Have you heard someone say you have a red aura? Did you get an aura reading, and your color was red? Well, you’re in the right place to learn more about your red aura.
Red auras represent passion, power, and drive. People with red auras seek partners with green or yellow auras to balance their wild energy.
So, keep reading to discover all the traits and meanings of red auras!
Background On Colored Auras
Every living being has an aura. It’s the energetic force that surrounds them. When your aura vibrates at a particular frequency, it exudes the color of that frequency.
So, depending on your mood and circumstance, your aura changes. However, you have one or two root auras that your energy constantly shifts back to. So, how do you find out what color your aura is?
First, you could have an aura reading done by an aura specialist. They will be able to feel the vibrations you’re giving off. Using your sensory information, they can determine the color of the aura your body has.
Second, you could have an aura portrait taken. Aura photography is a unique business that allows individuals to take a snapshot of their aura. It works using a camera that uses a double-long exposure.
When the subject places their hands on the camera, it matches the energy produced by the subject. Therefore, the film develops the exact color given by that frequency when the picture is taken. Pretty cool, right?
Finally, you can take an aura quiz online. Now, this isn’t the most reliable method, but you can answer a series of questions about your typical behaviors and feelings. The quiz will use your traits to provide the color that’s most likely your aura.
Red Aura Meaning
When someone gives off a red aura, it’s a symbol of power, passion, and drive. People with red auras are intense. While they usually use this intensity for good, they can also wield it for evil.

Red Aura Keywords:
- Power
- Action
- Loyalty
- Fierceness
- Drive
- Aggression
- Control
- Lust
- Bravery
Red, as the color of blood, can shock some people. So, you may be wondering if red auras mean someone is inherently evil. In short, the answer is no.
Like yin and yang, every colored aura has a good and a bad side. However, people choose which side to carry into the world. There is a flip side to every coin, and red auras are no different.
For instance, red-aura people can use their power and control over others to lead a successful and profitable business that also promotes charity and has a noble cause. On the other hand, they could use their influence to force people to do their bidding for a dark purpose.
Every aura has the option of how to use gifts. The choice lies with the person wielding that power. Red auras are no different; the aura itself isn’t good or evil.
Red Aura Traits
When someone with a red aura decides on a goal, they’ll do everything to achieve it. They’re not afraid to sacrifice little or big things to meet their goals. Also, they have a charming ability to recruit others to help them reach their goals, making them more likely to succeed.
They are highly driven and will stop at nothing to achieve their dreams. Because of this, they’re also a beneficial addition to anyone’s professional network. Having the business card of someone with a red aura means you’ll always connect to success.
Speaking of goals, they have huge goals and dreams. Because they’re passionate people, they dream of exciting and brave adventures. And they will always fulfill them.
In short, you can always expect people with red auras to shoot for the moon. Even if you see them fail, they won’t stay down long.
People with red auras have deep and passionate bonds with their romantic partners, friends, and family. Their devotion runs deep and is firmly grounded. Further, they’re well-known for their commitment and loyalty, and you can always trust them.
Their devotion goes past their social relationships. They also are highly dedicated to their roles at work.
Their profession is likely a huge part of their life and something they take pride in. They stay devoted to their craft and put in long hours to ensure they’re experts in their field.
Many athletes, for example, have red auras. They’re not afraid to make whatever commitment is necessary to succeed at their sport. This devotion is a key quality of a red aura.
As a result of their goal-oriented and devoted personalities, they also tend to be highly competitive. They love the thrill and adventure of good competition. You can always expect to see them toeing the line of whatever race is next.
They are competitive in all aspects of their lives, from relationships and family to careers, hobbies, and education. Because of this, they’re almost always highly successful and wealthy individuals. Sometimes, though, they can be sore losers.
So, their competitive nature can be a turn-off for people of a calm and quiet nature. It can also be quite intimidating in the workplace. If you have a red aura, you must try to empathize and understand those around you, so they consider you a friend.
Red aura personalities are courageous. They are courageous in love, relationships, hobbies, and work. They’re certainly not afraid of a challenge or a risk.
In fact, they love risks. They feel empowered when they embark on an adventure and have the opportunity to flex their courageous muscles. It makes them feel alive.
If you have a red aura, it’s helpful to balance yourself out with someone of another, calmer aura. Be sure to read about compatible auras below. This is important because your courageous and risk-prone nature may someday lead you into trouble.
Can you see the full picture of a red aura personality coming together now? Well, confidence is the icing on this red velvet cake. Not only are red aura people passionate, energetic, and driven, they always act with confidence.
Unfortunately, this can come off as arrogance in many cases. But if you have someone with a red aura in your life, try not to see it that way. Your red aura friend may be confident, but they also care for you deeply and don’t mean to be arrogant.
If you have a red aura, you feel confident in everything you do. For instance, at work, you confidently take on projects and ask for promotions or raises. At school, you confidently lead the class and network with peers.
Be proud of your natural confidence. Many other colors would love to share this ability. It’s a gift that you can use to better yourself and others and even to change the world.
Specifically, this refers to love and romance. Red is the color of blood, our life force. As such, it has a primal nature in romantic relationships.
