Did you know elephant tusks are actually teeth? And that these giant creatures communicate through vibrations? Elephants are truly magnificent beings, as you’ll learn in this article.
Elephants are the world’s largest land animal, and their symbolism is just as immense. These giant creatures symbolize intelligence, self-awareness, and empathy.
Next, learn about the elephant’s cultural and spiritual symbolism.
Elephant Symbolism
Elephant symbolism varies among cultures and geographical locations and can be complex. The wide range of meanings comes from ancient mythology and many religions over time. In general, elephants symbolize power, knowledge, longevity, energy, guidance, and loyalty.

Additionally, many cultures revere elephants for their size and exotic nature. Artwork dating back to the Old Stone Age millions of years ago showcases elephants.
Elephant Symbolism: Native American
No elephants existed in North America, but mammoths did before they went extinct about 10,000 years ago. Ancient Native Americans hunted mammoths and used the components of their bodies as resources for living. These giant animals represented power and hospitality.
As human survival depended on mammoths in certain places, they were essential to early humans. They were very commonly depicted in ice age art. Native Americans have also discovered their tusks or bones in North America.
Elephant Symbolism: Eastern Culture
Elephants have sacred and unique meanings in the Hindu religion, which is widespread in India. One of the most important Hindu gods, Ganesha, has the head of an elephant. Ganesha has the power to grant wishes to those who ask faithfully and incarnates in the form of living elephants.
Elephants represent lightning in Sumatra. Elephant symbolism is ubiquitous in India, and many people use it as an emblem of good luck. Idols of Ganesh in cars, workplaces, or homes protect people from misfortune.
Further, many Hindu legends portray the power elephants have. For example, one legend describes elephants as the guardians of Earth. Eight guardian elephants protect specific realms of the Earth, and they’re sometimes visited by gods, who they carry on their mighty backs.
A yoga pose called the Ganesh Mudra is designed to embody the powerful energy of the elephant and intentionally strengthens the heart. Another yoga pose, the Gaja Vadivu, strengthens and lengthens the body to resemble the mighty trunk of the elephant. In spiritual practice, these poses awaken divine inner energy.
In Thailand and Burma, elephants represent joy and good fortune.
In fact, Thailand has a holiday to celebrate elephants in March, National Elephant Day. Thai people, since ancient times, have had a close relationship with elephants, and they’re the national symbol of Thailand. White elephants are a sacred symbol of royalty.
Thai culture has depended on elephants for transportation and labor. They were an extremely appreciated resource that the Thai people used with honor. Today, National Elephant Day helps bring awareness to the declining population and the need to preserve this sacred species.
In Buddhism, elephants represent royalty and the goddess Queen Māyā of Sakya, mother of Gautama Buddha. A white elephant appeared in her dream during her pregnancy with Buddha, foretelling the divine pregnancy. Religion all over South Asia features the motif of the elephant.

Japanese artists depicted elephants long before the people of this island nation had seen any in person. So, elephants in art were rather whimsical. When the Japanese finally saw real elephants in the 16th century, the symbolism of this creature only grew.
Japanese culture believes elephants help protect against fire and other dangers due to their association with water. Japanese Buddhists have a god named Kangiten, comprised of a man and woman with elephant heads. Spiritually, elephants represent wisdom and compassion.
In Chinese tradition, the elephant once again represents good luck. In China and Cambodia, elephants helped warriors win battles and were praised for their strength and power. The practice of Feng Shui also grants special meaning to these giant animals.
In Feng Shui, elephants bring good luck, happiness, wisdom, and protection. They’re also a symbol of majesty and power in the home. Placing a pair of elephants as guardians of the front door helps protect your home against misfortune.
Further, elephant figurines with a special jewel symbolize wish-granting and good fortune. When placed inside near the door, they attract positive energy. Place strong elephant imagery in the Zhen portion of your home or office to attract wealth and prosperity.
