you to have a relationship with Him and live in His power. When you do this, you are fulfilling God’s purpose for your lives.
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The Holy Spirit Is Often Misunderstood
Misunderstanding: The King James Bible translation of 1 John 5:7-8 says that the holy spirit is just as much of a personage as any other part of the Trinity.
Truth: Upon further examination by researchers, it has been determined that the words “in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one. And there are three that bear witness in earth” were not initially written by apostle John and did not belong in The Bible.
“It is certain that these words are spurious and have no right to stand in ππ©π¦ New Testament.”
Professor Bruce M. Metzger
Misunderstanding: When the Bible describes the Holy Spirit with human characteristics, this shows that it is a person.
TRUTH: The Bible uses personification when referring to the holy spirit, but this does not mean that divine nature is a person. The Bible also employs this writing technique when referencing wisdom, death, and sin.
For instance, knowledge has “works” and “children,” while sin is described as seducing, killing, and feeding covetousness.
The apostle John quoted Jesus saying that the holy spirit is a “helper.” This helper would give evidence, guide, speak, hear, declare, glorify and receive. He used masculine personal pronouns such as “he” or “him” when referring to this helper.
The Holy Spirit is the gift of God to Christians. He helps Christians draw closer to God by revealing and glorifying Jesus in their lives.
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