People with red auras love fiercely, without holding back. Their passion in relationships is bone-deep. Moreover, they have no shortage of love to give.
If your partner has a red aura, there’s no doubt you’ve experienced their wild side. They likely shower you with gifts, attention, and praise. Surely, you do not doubt their love for you.
If you have a red aura, you’re aware that you can sometimes take it too far in your romantic relationships. In fact, your passion may be too much for your partner and may seem obsessive. Therefore, you must work hard to balance your energy, not lose control or start trying to control your partner.
Because of the confidence and success they have, people with red auras commonly attract a following quite easily. They’re the people with hundreds of comments on every social media photo. You can often see them catching up with people on the phone and waving to friends in the workplace.
Watch out, though, because many red aura people can have narcissistic tendencies. They can suck you in with their charm, then emotionally spit you out while making you think you need them. However, this is rare, and it’s likely that the charm is genuine.
If you have a red aura, you likely recognize the mesmerizing effect you have on people. However, you have to be careful not to take advantage of people. Use your skill and charm wisely, and use it to benefit the world.
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Red Aura On Different Body Parts
Body parts have slightly different energies. Therefore, red auras across the body have different meanings. Read on to discover what those individual meanings are.
The head and brain represent intellect and wisdom. When the aura around the head is red, your education is in tune with your place in life. The insight you have prepared you for the next chapter that will unfold in your career or relationship.
Further, it means you communicate well with others. You use your mouth and ears to build relationships and share your feelings with the world. This is a powerful tool you have that will lead to your success in life.
It also means you have clarity of thought and vision. You know what you want from your future and are not afraid to get it. You see the path before you and focus on it well.
During your travels and life changes, you seek wise counsel, and you will make the right decisions. Don’t take your vibrational energy for granted, as it will help you along the way. You’ll share your insights with many people during and after your journey.
If red encircles your entire body from head to toe, you truly represent the red aura. Every aspect of your life aligns with your purpose. You are passionate, confident, and motivated to win and reach your goals.
It also means there’s balance in your personality. You’ve learned to control your energy’s positive and negative sides, and now your soul is at peace. It may have taken a challenge or tragedy to gain this harmony.
Whatever the case, be grateful that your energy is balanced. With time, you’ll learn about yourself even more.
When red emanates from your heart, it’s a sign of the intense love you have for your partner and family. Moreover, you likely sacrificed a lot for them. So, everything you do for them is done out of pure love.
A red aura around your heart also signifies vitality and longevity. You will likely grow very old with many loved ones by your side. Meanwhile, keep up healthy habits and feed your body the nutrition it needs to stay active.
In addition, this represents passion. It means that you are living for the moment. You’re embracing each day as it comes.
You’ll likely encounter good fortune or an exciting adventure in the coming weeks. Surely, you’ll get to share these moments with your loved ones. Enjoy every second of your life, and express gratitude and love for those around you.
A red aura around your hands represents your desire to create and build things and influence the world around you. Further, it means you may be a little restless in your life right now. So, you may need an outlet for your energy.
Consider diving into a new hobby or art form. You can venture out and meet new people using your confidence and charisma. In short, use your energy to make positive changes in your life.
In addition, it could mean you’re obsessed with something that might be unhealthy or bothersome to others. Take a moment to consider feedback from people in your life. Have you been a little distant?
Have you been running around like a busy bee too much? It might be time to take it slow. If possible, take some time off work or away from your current obsession.
Slowing things down might help you in your current phase of life. Do self-care to calm your mind and spirit. Soothe yourself and get comfort from your partner or loved ones.
If a red aura surrounds your feet, it is another indication of restlessness. Therefore, you are on the move. Maybe you feel uncomfortable with the place you’re staying or working, and it’s time for a change.
When your feet have a red aura, you should carefully deliberate your next move. If you are moving cities or states, weigh the decision carefully. Was this a spur-of-the-moment choice that might hurt yourself and those around you?
Be especially careful if your feet don’t match the aura color of your head or heart. That would mean your path and your purpose are misaligned. In brief, you may be moving away from your true purpose or calling in the universe.
Red Aura Variations
Color variations exist for red auras, and they come with different meanings. Depending on your color variation, you could be a bit more cordial or on the fierce side. Keep reading to find out what your color variation says about you!
If you have hints of orange in your aura, you have an extra dose of creativity and positivity. The orange hues represent your artsy side. You may have more of a bubbly and kind personality.
Further, you usually make friends easily due to your outgoing and fun nature. Also, many people take an interest in you. They can see that you have a warm and welcoming heart.
With your creativity comes lots of ideas. You may find yourself starting projects that you don’t finish. But that’s okay!
Part of having a red-orange aura is learning to keep your spirits up as you bounce from task to task. Meanwhile, you’re enjoying your life and staying optimistic. It’s an honor to befriend a red-orange aura individual!
If your red aura contains hues of purple, you’re likely to lack some of the confidence and courage of a pure red aura. However, don’t consider this a loss because you have other unique qualities. For example, you’re tender-hearted, which means you understand others very well and are in tune with your spirit.
