Dreaming of fish? You’re not alone. Fish dreams are common among people from all walks of life. As you’ll soon see, they also carry a special meaning for pregnant women.
Fish symbolize water, fertility, and abundance. They represent manifesting success in the material world.
If you can recall the details of your fish dream, you’re in luck. Use these fish dream meanings to find out what your specific dream meant. Also, reference the guide on fish types to further clarify your fish dream.
Spiritual Symbolism of Fish In Dreams
The fish holds many spiritual and traditional meanings. In Christianity, early Christians used the ichthys as a secret symbol of their faith during times of persecution. Hence, it is a powerful and mystical symbol of faith and hope.
Also, the Islamic interpretation of a fish dream generally represents good fortune and abundance. In Islam, fish dreams also indicate the gender of the baby. Dreaming of a large fish or a school of fish traditionally represents incoming wealth and prosperity.
In Tarot, fish indicate fluidity in emotions and the soul. Fish, seen on the suit of cups, represent your ability to read body language, act on instinct, react well to changing environments, and accept and overcome sudden difficulties in life. In short, fish in Tarot symbolize intuition, adaptation, and transformation.
Fish in Water
If your dream involves seeing fish swimming down a stream or in the open ocean, it’s a sign of understanding and diversity. You’re likely to meet new people who will expand your knowledge and provide wisdom to help you in your journey. Also, this may signify that you excel in your studies or professional endeavors.
In addition, dreaming of a fish in water represents prosperity and transformation. You’re in a phase in your life where growth is inevitable. Soon, you’ll find joy in the changes and good fortune that enter your life.
Fish Jumping From Water
This dream is a sign that something unexpected will enter your life. Sometimes, it could be bad, but it usually represents a good surprise. The surprise may shock you, so prepare to adapt to whatever it is!
Also, fish jumping out of the water may signify a coming influx of wealth. In this case, be careful. Although it’s exciting, don’t lose sight of your generous spirit. Fish represent abundance, so focus on sharing your wealth and success to create more.
Fish Out of Water
Seeing a fish flopping on dry ground in your dream is a sign of discontent or malalignment in your life. Something is holding you back from abundance and wealth. You’re trying to manifest it, but you’re coming up dry.
When you dream of a fish out of the water, you must ask yourself what your values are. Write them out and find action steps to help you realign with them. When you align your values with your strengths, you’ll find success.
Catching a Fish
If you’re catching a fish in your dream, take it as an exciting omen. Undoubtedly, you’ve been working hard to achieve something. This dream means that all your hard work will soon pay off.
Also, hold tight if you’ve been meditating or praying to manifest something in the material world. Your prayers will soon come to fruition. Keep your eyes open, so you’re ready to see the resulting manifestation.
Eating Fish
Eating fish represents joy. It’s a happy time for you and your family or loved ones. Soon, you’ll find yourself feasting with those you love and sharing fond memories.
Additionally, eating fish in your dream may symbolize healthy manifestations. You take pride in your values and ambitions, and you’ll find prosperity. You likely have a happy and generous heart, and others recognize that about you.
Fish Tank
As opposed to dreaming of a fish in open water, this dream signifies that something’s constraining your growth or wealth. If you dream of fish in a tank, take time in your waking hours to reflect on anything that could be holding you back. In short, some person or energy in your life prevents you from further success.
Fish In Dirty Vs. Clean Water
So, you dreamt of a fish in a stream. But was it dirty, muddy water? Or fresh, sparkling, clean water?
These differences have opposite spiritual meanings. If the fish in your dream are in murky water, it’s a sign that you have some hindrance trusting your intuition. Usually, you’re great at trusting yourself, but you’re not right now for some reason.
On the other hand, sparkling clean water indicates that your mind is clear. You’re relaxed and ready to follow your gut, and you’ve been doing just that. Every step you take is due to motivation leading you the right way.
Swimming In a School of Fish
This is an incredibly breathtaking dream to have and evokes strong emotions. If you’re swimming with many fish in your dreams, your life is overflowing with abundance. You’re likely to gain new friendships shortly.
Also, it’s a reminder to be grateful for all the blessings in your life. You’ve been given so much and accepted it with gracious arms. Now, it’s time to return the favor.
Fish Eggs
This is a sign of fertility. If you’re not currently pregnant, or if you can’t get pregnant, it represents a symbolic birth in your life. It could be that you’ll soon embrace a new hobby or career.
Also, fish eggs represent emotional wealth. In other words, your soul is teaming with joy, hope, and peace. You have no shortage of love to share with others.
Dreaming of fish eggs is a positive sign if you are trying to conceive. If you’re not, then be careful! You’re going through a fertile season.
Transforming Into a Fish
If you dream about yourself or someone else turning into a fish, it’s a symbol of transformation. Are you about to move? Changing careers?
Or did you just enter a new relationship? This transformative fish dream represents any number of big changes in your life. Take it as a sign of good luck and go fearlessly into this new, exciting chapter.
Fish Talking
If fish are talking to you in your dream, remember their message’s essence. It could be your inner voice trying to reach you. As such, it’s a reminder to spend quiet time in your head.
Be sure you’re following your dreams and focusing on manifesting the life of abundance you deserve. Allow good things to flow into your life, like fish flowing down the river. Listen to that calm inner voice inside your soul.
Flying Fish
If fish fly through the air in your dreams, it signifies your freedom. You’ve released yourself from the burden of your past or current challenges that could weigh you down. Instead of despairing, you’ve chosen to feel grateful for the good things.