Elephant Symbolism: African
In Africa, elephant symbolism is broad. In central Africa, the Mbuti believe their ancestors’ souls live in elephants. This idea of reincarnation is common among other African people. For instance, some societies believed their leaders would reincarnate as elephants.
People near the Niger Delta historically buried their leaders with elephant tusks to guide them in the afterlife. There are many rock paintings and engravings of elephants in the Sahara and southern Africa. Today, the South African coat of arms includes elephant tusks, which represent power.
In western Africa and the present-day Republic of Benin, elephants represent the rulers of the Fon people. Historically, elephants were praised for their strength and royal nature in this society. They were also admired for their long-lasting memories and devotion.
One proverb of this culture states:
“The animal steps on the ground, but the elephant steps down with strength.”
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Elephant Symbolism: European
Europeans traditionally viewed elephants as symbols of military strength. Alexander the Great used captured war elephants from India to represent the imperial strength of his Greek empire. In the 13 century, the sultan of Egypt gifted an elephant to the Roman Emperor, which was used in parades.
In Denmark, elephants represent peace and piety, and elephants symbolize the highest order of Denmark’s government. French leader Napoleon Bonaparte created an elephant fountain out of gunmetal to symbolize military victory and power. In Sicily, a legend of a local sorcerer tells the tale of the sorcerer’s magic transformation into an elephant.
Elephants and Medicine
People have used elephant resources for medicinal purposes. For example, some South African people used the smoke of burning elephant dung to heal headaches and toothaches or stop a nosebleed. Burning elephant dung also wards off mosquitos.
Traditionally, Asian and African people have also used elephant tusks for medicinal purposes. In China, people used ivory to treat disorders such as epilepsy and ulcers. They also dried and powered elephant skin and applied it as a topical treatment for human skin diseases.
Ivory, also known as “white gold,” has long been the object of various uses for humans. People’s desire for ivory is why so many elephants are killed worldwide, and their existence has been threatened by extinction. Ivory’s mythological medicinal uses include detecting poison, clearing the skin, curing sore throats, and relieving osteoporosis.
Elephant Symbolism in Your Dreams
If you see an elephant in your dreams, take comfort in it because they bring wisdom and good fortune. When your life is full of conflict and stress, but you dream of an elephant, it’s a sign that peace is coming your way. However, the nature and behavior of the elephant or elephants in your dream further indicate specific signs of what’s to come.
Dreaming of a Baby Elephant
If you find yourself with a baby elephant in your dream, it’s still a sign of good fortune to come, but it’s a reminder that all things start small. The elephant reminds you that the biggest of dreams begin with tiny steps. In short, you will succeed, but you must be patient as your growth process will be long.
Dreaming of baby elephants is also a symbol of peace. Whatever your struggle is in life, take on the innocent mind of a young one and keep calm. Soon, you will find peace from the challenges you face.
You’re likely seeking inspiration if you’re dreaming of baby elephants, which signifies that you’re open to receiving it. Elephants have creative energy, and you can harness it to add joy to your life. Baby elephants represent a smooth, clean state upon which you will build your desired life.
Dreaming of a Herd of Elephants
A herd of elephants is a potent sign to dream about. If this herd is in your dream, you have strong familial ties and a deep sense of loyalty in your relationships. You are wise in the way you love others, and you’re generous to your family.
Dreaming of a herd of elephants is also a sign of a mighty victory quickly approaching. Have you worked long hours to complete your project or meet your goal? Well, your strong energy will manifest in a massive success story, and you’ll soon be celebrating.
If you see the herd of elephants traveling in line, then it’s a sign you’re at peace with your life. You’re strongly grounded in your goals, and you’re on the right path. You’re effectively using the life lessons of your past as you journey, step by step, into the future.
Dreaming of a White Elephant
As you read above, the mother of Buddha dreamt of a white elephant before her divine pregnancy. White elephants are a sacred sign of spiritual development and good fortune. If you have this dream, you will soon inherit the spiritual blessings and wisdom you will need to progress.
