Rainbows look magical. Their scientific explanation is very simple: water refracts light rays in its color. But these facts do not diminish the joy and awe we feel every time we see one.
If you see rainbows in your dreams, it means that good things are soon to come your way. But it would be best if you were open to change to receive these good omens.
Let’s explore the spiritual meanings behind dreaming about rainbows.
Rainbow Color Symbolism
Do you know what the colors of the rainbow mean? Find out here to help interpret your dreams!
- Red is passionate, symbolizing life and pleasure
- Orange is the color for creativity and motivation
- Yellow signifies friendships, young love, and happiness
- Green represents wealth, money, status, and even fertility
- Blue is a calming color meant to strengthen emotional bonds
- Indigo is for wisdom and getting back in touch with your spiritual side
- Violet represents power, royalty, and trusting intuition
Common Dreams Of Rainbows And Their Spiritual Meanings
What does it mean when you dream of a rainbow? What is your spirit trying to communicate with you?
Let’s examine the spiritual meaning of this rainbow symbolism.
1. Good Things Are Coming Your Way
The interpretation of your rainbow dream has a lot to do with your belief system and cultural exposure.
You can see gold chains in the sea. According to many Irish people, for example, leprechauns hide their pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Therefore, dreaming of a rainbow may mean great fortune is headed your way.
Speaking from the Bible, the rainbow is God’s promise to Noah and the rest of humanity.
But because of its association with rain, rainbow dreams in farming communities can give you information about weather patterns so you can plan your farming accordingly.
Whether the message is about wealth or good weather, your rainbow dream is a sign of hope.
2. Something Important Is Missing From Your Life
Did you know that different animals see different rainbows? Humans see a seven-color flag, but dogs see only two or three.
Butterflies and mantis shrimp see many more threads of color than we see. It is because of the rods and cones in their eyes.
Nature has vision cones that see many colors. We have red, blue, and green, while butterflies and bees have three ultraviolet pulses.
Mantis Shrimps have sixteen, so their rainbow will look like electricity!
Now imagine you had a dream where some of the colors in your rainbow were missing. Think about what this empty color represents.
If you dreamed of a rainbow without purple, something in your life secretly steals your joy.
No green in your rainbow? Perhaps you feel stuck in life with no progress or growth.
3. Strong Colors Can Indicate Health Problems
On the other end of the spectrum, your rainbow may have different colors, like that of a butterfly, bee, or mantis shrimp.
In a typical rainbow, the colors appear as pastel shades that blend. But your rainbow of dreams may be washed out, or some colors are longer, thinner, darker, wider, or more potent than others.
This type of dream may contain information related to a specific shade.
A broad and large red band can indicate danger. It could be a warning about someone ruining your life.
Or it could be a warning about essential parts of your body. You may need a medical examination because your blood organs (heart, arteries, kidneys, lungs, etc.) may be fighting infections.
4. Things Are About To Change Dramatically
In nature, rainbows usually appear after rain. But they can also occur in front of storms, and you will see them in geysers and waterfalls.
Rainbow dreams are the same way. A rainbow represents a dramatic change from cold and dark to bright and sunny. Or sometimes from the dust and rain to wipe out the old.
They predict that there will be chaos in your situation. What do you think before you go to sleep?
In this case, the rainbow tells you that things will change soon. If you are having a hard time, it will pass.
But if you’re having fun, prepare for a challenging (and well-rewarding) situation.
- Dreaming About Murder
- Dream About Orcas
- Dream Of Peeing
- Dreaming About Possums
- Dreaming About Sharks
5. Celebrate Your Full Spectrum
What your rainbow dream means depends on what the rainbow means to you.
For example, it is an identity symbol for many LGBT+ members. So missing color or emphasis on the same shade can be more information about gender, sexuality, or how you express yourself.
If you dream of a rainbow where yellow, orange, and red merge into a giant peach or lilac, it could be about embracing your feminine side even if you identify as masculine. If you dream of strong blues and indigos, you may need more masculinity in your daily life.

6. Your Wishes Will Come True
Dreams can be interpreted spiritually or psychologically, but the best option is a combination of the two.
For many of us, rainbows are a source of happiness and hope. We are surprised by the positive effects.
The heat is sometimes associated with trauma, such as rainbows and thunderstorms. After all, rain produces food, but it can also destroy it.
In this context, we consider rainbow desires as desire fulfillment. Many songs and poems express wishing for a rainbow (or taking pictures of stars).
Therefore, the dream might also imply that your desires will come true.
7. You Need To Visit Someone
What’s the first thing you do when seeing a rainbow in the sky? Most people run to inform human beings about it so that they will come and spot it.
This might imply that you need to invite your family over or see some friends. Maybe you need to get on social media and share some of your life with people who care about you.
You might also consider seeing a rainbow and thinking of someone you love. You need to pay attention to someone who is in need.
If they are having a terrible day, going through some trouble, or just thinking about you, you should respond! Call them, leave a message, or communicate with them somehow.
8. You Desire Something
Scientifically speaking, the rainbow is an illusion. You can see them, and they’re very real.
You can take pictures. But this multi-colored bond isn’t always what’s visible. It’s a part of their magic that they exist, yet they don’t at the same time.
That’s why a lot of songs are about chasing rainbows.
Your dreams can use rainbows to tell you about your desires and plans. If you dream of taking walks on a rainbow, it means your goals and methods have merit.
9. It’s Okay To Fail
If you’re dreaming of rainbows, you need to know that failure is in your future. Perhaps you’re having a tough time.
Your plans might fail, you might become sick, or you will lose someone close to you. But that’s okay! Failure happens to everyone.
This is because rainbows do not last forever, so you must be ready to let go of something. Everything in life is temporary, even the best and worst things.
The dream reminds you to enjoy your life, even if you are having a tough time. Don’t give up!
10. Embrace All Elements Of Yourself
Everyone struggles with their identity, especially during change. Maybe you’ve recently graduated, started a new job, or even been fired.
It might even be that you are growing older, which scares you.
Suddenly, you do not know who you’re anymore. You might also discover a part of yourself that feels unfamiliar, awkward, or even negative.
You might think that you need to pretend or hide that these unwanted parts of you exist. Wondering this about you makes you much less assertive and less self-confident.
More Meanings Of Rainbows
Dreams that include rainbows can have so many spiritual meanings. Rainbows have carried myths, folklore, and spirituality for centuries, before written history!
In many religions and cultures, rainbows are considered the bridge to heaven and are associated with positive thoughts and feelings such as hope and happiness.
If you’re dreaming of rainbows, you must look on the bright side and find promising opportunities! Find something different and beautiful to focus on.
Like many dreams and events, people often need different interpretations of rainbow dreams based on their current situation in life.
No matter who you are, if you dream of rainbows, you hope for a brighter life, and it will find you soon.
A dream of a rainbow often represents a positive outlook on life. They are seen as an omen of light and a symbol of hope.
No matter what type of rainbow you dream of, it represents a time of change in your life or a new beginning.
Understanding what these mean will help you make changes and take action to improve your life. Use this guide to help you interpret your dreams about rainbows and learn what your spirit is trying to communicate to you!