Have you always wondered what your spirit animal was but didn’t know how to figure it out? Are you unfamiliar with the ins and outs of spirit animals? When it comes to your spirit animal, there is much to learn.
A spirit animal is a supernatural guide who embodies your traits or talents. Using a few key techniques, you can discover what your spirit animal is and begin harnessing their power and receiving their wisdom.
Below, you’ll get to know some of the most popular spirit animals and their qualities. As you read, consider which animal speaks to you the most.
Spirit Animal: Meaning
A spirit animal is a personal guardian or guide. Your spirit animal shares many characteristics and behaviors with you, so they understand who you are. Spirit animals have profoundly personal meaning, and their power helps you on your journey in unexpected ways.
These supernatural entities have spiritual connections with humans. They represent your core personality. You can connect with your spirit animal through visual or mental cues.
Many enjoy having a photo, statue, or keychain of their spirit animal to remind them of its qualities. You may feel inspired or guided by images of your spirit animal.
Where Did the Term “Spirit Animal” Originate?
The spirit animal combines the Western spiritualist concept of the “spirit guide” and the New Age belief of the “power animal.” It also has roots in Native American culture, which you will learn about below. The concept also comes from “familiars,” supernatural beings that helped witches in European folklore.
Spirit guides are a worldwide phenomenon. Countless cultures have some form of spirit guide in their beliefs or legends, whether human or nonhuman. In neo-shamanism, journeyers try to contact animal spirits (power animals) to gain insight or divine messages from them.
Spirit Animal and Indigenous Spirit Guides
As mentioned, spirit animals have roots in indigenous or Native American culture. Native Americans had totems, sacred spirits protecting people or groups. Totems could also symbolize a family or clan.
The Anishinaabe tribes used totems in their clan system. In the American Pacific Northwest, native people used totem poles as crests, memorials, or to tell important stories. These intricate monuments consisted of animals and supernatural beings.
Discover Your Spirit Animal
So, now that you have background knowledge of spirit animals, it’s time to learn how to find out what yours is. There are a few standard methods you can use. They all require effort and intuition, but eventually, you will find out what your spirit animal is.

Dream Interpretation
Do you keep dreaming about cats, and you’re not sure why? Perhaps hawks or dragonflies consistently fly through your dream space. Well, these dreams could reveal your spirit animal.
Dream interpretation is a deliberate practice that requires focus, insight, and extensive pondering. When you recollect your dreams, they can reveal important spiritual messages. If you keep seeing the same animal and feel it’s sharing something with you, reflect on it and what it means to you.
Journaling can be therapeutic while helping you grow spiritually. One technique to find your spirit animal is journaling about animals you feel drawn to. When you think of one, go down a rabbit hole with it.
Ask yourself questions about the animal, such as what lessons you could learn from it. You can research during this process to learn more about that animal’s spiritual symbolism or natural behaviors. Over time, you’ll discover the spirit animal that speaks to you the most.
Meditating and Recalling Past Connections
Through meditation practices, you can visualize your spirit animal. Learn to quiet your hectic mind and recall past animal encounters that have shaped your life. Perhaps you had a pet who moved you, or you felt strongly about an animal from a book or movie.
During meditation, ponder your experiences and consider which animal has spoken to you most. That animal is probably your spirit animal. Perhaps you realize the animal tattoo you got a while back represents your spirit animal.
The longer you think about this topic, the more certain you will be. You’ll come to understand your spirit animal and the lessons it brings to your life. Over time, you’ll grow emotionally and spiritually as you take wisdom from your spirit animal.
Summon Your Spirit Animal
Now that you know how to discover your spirit animal, you must learn how to summon its spiritual energy. Sometimes, you feel flustered, discouraged, and lost. It’s in those times that your spirit animal can help you.
Summoning the power and guidance of your spirit animal requires a calm mind. So, it can help to fall into a meditative state. You can use visuals of your spirit animal to kickstart your summoning ritual.
Then, once you feel relaxed and mentally present, bring awareness to your spirit animal. Intentionally ask the question that you want to be answered. Consider the qualities and behaviors of your spirit animal.
Meditate on your question and the lessons you can learn from your spirit animal. You’ll find that the spiritual powers of your spirit animal allow you to see more clearly and even receive answers to your questions. Keep in mind that the answer may not be immediate.
After you’ve asked your question and opened your mind to receiving answers, try to calm your spirit. Look for messages or signs that could be from your spirit animal. Trust your guide and receive any wisdom you gain with a grateful heart.
Spirit Animal: Does Science Have a Say?
While there is plenty of literature and history about beliefs of spirit animals, the concept isn’t grounded in science. However, there is evidence of various civilizations worldwide that believed in certain animals’ magical powers. There is also evidence of cultures, such as the Native Americans, who left behind monuments honoring the spirit animals of their religion.
