August 22: Birthday, Personality, Zodiac, Events, & More (A Guide)

What would you do with a message about how to obtain everything you ever dreamed of?

Signs, Symbols, and Meaningful Figures

August 22 horoscope
August 22 horoscope

August 22nd is the 234th day of the year. The number 234 a sign of increase and abundance. 

With the number 234 comes guidance and support for your life. It would serve you best to trust your angels and their divine powers to guide you. You have a Creator watching over you and cheering for you.

You are connected to the spiritual world. Trust in your guardians and their divine messages to you. 

You will see images of salmon, owls, lions, and bears that will be messages from your angels. The meaning will be clear to you when you need to understand it. Until then, keep following them.

You will also have your best luck when your direction is North East.

August 22 Signs & Symbols Table

Number:22 & 234
Spiritual path:Ascendance
Ruling Planet:Sun
Element:Fixed Fire
Gemstone:Peridot, Spinel, Sardonyx, and Labradorite
Flower:Gladiolus and Poppy
Color:Yellow Green and Orange
Personages:Aker, Geb, Lugh, Leo, Adephagia, Luxuria, Gula, Avaritia, Comus, Dionysus
Energy:Spontaneity & Wisdom
Health:Upper back, Forearms, Wrist, Spine, and Heart
Compatibility:Aries, Sagittarius, Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius
August 22 Signs & Symbols Table

Your Zodiac: Leo Qualities and Personalities

Leos love to love, which makes them quite the romantics. In their quest for love, they crave pleasure, which often makes them lustful. This can cause them to miss out on opportunities for genuine relationships because they are too busy pursuing conquests. 

The Leo zodiac is also known for gluttony. Between greed and excessive eating, some Leos have been compared to the god of eating, Dionysus. This is not good for them as they are very concerned about how they look.

Leos are creative people with a childlike adventure in their hearts. Even from youth, it is clear that they are born leaders with personalities that are nothing short of magnetic. People flock to Leos with little effort on their part to attract attention.


Successful People Born on August 22

  1.  James Corden (English comedian, actor, writer, singer, & TV host)
  2. Hona Ikoka (Japanese actress)
  3. Kristen Wiig (American actress, comedian, screenwriter, & producer)
  4. Keiko Kitagawa (Japanese actress & model)
  5. Ty Burrell (American actor & comedian)
  6. Claude Debussy (French composer)
  7. Chiranjeevi (Indian actor, film producer, & politician)
  8. Richard Armitage (English actor)
  9. Ray Bradbury (American author & screenwriter)
  10. Zheng Shuang (Chinese actress)

Historical events that occurred on August 22

  1. The plundering of the Judengasse took place
  2. The first known Jewish immigrant to America made landfall
  3. The Haitian slave revolution began
  4. The first air strike in history took place
  5. The Natal Indian Congress was formed
  6. The Cadillac Motor Company opened
  7. The first Auld Mug was won
  8. Nolan Ryan  became the first Major League Baseball pitcher to record 5,000 strikeouts 
  9. The Scream and Madonna paintings were stolen
  10. The most runs in modern Major League Baseball were scored

Positive Traits of those born on August 22

You are more than enough. All of these positive traits are yours. Just look inside, they have been there all along.

Your 10 Positive Traits

  1. You are brave
  2. You are a lover
  3. You are genuine
  4. You have leadership qualities
  5. You are romantic
  6. You are creative
  7. You are magnetic
  8. You are blessed
  9. You are being guided
  10. You are attractive

Negative Traits of those born on August 22

Sometimes, facing the worst in us is what creates the best in us. You have had plenty of struggles because of some of these traits, but you do not have to keep whatever you do not want to keep.

Your 10 Negative Traits

  1. You are a glutton
  2. You are too concerned about your appearance
  3. You complain too much
  4. You are lustful
  5. You are lazy
  6. You are unhealthy
  7. You are easily distracted
  8. You are undisciplined
  9. You are sometimes childish
  10. You are a bit vain

Advice for Those Born on August 22

You may experience a time when the current events in your life feel too smooth, almost unreal, and like a dream. This is the result of God’s hand assisting you in your hard work.  He has a lot of trust in you. 

Friends & Lovers

Be careful that you do not miss out on wooing the right person by focusing on the wrong people. Quality is always more important than quantity. If you are dating many people under the guise of keeping your options open, then you are likely chasing after lust. 

It is easy to mistake lust for love and is a common activity that Leos fall into. Seek Libras as mentors as they will show you what love should look like. 

The person you end up with will likely be a Sagittarius. People of this zodiac are level-headed, honest, intellectual, and full of energy. Look for someone who matches your energy.

Career & Finances

You have all the creativity that you need in order to succeed. With a little extra effort, you can do whatever you set your mind to. Your success and growth will require extra focus, however, as you will things to happen in your life.

Dreams & Goals

Do not lose sight of what you want in life. Keep your mind focused on achieving your goals. You need to surrender to your higher power in order to achieve what you set out to do. 


You have the promise of good health, but you have the propensity to be overweight and inactive. 

Leos do not typically like to exercise as it is, but those who are born on August 22nd tend to be even lazier about working out. Coupled with your tendency to overeat and consume too many carbohydrates, your future is not looking bright for your weight. This does not mean that you are entirely inactive, it just means that you are rather unintentional when it comes to your physical activity.

For the sake of your mental health, you may want to invest more time, money, and energy into diet and exercise. You are invested in other aspects of your appearance, so this is something that you should focus more on.


As someone born on August 22nd, you were the last for your year to be born into the zodiac family of Leo. But that is not the only thing that makes you special. You are being guided every day to accomplish amazing things.