August 4 Zodiac: Birthday, Personality, & More (Full Guide)

If you were born on August 4, then you have the horoscope of Leo. However, few people know what being born on August 4 actually entails. Keep reading to learn more about what being born on August 4 means.

August 4 Zodiac Personality

August 4 Zodiac
August 4 Zodiac

August 4 Positive Personality Traits

  1. Generous
  2. Loyal
  3. Optimistic
  4. Honest
  5. Ambitious

August 4 Negative Personality Traits

  1. Dominating
  2. Stubborn
  3. Arrogant
  4. Inflexible
  5. Jealous

Because you were born on August 4 under the Leo sign, you have certain traits that make up your personality. Keep reading to learn more.

You are known for being confident and outgoing. You enjoy being in the spotlight and thrive when you’re able to express yourself creatively.

You are also loyal friends and family members. You’re generous with your time and energy, and you always try to make those around you feel comfortable and supported.

However, you can also be prideful and stubborn. You can be overly confident to the point of arrogance, and you sometimes have difficulty admitting when you’re wrong. You can also be quite dramatic, especially when they don’t get their way.

For people who know you, they know you are full of life and always up for a good time. You are a natural leader, so you often take charge in social situations.

You are also a natural entertainer who always knows how to keep a party going. Even though you might not always show it, you are a sensitive soul who just want to be loved and appreciated.

August 4 Zodiac Facts

  1. Barack Obama has the same birthday
  2. The month of August is considered a lucky month to be born in.
  3. The astrological symbol for Leo is the lion, which represents strength, courage, and nobility.
  4. The birth flower for Leo is the sunflower, which signifies admiration, loyalty and joy.
  5. The most popular baby names for those born in August are Sarah, Emily and Emma.

August 4 in history…

  1. 1914 – Britain declared war on Germany. The U.S. proclaimed its neutrality.
  2. 1944 – Nazi police raided a house in Amsterdam and arrested eight people. Anne Frank, a teenager at the time, was one of the people arrested. Her diary would be published after her death.
  3. 1957 – Florence Chadwick set a world record by swimming The English Channel in 6 hours and 7 minutes.
  4. 1958 – Billboard Magazine introduced its “Hot 100” chart, which was part popularity and a barometer of the movement of potential hits. The first number one song was Ricky Nelson’s “Poor Little Fool.”
  5. 1971 – US launches 1st satellite into lunar orbit from manned spacecraft
  6. 1977 – U.S. President Carter signed the measure that established the Department of Energy.
  7. 1987 – The Fairness Doctrine was rescinded by the Federal Communications Commission. The doctrine had required that radio and TV stations present controversial issues in a balanced fashion.
  8. 1988 – Congress votes $20,000 to each Japanese-American interned in WW II
  9. 1990 – The European Community imposed an embargo on oil from Iraq and Kuwait. They did this to protest the Iraqi invasion of the oil-rich Kuwait.
  10. 1991 – The Oceanos, a Greek luxury liner, sank off of South Africa’s southeast coast. All 402 passengers and 179 crewmembers survived.
  11. 1997 – Teamsters began a 15-day strike against UPS. The strikers eventually won an increase in full-time positions and defeated a proposed reorganization of the company’s pension plan.
  12. 2007 – NASA’s Phoenix spacecraft was launched on a space exploration mission of Mars. The Phoenix lander descended on Mars on May 25, 2008.

Signs & Symbol of August 4

Number:1, 10, 19, 18
ColorOrange, Red, Gold
Birth Stone:Ruby
Ruling Planet:Sun
FlowerGladiolus & Poppy
StrengthsGenerous, Optimistic, Leadership, Ambitious
WeaknessesStubborn, Inflexible, Jealous
Zodiac StonePeridot
Zodiac SymbolLion
Lucky ColorBlue
Signs and Symbols of August 4

August 4 Zodiac Compatibility

Reasons to be friends with an August 4 Birthdate
Reasons to be friends with an August 4 Birthdate

In finding a compatible partner, you are drawn to other fire signs, like Aries and Sagittarius. These signs share your passion and energy, which can make for an exciting and dynamic relationship.

You are also attracted to air signs like Gemini and Aquarius, which can complement your fiery nature. While there may be some challenges in these relationships, the rewards can be great.

You are also compatible with fellow earth signs like Taurus and Virgo. These signs are more grounding and can provide stability in a relationship. While they may not be as exciting as some of the other signs, they can provide a strong foundation for a lasting partnership.

Anyone can have a successful relationship with you. The key is to find someone who shares your values and who you can communicate well with. Doing that will make anything possible.


August 4 Holidays

National Friendship Day

Joyce Hall, the founder of Hallmark Cards, created this holiday in 1935 to promote friendship. To celebrate, do something for your friends, whether it’s getting them a gift or sending them a card.

U.S. Coast Guard Birthday

An act of Congress established the Coast Guard on August 4, 1790. The Coast Guard handles maritime safety, security, and stewardship. To celebrate, write a letter to someone in the Coast Guard, thanking them for their service.

International Beer Day

Jesse Avshalomov created this holiday in 2007. It is a day to celebrate beer and the brewers who make it. To celebrate, go to a brewery, drink beer at home, or even attempt to make your own beer.

USAF Birthday

The United States Air Force was established on August 4, 1947, when it split from the Army Air Force. The Air Force handles the defense of the United States airspace and virtues all around the world. To celebrate, write a letter to someone in the Air Force, thanking them for their service.

August 4 Advice

  1. Don’t be afraid to dream big – there’s no need to be realistic all the time. Sometimes, it’s good to let your imagination run wild.
  2. Be confident–August 4th is Leo season, so you should let your inner lion roar and approach life with confidence. It’ll make achieving goals easier.
  3. Keep a positive attitude—No matter what comes, always try to maintain a positive outlook. That’s how people get through tough times and get stronger because of it.
  4. Be patient—Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither will people who try to dominate the world. Take things one step at a time, and don’t get discouraged if things don’t happen overnight.
  5. Be resilient—Again, tough times will come (it’s just a fact of life), but it’s how people deal with them that counts. Don’t give up when things get tough–instead, use it as motivation to push even harder.


Being born on August 4th makes for a very special kind of person. You are a passionate, confident, and loyal individual. Anyone lucky enough to know you knows they’ve got a keeper.