August 31 Zodiac: Birthday, Personality, & More (Full Guide)
August 31 Zodiac
August 31 Zodiac

If you were born on August 31, then you have the horoscope of Virgo. August 31 might be the most special day of the year for you, but most don’t understand what it means to have that birthday.

Keep reading to learn more about what being born on August 31 means.

August 31 Zodiac Personality

6 Things an August 31 Birthday Should Know About Their Personality
6 Things an August 31 Birthday Should Know About Their Personality

August 31 Positive Personality Traits

  1. Hardworking
  2. Helpful
  3. Patient
  4. Analytical
  5. Intelligent
  6. Honest
  7. Observant
  8. Organized

August 31 Negative Personality Traits

  1. Stubborn
  2. Judgmental
  3. Overthinking
  4. Critical
  5. Fussy
  6. Conservative
  7. Uptight
  8. Ruminative

What can the personality of a baby tell us about its future? Their date of birth can be the most helpful way to gain insight as to what someone’s future might look like.

If you were born on August 31st, then you are a natural leader. You are confident and have no problem taking charge of a situation. You are also very independent and like to do things your own way.

You can be strong-willed and stubborn at times, but you are also very intelligent and resourceful. You are usually successful in whatever you put your mind to.

You are very outgoing and sociable. You enjoy being around people and usually have no problem making friends.

You are also very spontaneous and enjoy trying new things. However, you can also be impulsive and reckless at times.

You are a hard worker with a great sense of humor. You are always up for a good time, but you know how to buckle down when it’s time to get things done. You are also great at problem-solving and usually have all the answers.

You are also a creative person and have an active imagination. You often excel in art or music, and you also may also enjoy writing or acting. Your creative mind can sometimes get you into trouble, as you may daydream or act out instead of paying attention to what’s going on around them.

Overall, you are a confident, independent, and intelligent person with an active imagination who enjoys being around others. No matter what life throws your way, you will always succeed.

August 31 in history…

  1. 1881 – The first tennis championships in the U.S. were played.
  2. 1886 – 1st major earthquake recorded in eastern US, at Charleston, South Carolina, 110 die
  3. 1887 – Thomas Edison patented the kinetoscope. The device was used to produce moving pictures.
  4. 1889 – Second International Electrical Congress adopts the joule as a unit of energy (after James Prescott Joule), the watt as a unit of power (after James Watt) and the quadrant as a unit of electrical inductance (later renamed henry)
  5. 1920 – The first news program to be broadcast on the radio was aired. The station was 8MK in Detroit, MI.
  6. 1964 – California officially became the most populated state in America.
  7. 1965 – The U.S. House of Representatives and the Senate created the Department of Housing and Urban Development.
  8. 1966 – The Harrier “jump-jet” fighter-bomber made its first flight.
  9. 1990 – East and West Germany signed a treaty that meant the harmonizing of political and legal systems.
  10. 1991 – In a “Solidarity Day” protest, hundreds of thousands of union members marched in Washington, DC.
  11. 1997- Princess Diana was killed in a car crash in Paris

August 31 Zodiac Signs & Symbol


Number:5, 14, 23
Birth Stone:Blue Sapphire
Ruling Planet:Mercury
FlowerGladiolus & Poppy
StrengthsHelpful, Honest, Organized, and Reliable
WeaknessesStubborn, Critical, and Jealous
Zodiac StonePeridot
Lucky ColorAqua
Additional signs and symbols of August 31st

Ruling Planet Mercury – Meaning Explanation

The ruling planet of Mercury is Mercury itself. Mercury is the messenger of the gods, and it rules communication, transportation, and commerce. Mercury’s energy influences people who have their Sun in Gemini or Virgo.

Mercury is known for its speed and agility. It rules over our ability to think quickly and to communicate clearly. It also governs our nervous system and our ability to process information quickly.

Mercury energy is important for students, writers, actors, athletes, and anyone who needs to think on their feet.


August 31 Zodiac Compatibility

If you were born on August 31st, you are highly compatible with those who share your zodiac sign of Virgo. You also get along well with people who have an earth or water sign.

The best match for you is someone who can bring out your playful side and understand your need for change and adventure.

While you can have a strong relationship with anyone, you are most compatible with those who understand you and can provide stability. Here are the top three compatibility matches for you:


A fellow Virgo will understand the need for change and adventure that you have. They will also provide the stability that is needed in a relationship.


A Scorpio will bring out your playful side. They are also very understanding and can provide stability in a relationship.


A Cancer will understand the need for change and adventure that you have. They will also provide the stability that is needed in a relationship.

August 31 Fun Facts

  1. The birthstone peridot is said to bring good luck.
  2. The herb associated with August 31 is self-heal, which is said to have properties that can help heal wounds and bruises.
  3. The flower for August 31 babies is the poppy, which symbolizes imagination and dreams.
  4. There are only 365 days in a year and only 0.27% of the world’s population is born on August 31st.
  5. On average, August babies weigh about 7 pounds at birth.

August 31 Advice

If you were born on August 31st, here are some pieces of advice for you:

  1. Take advantage of the natural ability to be a leader. You have a natural tendency to be a leader, and this can be a great asset in life.
  2. Learn to enjoy taking risks. You are often attracted to risky activities, and this can lead to some great experiences in life. You need to make not take too many risks and stay safe.
  3. Use the creative side to your advantage. Use your creativity.
  4. Don’t be afraid to stand out from the crowd. You have a unique personality, and this can be used to your advantage. You need to be proud of who you are and don’t blend in with the rest of the world.
  5. Always stay positive, no matter what happens in life. You have a positive outlook on life, and this can help you through tough times. Whenever something negative happens, you need to remember that it won’t last forever, and things will eventually get better again.


In conclusion, you are lucky to have been born on August 31st. Your most distinguished quality is being a natural leader, so make sure to use it to your advantage. Anyone would be lucky to call themselves an August 31st baby.