When did dinosaurs come to exist?
The Bible doesn’t specifically reference when dinosaurs came into existence or even when they became extinct. From the biblical perspective, God created all things, of course, including the dinosaurs.
Further, Genesis (1:21) states that God created the sea creatures or the “monsters.” God also created all wild and creeping animals of the earth (Genesis 1:25). This precisely justifies that dinosaurs were among the many creatures God created.
So, what is a dinosaur?
The word dinosaur can be traced back to the mid-19th century. The word dinosaurs is a joint of two Greek words; “Deimos,” meaning “terrible,” and “Sauro’s,” meaning “lizard.” Therefore, a dinosaur can be referred to as a “terrible lizard.”
The word dinosaur is never actually mentioned in the bible. However, many creatures mentioned in the bible meet the above description of a dinosaur.
What creatures can be referred to as Dinosaurs in the bible?
The bible describes several dinosaur-like creatures. Such creatures include “leviathan,” “serpent,” “dragon, “monster,” and “Behemoth” (Ezekiel 29:3, Job 3:8 & 40:15-24; Isaiah 27:1).
For instance, the word “dragon” has been used 34times in king James’ Bible. “Leviathan,” as well, has been used six times (Psalm 104:260-27& Isaiah 26:21 & 27:1-2).
In the same vein, “behemoth,” another dinosaur-like creature with a tail like a cedar, has been mentioned severally. All these descriptions justify that the bible is addressing a dinosaur.
When did God create dinosaurs?
The bible clearly states that God created dinosaurs on the sixth day of His creation when He also created man.
“Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: the livestock, the creatures that move along the ground, and the wild animals, each according to its kind… And it was so.”
Genesis 1:24
Besides, the fact that dinosaurs and men were created on the same day clearly indicates that they both lived together on the earth (Genesis 1:26-27). In fact, the bible clarifies that dinosaurs were first herbivorous (Genesis 1:29). This makes it crystal clear that the bible has a clear evidence on the time God created the dinosaurs.
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Why Did Dinosaurs Disappear?
Many may believe the lie from evolutionists and scientific theories about the disappearance of these incredible animals. However, the bible gives more reliable and justifiable information on dinosaurs’ extinction.
For instance, evolution theories argue that dinosaurs went extinct due to a sudden catastrophe. It further adds that the few lefts evolved into birds; this is a sweet lie.
Revelation (4:11) states that God created everything to fulfill His will. Therefore, it is true to say that dinosaurs fulfilled the Lord’s will, at the end of which He allowed them to disappear.
When Did Dinosaurs Disappear?
After Adam and Eve sinned, God allowed death on the face of the earth. “Wherefore, as by one man sin death entered into the world, and so, death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned.” (Rom 5:12).
Therefore, dinosaurs began to die also after man sinned. This is a clear biblical justification of the time when dinosaurs began to vanish from the face of the earth.
The evolution argument that “dinosaurs died off long before humans came into the scene” is simply a myth and a total lie. Thus, the bible has more reliable evidence on dinosaur-related facts as opposed to evolution theories, which give baseless arguments.
That said, the bible is the main reference book for dinosaur-related stories and facts; all the other arguments are mere exaggerated lies. All facts on anything God created is well evidenced in the bible. Thus, any serious Christian should always base all their arguments on the biblical evidence.
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