What Is the Most Popular Spirit Animal?
Next, you can look at some of the most popular spirit animals. This guide may even help you reveal your spirit animal. Remember, spirit animals represent a deeply personal connection, so if one stands out, pursue your interest in that animal.
The wolf is a powerful, strategic spirit animal. He represents power, stealth, and community. Wolves are social animals like humans, and they work together to survive.

You can learn many lessons from wolves. For instance, they teach you to be loyal and a team player. They teach you the importance of communication and how showing affection can build relationships.
Wolves also reserve their energy to go in for the kill when it is right. This trait reminds you to slow down and rest when you’re not working hard. You must strategize to live and work effectively.
Lone wolves remind you that you have the strength to fend for yourself, even when solitude seems life-threatening. If you get cast out by your pack, focus on finding the right resources. You will survive and thrive.
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Cats are elegant, agile, and divine creatures. If you’ve ever had one as a pet, you’ll know how unexpected it can be. Cats have so many valuable life lessons to teach you.
First, remember to be playfully curious throughout your life. Cats will teach you that no blanket should be left unturned and no corner should be undiscovered. In everything you do, keep an open mind and see if you can have some fun!
Second, care for yourself. Keep up with your hygiene and take pride in your appearance. Make grooming a daily ritual, and you’ll feel calmer in spirit and more self-confident.
Finally, enjoy your rest and rejuvenation time. Soak up the sun, live in the moment, and rest when necessary. Don’t let your life get so chaotic that you forget today is a gift.
Have you been dreaming about bears? Have you always felt a strange connection with bears, even as a small child? Then, your spirit animal might be a bear.
Bears represent courage, strength, open-mindedness, and intuition. Bears remind you to take action when necessary, to live out your values, and to make bold moves. As a spirit animal, the bear also guides you through healing and protection.
Planning and resourcefulness are two more unique traits that your bear spirit animal shares. The bear reminds you that you must provide for yourself and carefully manage your resources. You must learn to do this all with an independent spirit.
The bear is a reminder that sometimes, anger is justifiable and righteous. You must protect your boundaries; if someone violates them, you can tell them off. However, don’t take this too far!
The turtle represents patience, serenity, and longevity. They’re a sign of good fortune and perseverance. Turtles remind you to go with the flow, stick to what you know is right, and enjoy peaceful alone time.
Every once in a while, come up for air. Don’t spend every minute of your day distracted or completely immersed in work. Take time to breathe intentionally as often as necessary to maintain your sense of peace.
The alluring sea turtle reminds you to act with grace and dignity. Find your steady stream of energy, and follow it wherever it leads you. Find steadiness and tranquility in your life, and make time for it whenever possible.
Baby sea turtles remind you that life may be tough, but the journey is worth it. Baby sea turtles must dig themselves out of their sandy nest and make a dangerous trek to the ocean to swim out to sea. Despite difficulties, they remind you that even the tiniest beings have the guts and capability to survive.
The beaver is a unique and fascinating spirit animal that teaches valuable life lessons. Beavers represent craftiness, determination, and friendliness. They remind you that even the biggest tasks can be accomplished with effort, dedication, time, and resources.
Beavers remind you to work without worry and to keep going. Don’t think about how long it will take or the pressure on you. Simply do the task at hand with a positive attitude.
Beavers build dams by following systematic movements and applying a single strategy. In the same way, you can simplify your habits to make your daily life more efficient. Consider how you can cut down your workload and what tasks you can automate to simplify your life.
Of course, beavers also remind you to stay connected to Mother Earth. Use Her resources wisely. Be grateful for the beauty of the natural world.
While foxes have a negative connotation in some cultures, their spiritual meaning is positive and encouraging. The sly fox can adapt to any environment and has incredible instincts and hunting abilities. Foxes are strategic go-getters who effortlessly move on after failure.
As a spirit animal, foxes guide you and encourage you to follow the path that uses your best talents. The fox will always help you learn to stay true to yourself and figure out how to get out of tough situations. This spirit animal is an excellent guide to help you navigate any terrain.
Like the fox, you may often feel blamed or neglected. You can identify with your spirit animal and learn to grow from your shared pain. You’ll learn tactics to overcome your doubts and fears with a fox as your spirit guide.
Your fox spirit animal will remind you to persist in the activities that bring you joy. He will support your endeavors and remind you to keep your eyes on the prize. The fox spirit animal is a strong reminder to keep the faith and follow your dreams.
Lions are universal symbols of power and courage. Their spiritual symbolism is strong, making them worthy spirit animals. They symbolize community, wisdom, and achievement.
