Who is a Disciple?
The term “disciple” originates from the Koine Greek word “mathētḗs” (μαθητής), meaning a learner who follows another. In Latin, it comes from “discipulus,” meaning “student.” In New Testament, it refers to all believers and followers of Jesus.
Who is an Apostle?
The term “Apostle” originates from the Greek “Apostolos,” meaning “person sent.” It means the person sent on any mission” any of the 12 disciples chosen by Jesus Christ. So, every apostle was a disciple, but every disciple wasn’t an apostle.
Characteristics of a disciple
A disciple believes in the Holy Jesus. One who is ensured of his redemption and follows all the commands of the Holy Jesus to preach His instructions to people. He sacrifices his father, mother, brother, wife, children, and everything for his Holy Lord.
A disciple is like a laborer as he disseminates the obligation of illiterate, lost souls of people to take them back on the right path to salvation.
(Matthew 9:37-38)
Jesus said, “The harvest indeed is plenteous, but the laborers are few. Pray ye, therefore, the Lord of the harvest, that he sends forth laborers into his harvest.”
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Characteristics of an Apostle
An apostle is a person who conducts and preaches the instructions of his creator. His teachings direct the foundation for firm belief, faith, and ultimate salvation. He is like a shepherd who cares about deviant, weird, and disobeying people like sheep.
Lord Jesus compared people to sheep as they don’t know the right way to get ultimate salvation and success in their lives and become disoriented. They become scared, just like sheep that don’t get rid of predators in the jungle.
People are helpless, like sheep in a herd to find their rightful destiny. The Shepherd guides them to reach their destiny in any of the circumstances. He directs, feeds, facilitates, and shelters them.
An Apostle is like a leader who is an ideal example for people in every aspect of life. He trains people to follow the teachings of the Lord Jesus, who is the messenger of God. He encourages and inspires them to spend their lives according to God’s commands.
Foundations of the walls of the New Jerusalem
There was a huge number of disciples, but they did not become apostles. Only twelve disciples who became apostles are seen in the foundations of the walls of the New Jerusalem. They had a special task in the founding of the church. (Revelation 21:14)
There are no apostles alive in this world today. Some Christian groups still use the word apostle for missionary or entrepreneurial leader in a general way. But these people do not meet the same qualifications as the twelve apostles in the Bible.
No specific qualifications are required to become a disciple, but being an apostle requires the person to have spent a period with Christ during His ministry. He must have personally witnessed Jesus after His resurrection and be authorized by the Holy Spirit to perform miracles or signs.
The people who believe in Jesus as their Savior are disciples of Jesus. They spread Jesus’ message all over the world. Only twelve were chosen as apostles and given authority to perform special tasks and share the revelations as in the New Testament.
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