There are always controversies surrounding topics that are not specified in the bible, and this is quite understandable. You cannot reasonably argue that fornication is not a sin because it was said in the bible.
However, questions like “are Adam and eve in Heaven or hell,” “were Adam and Eve saved from eternal damnation or did God’s grace cover them?” etc. can be a hard nut to crack.
With the events that happened in the bible, Adam and Eve are having a good rest in Heaven.
Nonetheless, thoroughly going through the bible has helped in answering some of these questions. If you would love to satisfy your curiosity and know the answer to this great question, keep reading. Have a great 5-minutes read!
God’s great promise

You must understand the promises God made to Adam, Eve, and the serpent in the Garden of Eden after the fall of Adam. This promise came after God dished punishments to Adam, Eve, and the serpent for their sin. Here is the highlight of what happened
The creation
The creation story in the bible has recorded that God created the world in six days. The book of Genesis describes what God made each day in the sight of the other persons of the trinity as God said, “Let us create man in our image and likeness.” Nevertheless, this is not the bone of contention now, as it will be explicitly explained in this article
- First day: God created light, the universe, the earth, the sky, and the atmosphere
- Second day: God created dry land and plant
- Third day: God created the stars, sun, moon, and other heavenly bodies
- Fourth day: God created the birds and water creatures
- Fifth day: God created land animal
- Sixth day: God created man
- Seventh day: God rested
The bible recorded that after God finished with creation, he looked at everything he had created and also agreed that all he created was great.
God created Adam and Eve.
The bible recorded that God initially created Adam from dust but later had to create Eve from Adam’s rib. The creation of Eve was all to create a partner, helper, and soul mate for Adam. God had stated that “it is not good that a man should be alone…”
After Adam woke up and saw Eve, Genesis 2:23 recorded that Adam said, ” This, at last, is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.”
After creation, God placed Adam and Eve in a garden of many trees but with a big instruction. He instructed them not to eat from one tree, the tree of life, which would teach them good and evil.
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The fall of man and the solution
The devil entered the serpent and approached Eve to doubt God’s instructions. This made Adam and Eve succumb to eating the fruit even after God had warned them. This led to man’s fall and gives people who believe that Adam and Eve went to hell an argument.
Even though they sinned, there was a solution, as revealed by God’s promise and subsequent events.
there was a solution, as revealed by God’s promise and subsequent events.
Event 1; the great promise
One main event that took place after the fall of man is the punishment from God, followed thereafter by this great promise that serves as proof that Adam and Eve didn’t go to hell. God didn’t direct the punishment to the serpent but rather a prophecy of what will happen to Satan.
God meant that the seed of the woman would destroy Satan. The seed referred to the promised savior that was talked about multiple times in the Old Testament. This seed is Jesus Christ, who was later revealed in the New Testament.
In Genesis 3:15, where God laid a curse on the serpent, God talked about Eve and the seed that will come from her descendants. By virtue of this promise, Adam and Eve had their sins forgiven.
Event 2; the shedding of the blood.
Hebrew 9:22 sheds more light on the importance of bloodshed in forgiveness. “There is no forgiveness without the shedding of blood.” After God dished out the punishment to Adam and Eve, he made clothes for them from an animal.
This implies that there was bloodshed. Therefore, there was also a play on forgiveness too.
After the bloodshed of the animal, Adam and Eve used the skin to make clothes. Note that the killing of this animal by God represents future sacrifices and forgiveness by God.
Just as God covered them with the bloody skin of an animal, this is the same way he covered us with the blood of Jesus after his bloodshed on the cross. Since God showed his love by sacrificing an animal for them while using the animal skin to cover them afterward, then God forgave them and also catered for them thereafter. Hence, making them candidates of Heaven, not hell.
Event 3; The raising of Adam’s children
Reading about Cain and Abel in the bible is a sign that Adam and Eve raised their children with the fear of God, even though one of them walked away from the righteous way. There was a custom for both Cain and Abel to sacrifice a percentage of their proceeding to God as a harvest.
For both of them to have upheld this tradition is a clear sign they were raised as believers in God. It is almost possible to say Adam and Eve lived their lives trying to make up for their disobedience. Even after the death of Abel, Eve gave birth to Seth, and it was from this lineage of descendants that Jesus came.
This display of remorse from Adam and Eve, reflected in the training of children, is enough to claim God’s mercy for their sins and also make them make Heaven afterward.
Were Adam and Eve saved?
From the lineup of events we have described above, we can authentically suggest that Adam and Heaven are having a good rest in Heaven. It is important to note that God gave Adam and Eve the privilege to taste the result of having a relationship with him before they became stained with sin.
Therefore, they probably still knew God better after their fall than we do today. Nonetheless, with God’s show of mercy and forgiveness during bloodshed, we can safely insinuate that they are presently resting in the bosom of the Lord in Heaven.
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