Many people believe essential oils are much more than deliciously-scented substances. Undeniably, essential oils have boomed in popularity in recent years. But what is so special about them, and how can they be used in spiritual practice?
Essential oils for chakras may support balance in your body’s energy centers. As a result, you may experience physical, emotional, and spiritual benefits such as relaxation, clarity, mental strength, and peace.
But does science back up this practice? How do essential oils work for each specific chakra? You’ll learn the answers to these questions and much more in the article below.
How Essential Oils For Chakras Work
Understanding the chakras is necessary before learning how essential oils affect them. Chakras are based around vital organs, and they help your body and mind to function effectively. There are seven main chakras, starting from the tailbone and ending at the top of the head.
- Root
- Sacral
- Solar Plexus
- Heart
- Throat
- Third Eye
- Crown
The word chakra means “wheel,” and each chakra connects to a specific energy point in your body. These energy disks affect the well-being of the region they’re connected to. Over three thousand years ago, authors of the sacred Vedas texts wrote about the chakras.
If you’ve been feeling off, physically uncomfortable, or mentally unstable, you may have an issue with your chakras. In that case, you must work on unblocking your chakras. Using essential oils is an excellent way to unblock, balance, and align your chakras.
Essential oils benefit specific chakras by channeling the energy toward specific physical or mental health areas. For instance, the earthy essential oil patchouli accesses the root chakra by grounding and calming the mind. You’ll want to select the essential oil for chakral healing based on your symptoms.
Science of Essential Oils For Chakras
Unquestionably, more scientific research is necessary to discover more about the effects of essential oils on chakras. However, some studies have been conducted on this topic or related topics.
One 2013 study in Taiwan examined the effects of essential oils designed specifically for the heart chakra. The study measured changes in diastolic pressure (blood pressure between heartbeats) after massage and aromatherapy. The results positively affected the autonomic nervous systems and diastolic pressure readings.
Another study from 2012 used a control group to demonstrate that lavender positively affected people with migraine headaches. The group of people that smelled lavender reported statistically significant reductions in their headaches compared to the placebo group. Some believe that headaches correlate with imbalances in the crown or third-eye chakras, which may show evidence of essential oil’s effect on chakras.
Many people are happy with their essential oil practices despite the lack of scientific research. If you feel they may support your spiritual journey, it’s a relatively risk-free way to open the door to something new. Remember, your spiritual practice isn’t reliant on the research and opinions of others.
Safety and Disclaimers of Essential Oils For Chakras
Before using essential oils in any way, you should take time to understand what they are and how to use them properly. Essential oils are highly concentrated. Safety issues are possible if you use these the wrong way.
Notably, the Food and Drug Administration doesn’t monitor essential oils. Ensure any essential oils you buy are from a reputable brand. If possible, consult multiple sources, including professional aromatherapists, before buying.
Never use undiluted essential oils on your skin. You should dilute essential oils in a carrier oil. If applying an oil mixture to your skin, do a spot test first in case you have an unknown allergy to the oil.
You should not ingest essential oils. Keep them away from your mouth, nose, eyes, and ears. Generally, keep them away from children.
Over time, essential oils oxidize. As a result, they may become more potent and cause sensitivity or irritation. So, it’s best to throw out expired essential oils.
Keep all these things in mind when using essential oils. Overall, they’re harmless and safe when you use them properly.

Essential Oils For Chakras: Guide to Each Chakra
The most important thing is understanding how each essential oil or oil blend works for each chakra. Each chakra requires a different type of essential oil. The oils interact with chakras in unique ways.
The root chakra is located at the bottom of the tailbone. Its energy comes from the earth, and a strong root chakra helps you stay grounded. Plus, it helps you live in harmony and keep a sense of security.
Also, the root chakra connects to your sexuality and instincts. If your root chakra is off-balance, you may feel lost, depressed, and discouraged. You may feel a sense of abandonment and fear of the future.
The essential oils below are the main oils that help protect and balance your root chakra. These scents are earthy and woodsy. They’ll help you focus on stability and intuition.
Patchouli’s uses go back to the people of ancient India. This grounding oil improves your connection with the divine and helps you focus on spirituality.
Myrrh is a dry resin from a specific kind of desert tree. It’s known as a healing and transformative essential oil.
Spikenard helps you open your heart, feel grateful, and restore inner balance.
Nutmeg is commonly used in witchcraft and magical rituals. It promotes spiritual connection as well as psychic ability.
Cedarwood calms the mind and soul. This scent is profoundly relaxing and fosters self-confidence and assurance.
What a spicy, woodsy smell! Frankincense smells delicious and helps cleanse your physical environment and calm your mind.
The sacral chakra is in your lower abdomen by the navel. This chakra connects with your creativity, self-confidence, and passion. It’s where you feel that “flow” state while working on a passion project or conversing with someone you love.
If your sacral chakra is out of balance, you may feel a lack of interest in things you usually enjoy. You might feel irritable, especially toward someone you love. You may feel distracted, frustrated, and impatient.