You’re a bit cautious in nature, but it comes from your great wisdom. Further, you can read and respond to people’s intentions with grace. Your ability to understand people makes you an incredible and devoted leader.
Also, you tend to be calmer than a pure red aura. This is a strength because you can relax and find peace even amid stressful situations. This balanced energy is a blessing and has helped you through many hard times.
Not to be confused with light red, red and white can sometimes combine in an aura. The effect is compelling. White is the rarest and purest of all auras.
Accordingly, an extremely unique and dignified person would have a red aura graced with white. White hues represent purity and spirituality. This means you’ve spent ample time on your spiritual journey, bringing peace.
Because of your high level of spirituality, you’re remarkably humble in nature. So, you don’t exude that competitive and confident personality of a pure red aura. Instead, your energy is steadfast and strong as an oak.
Others revere you for your wisdom and ability to love unconditionally. Also, you have a high level of integrity, making you a valuable leader in any workplace. In fact, your incredible leadership capabilities allow you to positively influence many people around you, many of whom you will never know.
So, cherish your red-white aura. You’re gifted beyond the material world, and you can help people who are lost on their path. Be sure to share your wisdom and pure nature with anyone you encounter, and they will thank you.
Dark Red
Dark red auras lean toward power and fierceness. Everything they do has a high level of intensity, from their love lives to their career paths. Dark red auras are enticing to outsiders and may come off as mysterious.
Dark red auras can also be intimidating to people. However, when you get to know a person with a dark red aura, you’ll come to see you shouldn’t fear them. They can become strong and loyal friends.
These individuals also hold grudges for a long time, maybe even forever. If you hurt someone with a dark red aura, don’t expect them to forget it soon. Their passionate nature means they’ll remember the pain you caused them.
Further, they have a strong bond with their family. They share deep connections and have joyous times with family members. In fact, it’s one of their favorite parts of life.
Light Red
These auras may come off as pink. People with light red or pink auras have more compassion and love than those with normal red auras. Pink auras exude care and affection, and these individuals are tenderhearted.
Also, if you have a light red aura, you likely enjoy staying connected with nature. You’re more sensitive to the energy of the earth and sun. Your happy place might be on a coastline or in the mountains.
Light red auras have very welcoming energy that makes you feel at home. These people are excellent and hospitable hosts. You’ll always feel comfortable around pink or light red auras.
You’re likely to find light red auras in professional settings of care or service, such as hospitals or schools. That’s because they can endlessly devote themselves to the cause of helping others. They have boundless love and room to take care of people.
Compatibility With a Red Aura
Orange auras combine perfectly with red auras. When these two partner up, they’ll be a fiercely loyal and influential pair. They’ll likely have endless exciting adventures together.
They’ll foster love and passion in their household as a family unit. Each partner brings a unique perspective to the family. Orange auras provide joy and optimism, while red auras establish control and order.
Green auras are also very compatible with red auras. Green auras represent nourishment and growth. They also provide stability to balance out the sometimes chaotic desires of red auras.

When a green and red aura fall in love, everyone can clearly see the passion. A green aura helps nurture a red aura’s spirit, fostering growth in that person. So, their bond is likely to continue growing closer during their relationship.
Yellow auras also complement red auras quite nicely. They balance out some darker traits of red auras with their sunny disposition. Yellow auras are always looking on the bright side of things, and they help ease the aggression red auras sometimes have.
Yellow and red auras create devoted, loving energy that shines brightly. Together, they prompt harmony and motivation. Yellow and red auras are often power couples, each with a successful career.
Crystals for a Red Aura
Red crystals represent power, love, and passion. They will bring vitality and energy to anyone, especially people with red auras. These are the top crystals to use to magnify your strengths if you have a red aura.
These would be an expensive but worthy addition to your collection. Rubies will provide eternal energy of love in your home. These are especially useful for fostering a loving bond with an orange aura.
Red Quartz
This transparent and brilliant gem will bring devotion to your workspace or home. Keep it close to help your heart stay motivated. Further, it will enhance your romantic qualities.
Red Jasper
Red jasper resonates with your root chakra. If you’re worried about your financial or professional future, use red jasper to strengthen your confidence. They build on the robust nature of red auras and provide a greater determination.
Yellow crystals complement the energy of a red aura. Typically, yellow crystals symbolize peace and hope. Use them to add these elements to your life.
Topaz will provide you with more willpower and devotion. They’re great paired with red crystals, as the combination will foster creativity. Topaz also helps with positivity, optimism, and joy.
Citrine is an excellent choice to combine with red auras that seek stability and peace. Sometimes, red auras can get caught up in the chaos of life and don’t know when or how to stop. This crystal will help them slow down and relax.
Yellow Sapphire
This fascinating gem aids red auras with their sexual side and emotional side. It’s especially useful in relationships that feel stagnant. Red auras can use this crystal to balance their passion and restore harmony to their love life.
Red Aura Meaning: Conclusion
In short, red auras exude power, passion, and motivation. Indeed, you’re fortunate if you or someone you know has a red aura. If you do have a red aura, wield your powers wisely, and it will pay off for you and those around you.
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