It’s no wonder that lions are the subjects of many motivational videos. Their aura is so strong that simply looking at the majestic king of the jungle inspires awe. Lions remind you to dream big.
As a spirit animal, a lion will encourage you to pursue your dream at all costs. He will guide you on the tough yet rewarding path of success. Lions remind you that it’s difficult to be the king.
Just as the lion stalks his prey, you must carefully plan your goals and aim high to reach your target. You must focus on your aim and keep it steady. Avoid distractions and keep your eyes on the target.
The cheetah is most famous for its speed. Spiritually speaking, cheetahs represent grace, power, and divine guidance. As spirit animals, these beautiful beasts inspire you to trust your instincts and act swiftly to secure your prize.
They remind you not to go after material things but to acquire spiritual riches. Cheetahs grant wisdom and guidance to help you on your life path. As your spirit animal, a cheetah will encourage you to focus on precision and find your purpose.
Cheetahs also have a benevolent trait that reminds you to be comfortable sharing your emotions. You don’t need to do everything by yourself; you need a community to help you through troubling times. Listen to your heart and cry whenever you need to.
Elephants symbolize harmony, family, intelligence, and strength. As a spirit animal, an elephant will guide you to ponder major life decisions and act with wisdom. These giant creatures represent community, trust, and longevity.
Do you feel fascinated by elephants? Have you felt drawn to them in the past or seen them in your dreams? If so, the elephant might be your spirit animal.
Elephants indicate good fortune and success. However, as a spirit animal, the elephant will encourage you to spend modestly and remain humble. He will remind you to be grateful for everyone who helped you and paved the way.
Elephants are symbols of memory and gratitude. They remind you to be grateful for everything you have and the people who have helped you along your journey. They encourage you to return the favor to your supportive community.
Tigers symbolize vigilance, beauty, and patience. These powerful creatures have incredible instincts and hunting abilities that allow them to locate and kill prey efficiently. Tigers are widely respected and can rarely be tamed.
The tiger reminds you of your wild, fiery side. She reminds you to stand up for yourself and bravely face the world. Accept your fear, accept things you can’t control, and then take action on the things you can handle.
If the tiger is your spirit animal, you’re in for a wild ride. Tigers will push you outside your comfort zone until you almost reach your breaking point. Only then will you see how great your potential is and how far you’ve come from the person you once were.
Your spiritual tiger ally will boost you to new levels and energize your spirit. When you meditate on this wild beast, you’ll realize that behind that ferocious face is a heart of gold. You’ll learn not to read books by their covers and to open up to new people and places.
Praying Mantis
The praying mantis represents dignity, agility, foresight, and patience. In nature, the praying mantis is a skillful and stealthy killer. Their unique appearance and fascinating habits make them worthy of your curiosity.
Did you know that the praying mantis can turn its head from side to side? This gift allows it to hunt prey successfully. It represents changing perspectives, planning, and exploring all your options.
As a spirit animal, the praying mantis will be a firm guide. The praying mantis isn’t compassionate and gentle like the turtle. Rather, it is bold, calculated, and intentional.
The praying mantis will advise you on ways to stay sharp between the ears. This spirit animal gets along with ambitious people who know what they want but sometimes need a nudge to move forward. If the praying mantis is your spirit animal, he will show you how to trust your gut and make strategic moves.
Sharks symbolize protection, guidance, and leadership. As spirit animals, these sea creatures will lead the way confidently. They remind you of the spirit of adventure, youth, and optimism.
The shark represents bravery and power. When you set your fears aside, you can accomplish anything you set your mind to. Acknowledge your failures, but move on with your head held high.
Sharks also have a mysterious aura. This reminds you that you have a right to your personal information and don’t need to be an open book. Protect yourself in a healthy way from people who might try to take advantage of you.
The owl represents wisdom, patience, and darkness. Are you highly sensitive to your shadow side? Do you often notice when people have two faces?
If so, you may have the alert, vigilant owl as your spirit guide. These silent flyers rule the night, and they can spot prey from a great distance. Their advice will revolve around pinpointing your goals and learning how to efficiently get what you want.
What Does a Spirit Animal Have to do With Totem Power?
The belief in totem power is a New Age spiritualism idea that you can wield the energy of your spirit animal. If you call on your totem, its power will enter your life. You’ll be able to convey the qualities and behaviors of your spirit animal more easily.
Totem power is an intentional practice; you can use anything that reminds you of your spirit animal to help you harness it. Your goal is to channel the power of your spirit guide. Doing so will give you further guidance and clarity.
In summary, spirit animals are powerful reminders of the best qualities and characteristics of humans and animals. When you discover your spirit animal, you can use that knowledge to seek out advice and wisdom. Harnessing the power of your spirit animal will lead you to greater fulfillment and happiness along your life journey.
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