Sage is generally used for enhancing your spiritual awareness and gaining mental clarity. Also, it can help cleanse your environment and ward away negative energy.
Cinnamon Bark
Cinnamon originated in Sri Lanka and Myanmar. It helps with spiritual protection and can help you heal your relationships.
Ylang Ylang
Ylang-ylang helps foster peace and harmony. It combines masculine and feminine energy and is an aphrodisiac.
Indian sandalwood is a symbol of the divine. In the Buddhist tradition, it’s a powerful healer. Sandalwood also helps with the root chakra.
Jasmine has dainty white flowers and exudes a deliciously strong flowery scent that nourishes the mind and soul. This romantic scent helps restore passion and creativity in your life.
Rosewood is a popular skincare and facial treatment that calms and soothes the skin. Spiritually, people use it to clear negative energy and feel more compassionate.
Oranges symbolize love and happiness. Its aroma has an uplifting, motivating effect and prompts creativity.
Solar Plexus
Your solar plexus chakra is in the center of your core. It runs up from just above your navel to the center of your sternum. The solar plexus chakra keeps you in tune with your identity and provides willpower and self-esteem.
If the solar plexus chakra is off-balance, you may feel shameful or disheartened. You might feel like you don’t know who you are or where you belong. You may also feel worthless or hopeless.
Therefore, balancing the solar plexus chakra is essential to keep moving forward. The solar plexus chakra has the power to help you overcome fear and make better decisions. Below are the essential oils for the solar plexus chakra.
Black Pepper
Humans began using black pepper as far back as 5,000 years ago. It’s a refreshing spice that wards off negative energy.
Eucalyptus has powerful healing and cleansing properties. It helps stabilize your sense of self and promotes inner peace.
Vetiver has a calming and nourishing effect on the mind and body. Humans have used this essential oil for thousands of years, and many use it during prayer and meditation.
As an essential oil, grapefruit may help the solar plexus, heart, and third eye chakras. It promotes intelligence, harmony, and creativity.
Helichrysum helps heal and strengthen wounded, tired souls. Also called immortelle, this fragrance helps release emotional trauma.
Lemon is another invigorating scent that sparks passion and motivation. It helps you find focus and clarity.
In traditional religions, spikenard has been used as anointing oil. It induces a meditative state and helps you find inner peace.
Bergamot may help reduce feelings of shame and grief when used in your meditative practice.
Ginger Root
Ginger essential oil helps you find yourself. It helps you explore the depths of your soul and feel united with your spiritual side.
Rosemary cleanses your aura and helps release you from mental fog. It helps deter fatigue and prompts willpower.
The heart chakra is in the center of your chest. It’s your main energy source for love and desire. The heart chakra empowers you to feel passion, empathy, connection, and respect.
When your heart chakra is balanced, you’ll be able to strengthen your interpersonal connections and boost your self-love. If your heart chakra falls out of balance, you may have negative thoughts and feelings toward yourself and your partner or loved ones. You may feel distant, unaccepted, and bored.
Neroli is a fragrance of love. Its romantic scents help you feel passion and connection to your loved ones.
Rose essential oil has a romantic, feminine, and erotic scent. It represents beauty and rejuvenates stale love.
Pine is a strong, woody smell that represents fertility, resilience, and endurance. If your heart is numb, pine will help it open to feelings of warmth and joy.
Geraniums are a popular decorative flower and come in hundreds of species. This lovely scent is balancing, relaxing, and stimulating.
In aromatherapy, eucalyptus is one of the most popular essential oils. It’s excellent for cooling down heated emotions.
Chamomile has a calming influence on the mind and spirit. Its warm fragrance helps you see past difficulties and find the best in your loved ones.
The throat chakra runs from the base to the top of your neck and across the tops of your shoulders. It connects with the sacral chakra and enables you to share your authentic self with the world. It’s tied to communication and openness.
When in balance, the throat chakra helps you share your heart and be vulnerable with others. If it’s imbalanced, you may feel stuck and timid. You may feel like you’re fighting your battles alone and living with too many secrets.
The essential oils below may help you strengthen your throat chakra and restore your authentic voice.
Cypress is a guardian of secrets and mysteries. It promotes wisdom, clear thoughts, and deliberate speech.
Peppermint boosts your energy and helps your mind and tongue stay sharp.
Tea Tree
This earthy essential oil helps with confidence and belief.
Lemon’s zesty fragrance helps you listen so you can respond accordingly.
Jasmine is an enchanting and shameless fragrance. Its bold, flowery scent helps you restore your energy and pulse with feminine power.
Spearmint is relaxing and therapeutic. Its bold scent helps soothe and clear your mind.
In Asia, cloves are called the “Flowers of the Gods”. In spells, they’re used to enchant and excite tired souls.
Vanilla softens your heart and promotes clear and gentle communication.
Chamomile has a calming, tranquil effect on your mood. It can deter you from lashing out unnecessarily.
Sage can cleanse your aura and help you focus on what needs to be said.
Third Eye
The third eye chakra is located between your eyebrows. This chakra is vital as it links your mind to the outside world. It affects how you view the world.
