August 7 Zodiac: Birthday, Personality, & More (Full Guide)

If you were born on August 7, then you have the horoscope of Leo. Leo is a special horoscope that is known for its outgoing, confident personality.

Keep reading to learn more about what being born on August 7 means.

Personality Overview of an Individual with an August 7 Zodiac

August 7 Zodiac
August 7 Zodiac

Being born on August 7th makes for a wonderful person.

You are outgoing and enjoy being the center of attention. You are confident and have no problem speaking your mind. Everyone always knows where they stand with you, as you are very honest.

You are very charismatic and have a strong aura about you. You are natural leaders and are often very successful in whatever you put your mind to. You are also a great communicator and can easily persuade people to see things your way.

You like to be surrounded by people and hate being alone. Your ideal career would be something that involves working with others, such as teaching, sales, or marketing. You work well in team environments but can also be successful in going solo if you find the right business niche.

Every person has a few negative qualities about them. You can be quite stubborn and set in your ways. Also, your frankness can sometimes offend others without meaning to.

August 7 Positive and Negative Traits

Positive Traits

  1. Generous
  2. Loyal
  3. Optimistic
  4. Honest
  5. Ambitious

Negative Traits

  1. Dominating
  2. Stubborn
  3. Arrogant
  4. Inflexible
  5. Jealous

August 7 in history…

  1. 1789 – The U.S War Department was established by the U.S. Congress.
  2. 1914 – Germany invaded France.
  3. 1934 – The U.S. Court of Appeals upheld a lower court ruling striking down the government’s attempt to ban the controversial James Joyce novel “Ulysses.”
  4. 1959 – The U.S. launched Explorer 6, which sent back a picture of the Earth.
  5. 1960 – The Cuban Catholic Church condemned the rise of communism in Cuba. Fidel Castro then banned all religious TV and radio broadcasts.
  6. 1964 – The U.S. Congress passed the Gulf of Tonkin resolution, which gave President Johnson broad powers in dealing with reported North Vietnamese attacks on U.S. forces.
  7. 1974 – French stuntman Philippe Petit walked a tightrope strung between the twin towers of New York’s World Trade Center.
  8. 1976 – Scientists in Pasadena, CA, announced that the Viking 1 spacecraft had found strong indications of possible life on Mars.
  9. 1983 – AT&T employees went on strike.
  10. 1987 – The presidents of five Central American nations, met in Guatemala City, and signed an 11-point agreement designed to bring peace to their region.

Signs & Symbol August 7

Number:1, 10, 19, 18
ColorOrange, Red, Gold
Birth Stone:Ruby
Ruling Planet:Sun
FlowerGladiolus & Poppy
StrengthsGenerous, Optimistic, Leadership, Ambitious
WeaknessesStubborn, Inflexible, Jealous
Zodiac StonePeridot
Zodiac SymbolLion
Lucky ColorBlue
Signs and symbols of August 7th

August 7 Zodiac Compatibility


August 7 birthdays are a Leo, and Leos are known for their bravery, their determination, and their leadership qualities. They are also known for being very generous and loyal to their friends and family.

With compatibility, Leos are most compatible with Gemini, Libra, and Sagittarius.

Other People

You are independent and strong-willed. You’re also often very intuitive and have a strong sense of intuition.

People in a relationship with you need to understand that sometimes you may need your space. You also may not be the best at communicating your feelings. However, if people can understand you and work with your independence, they’ll likely have a very compatible relationship.


August 7 Predictions

August 7 is your birthday and probably one of your favorite days of the year. Here are some predictions for you for the year.


Expect good health this year. However, you may experience some minor health issues related to stress. You need to be sure to take some time for yourself to relax and rejuvenate.


This is a good year for financial growth. You may experience an increase in income or find new sources of financial stability.

Love & Relationships

This is a great year for both single and attached people! Single people may meet someone special who could turn into a long-term relationship. The people in a relationship will see that their relationship is likely to blossom and grow stronger than ever before.

No matter what the year holds, enjoy it. You just might be surprised what is to come.

Things a person with an August 7 Zodiac would understand

Having an August 7 birthday and being a Leo isn’t always easy. There are certain things that only those who share this zodiac sign can truly understand. From the good to the bad, here are five things that only Leos would understand.

The need for attention

Leos are known for being the center of attention, and they love it. You need to be surrounded by people who will shower you with attention and praise. This can sometimes be seen as narcissistic behavior, but it’s just how you operate best.

The love of luxury:

Leos enjoy the finer things in life and you love to be surrounded by luxury. This doesn’t mean you are materialistic, it just means you appreciate the finer things and deserve the best of the best.

The hate of being ignored

If there’s one thing that will bother you, it’s being ignored or left out of something important. You need to feel like you’re included and that your opinion matters. Otherwise, you’ll get very upset quickly.

Your big heart

Despite everything, you have a big heart and are always willing to help others, even if it means sacrificing your own comfort. You’re loyal friends and will always be there for you, no matter what you may go through.

Even though there are some negative aspects to being a Leo, overall, it’s a great sign to have. You are lucky to share this zodiac sign and should embrace everything that comes with it, both good and bad.

August 7 Advice

Here are five pieces of advice for you:

  1. You need to follow your heart. If they do what they love, they’ll never work a day in their life.
  2. You can’t be afraid to take risks. It’s better for you to regret something you did than to regret something you didn’t do.
  3. You need to live in the present. You shouldn’t dwell on the past or worry about the future too much–just enjoy the moment you’re in.
  4. You need to be true to yourself. You shouldn’t try to be someone you’re not—it’s not worth it in the end.


Being born on August 7th makes for a very special kind of person. You are a passionate, confident, and loyal individual. You are a natural leader and often have a strong sense of self.

Anyone lucky enough to know an August 7 birthday knows they’ve got a keeper.