As a result, you feel as though you live in abundance. Your physical or mental limitations don’t define you. Instead, they motivate you to keep your head above water and to soar.
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Failing at Catching Fish
Say you’re fishing in your dream. You’ve been at it all day. Finally, you feel a tug at the line.
But when you reel in your line, the hook is empty. What a tough feeling! If you dream something like this, your subconscious is disappointed about a loss or misstep you’ve had.
As the saying goes, there are plenty of fish in the sea. Just because you recently lost something doesn’t mean you don’t have more to gain. Remind yourself that gifts and joys in life are plentiful.
Fish Bones
If you see fish bones in your dream, it signifies greed. Have you been taking and not giving? Maybe you live in abundance and wealth, but you’re not sharing it with anyone.
It’s time to fix your hoarding mentally. Indeed, there is plenty to go around, so don’t forget to be generous to your loved ones, coworkers, and friends. When you feast, it’s meaningless if you do it alone.
Fish Market
In your fish dream, did you meander through fish markets? Perhaps you were shopping for fish or sushi in your dream. In short, this is a sign of good luck.
You have an array of opportunities in front of you, and you’ve prepared yourself well for one. The right one will reveal itself soon. However, be careful as you make choices in the coming future.
Indeed, the choices you face may confuse you. If that’s the case, come back to your heart center. Be still and quiet to find out what your inner voice is telling you to do.
Fish Hooks
If you see fish hooks in your dream, it’s another sign of opportunities ahead. However, you’ll have to work hard to create those opportunities. You’ll need to be patient in the meantime.
Just like with fishing, you must wait and strategize. Your abundant wealth won’t come easily. In this case, be sure you’re educating yourself and expanding your network to create those opportunities for yourself.
Big Fish Attacking You
This can be a frightful dream to have. However, it’s ultimately a good sign. You just need to learn how to manage the wealth in your life.
Currently, you may feel uneasy or conflicted about the wealth you’ve acquired. You might even feel guilty or as if you’re drowning under the pressure of your abundant lifestyle. So, you should take this as a sign to relax.
Instead of being fearful or overwhelmed, feel grateful for everything in your life. Find ways to share it with others and have a generous heart. As a result, you’ll also gain new positive relationships and rekindle old ones.
Fish Dream Meaning: Pregnancy
Fish commonly enter the dreams of pregnant women. If you’re pregnant or trying to conceive, your fish dream is a splendid omen. So, why are fish a good sign during pregnancy?
Fish have historically been a sign of fertility because fish produce many eggs. So, if you’re trying to have a baby, take this as a sign that you’re fertile. It’s probably the right time of the month to try again.

In addition, a fish symbolizes pregnancy because your baby is “swimming” in your womb, similar to a fish. Therefore, if you’re dreaming about fish while pregnant, your subconscious is aligned with your pregnancy. Also, it means you’re likely to have a relatively smooth birthing process.
Moreover, fish dreams symbolize creation and nurturing powers. These are both factors during the conception and pregnancy process. The universe confirms that you have what it takes to grow and nourish this baby successfully.
On another note, if you’re pregnant, you may dream of fish because you can’t eat them. On a pregnancy diet, foods high in mercury aren’t healthy. These include certain fish such as mackerel and swordfish.
Lastly, fish represent a lucky baby. If you have fish dreams while pregnant, your baby will have good fortune and wealth. Your hopes and dreams for your little one will help foster its growth and success.
Fish Types
In the dream world, the type of fish you dream about may have a different meaning. Take a look below to find out what your fish dream meaning is!
Goldfish are a sign of new beginnings and good fortune. In folk stories, goldfish are bearers of good news and good luck. So, open your arms to receive gifts of the universe if you dream of goldfish.
Koi Fish
Koi fish are a potent symbol of wealth and prosperity. Koi sounds like a word meaning “love” in Japanese. Therefore, in Japan, koi fish are associated with love and relationships.
If you dream of koi fish, you foster deep love and commitment. It means your heart is pure, and you may even have new love coming your way. Your relationships are deeply grounded in mutual respect and kindness.
Koi fish in your dreams also symbolize perseverance and bravery. If you’re working on a project, they represent that you will soon succeed. In short, koi fish are a good indicator that life is going well!
Colorful Fish
Rainbow fish or brightly colored fish are a sign of comfort and victory. Brightly colored fish bring joy to us, and when you see them in a dream, it’s a positive sign. Also, it means that your higher self aligns with the material environment you’ve created for yourself.
If you see a catfish in your dream, it signifies transformation. You may need to do a spring cleaning with your life to make sure you’re focusing on positive opportunities. Take special care to sense what the right path is for you.
Also, catfish symbolize your deepest emotions. So, take this chance to reconnect with your inner desires. This will help you align your soul with the material world.
Big Fish
Big fish bring big fortune. If you dream about big fish, you’re likely a positive and successful person with more good things in store. If you dream about catching big fish, it’s an even more significant indicator that abundance is about to overflow in your life.

Dead Fish
Dreaming of dead fish isn’t necessarily a bad omen. However, it means you need to acknowledge and move past a mistake or failure you’ve encountered. Maybe you’re hard at work on your goals, but you had a setback.
First, consider what that setback was. Then, figure out a plan to move past it emotionally, financially, or physically. You’ll have the strength to move on from this lapse in fortune.
Fish Dream Meaning: Conclusion
To sum it up, as you can see, the meanings of fish dreams vary greatly. As with all dream interpretations, carefully consider your life situation after having a fish dream.
Depending on your situation, the dream carries a different meaning. However, in general, fish dreams represent abundance and good fortune to come.