The third eye chakra is powerful because it helps you receive wisdom and stay in tune with your divine path. It helps you understand, love, and respect yourself. Signs that your third eye is open include focusing properly, thinking clearly, and receiving wisdom unreservedly.
When out of balance, the weakened third eye chakra will cause you to feel disconnected from the world or experience distorted self-perceptions. You may become barred from receiving or understanding wisdom or advice that’s shared with you. You fall into a state of materialism and shallowness.
Lavender, when used during meditation, can help you fall into a deep trance. Lavendar’s calming scent helps you relax and unwind.
Ylang Ylang
This powerful essential oil comes from a tree native to the Phillippines. It helps deter fear and strengthen your self-confidence.
Chamomile is another calming essential oil you can use during meditation to see more clearly with your third eye. It can help you focus on finding your divine path.
In spiritual practice, sandalwood is an excellent oil for invigorating your spiritual senses and balancing your emotions. It may help you center and purify your mind.
This stimulating essential oil helps circulate blood throughout your body and your head, prompting concentration. It’s a highly protective and purifying oil.
This resinous essential oil is a sacred herb in many traditions. Its earthy, sweet scent helps you direct your mind to visualize your path.
The crown chakra is on the top of your head. It holds your consciousness and grows your spiritual connection with the universe. It allows you to see events and people with a new perspective and to appreciate beauty.
The crown chakra’s symbol is the lotus flower. When this chakra awakens, universal energy will flow into and out of you. Your spirit, mind, and body will be in tune.
You may be aloof, stubborn, and entitled if this divine chakra is closed off. Also, you may feel dissociative and ungrounded. Cynicism, apathy, confusion, and materialism are all signs of a blocked crown chakra.
Sandalwood’s refreshing and earthy scent help sync your crown chakra with your root chakra and the universe around you.
Cedarwood oil has purification properties and symbolizes eternal life. It helps you gain divine wisdom and find mental clarity.
In aromatherapy, basil helps refresh a tired mind. It may increase your cognition and your spiritual powers.
Rose essential oil represents love and beauty. It helps your mind and heart connect and aligns your thoughts with your divine path.
Rosewood comes from an Amazonian tree that has been considered sacred by native people. Ho-wood essential oil is the replacement for this rare blend. It releases negative emotions and clears foggy minds.
Blends of Essential Oils For Chakras
With so many essential oils to choose from, where should you start? Are there essential oil mixes that can help multiple chakras? How do you blend essential oils?
It’s time to learn the answers to all these questions and discover a few key essential oil blends for your chakras. You can combine essential oils to target one chakra or many. It’s best to start by focusing on the chakras that you feel are blocked so you can begin to heal.
Mix equal parts of each oil in these blends (the recommended amount is five drops each). Mix them with a carrier oil to dilute these highly concentrated essential oils. You can diffuse these mixes or cautiously apply them to the area of the body associated with the chakra.
Crown Chakra Blend
- Rosewood
- Frankincense
- Sandalwood
- White Lotus
- Chamomile
- Neroli
- Rose
- Geranium
- Orange
This restorative essential oil blend targets your crown chakra and helps you feel uplifted and more in tune with your consciousness. The orange, rosewood, and sandalwood stimulate the mind and help you focus on your connection with the universe. Meanwhile, the chamomile, white lotus, and geranium establish clarity and peace.
Root Chakra Blend

- Vetiver
- Myrrh
- Frankincense
- Grapefruit
- Pine
This root chakra blend focuses on essential oils that help you feel steady and secure. They may help open the protective root chakra energy flow that will bring you peace of mind. You should feel more grounded and safer using this blend.
Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakra Blend
- Sandalwood
- Clary Sage
- Cardamom
- Cinnamon Bark
- Jasmine
- Black Pepper
- Ginger Root
The sacral and solar plexus chakra blend has essential oils that help unlock creativity and restore passion. If you feel emotionally drained, this blend may help you feel refreshed and motivated to get back on your feet. It’ll boost your creative powers and help you balance your emotions.
Heart and Throat Chakra Blend
- Geranium
- Cypress
- Copaiba
- Rosemary
- Lime
- Spearmint
- Rose
The heart and throat chakra blend helps you feel strong in your sense of self and your place in the world. It stabilizes your self-perception while allowing you to connect more deeply with others. When your heart and throat chakras are balanced, it will positively affect your progress with self-love and respect for others.
Third Eye and Crown Chakra Blend
- Rosewood
- Frankincense
- Sandalwood
- Lavender
- Clary Sage
- Pine
This third eye and crown chakra blend restores your serenity, helps you connect to the universe, and raises your spiritual awareness. It also builds self-trust, leading to higher levels of optimism and intuition. The calm awareness you’ll experience will help you to reflect on your mistakes and successes to gain valuable insight.
In summary, when your chakras are blocked, you may experience many negative physical, emotional, or spiritual symptoms. Although scientific research on essential oils for chakras isn’t definitive, many enjoy using oils to help heal and balance their energy flow. So, give essential oils a try and open your divine chakras to restore your joy, peace, and spiritual well-being.
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