Dreaming of white elephants is also a sign of your pure heart and intention to do good for yourself and those around you. You desire personal wealth, but you’re also selfless and loyal, so you willingly give to those around you. Your generosity and wisdom will soon bring more fortune and love into your life.
Finally, white elephants in your dreams remind you to be authentic. Remember that your spirit has divine nature, and you must allow your unique light to shine in the world. The white elephant reminds you to stand up for yourself in a dignified manner and to present your heart to the people you love.
Elephant Omens
While you’re probably unlikely to spot elephants daily, seeing them as symbols or figurines has different meanings, so you should pay close attention if you notice elephant imagery everywhere. Elephant omens are generally good signs, just like seeing them in your dreams. Also, if you use them for Feng Shui in your home, you’ll have these good omens represented in your daily life!
Omen of Protection
In many cultures, including ancient India and Africa, seeing elephants signifies power and majesty. It also represented protection from bad fortune or enemies. Further, seeing elephants in front of someone’s door signifies their home is protected from bad energy.
Also, ivory is an omen of protection and strength. If you see objects made of ivory or see a pair of tusks, real or replicated, it’s a symbol of security. If the tusk is cracked, then it means the opposite; your safety may be in jeopardy.
Omens of Strength
Seeing elephants is a reminder of victorious battles and divine strength. In ancient India, warriors fearlessly rode elephants into battle. Elephant omens bring mighty energy and remind you to build mental and physical strength.
If you see elephant imagery in meeting places or at work, it’s a sign that you have the strength to face upcoming obstacles. Just as ancient warriors did, you can fearlessly go to battle with the challenges you face. In short, it means your strength will be worthy of your problems.
Elephant As a Spirit Animal
If you have the elephant as your spirit animal, you are in steady hands and will receive much wisdom. As spirit animals, elephants represent intelligence and power. Further, they represent good memory and decisive action, and they will guide you to good fortune.
The elephant spirit animal is a master of loyalty and resolving conflicts. He is a role model of commitment and deep-rooted love that lasts a lifetime. If you’re married or in a long-term relationship, follow the steady and wise example of the patient, compassionate elephant.
Elephants are also highly empathetic beings, and they will wait for those they love. You can always expect to admire an elephant’s grace and harmonious friendship. They are an ever-present companion.
Elephant As a Totem Animal
If you possess an elephant totem, it symbolizes good luck and divine presence. Use it as a reminder to be gentle with yourself and those you love and to strengthen your heart during painful times. The elephant totem brings grace and dignity into your life.
Keep an elephant totem close if you desire to strengthen your bonds with your family or partner. This reminds you of your commitment and will grant you patience to deal with relational conflicts. With an elephant totem, your energy will gravitate toward the elephant’s traits of loyalty, wisdom, power, and majesty.
Elephant As a Power Animal
Elephant power animals are a divine and powerful energy you can summon to gain assistance and wisdom that will guide you through times of despair. Elephants are one of the Earth’s most empathetic animals, so the elephant power animal will understand your need. They’ll help you respond to your loved ones or friends with compassion.
You can also call on the healing energy of the elephant power animal. When you feel depleted, like you can’t support yourself or your family anymore, you can summon spiritual strength from the loyal elephant. He will deliver compassionate and loving energy that you can use.
The energy of elephant power animals is as loyal and steadfast as these animals are in real life. You can always count on these power animals to grant you strength and wisdom. In particular, call on them if you’ve had a recent death or breakup and need healing energy for your heart.
Elephant Symbolism In a Tattoo
Now that you understand the many worldwide elephant symbolism meanings, you may know what elephant tattoos represent. Generally, these stunning and bold tattoos represent loyalty, wisdom, and prosperity. Elephant tattoos come in an infinite variety of sizes, colors, and styles, each with a unique meaning to the wearer.
A white elephant represents fertility and compassion. It is an excellent choice to represent parenthood or familial bonds. You may also add a white elephant to your body’s temple if you want a reminder of your divine self.
You may choose an intricate elephant design to showcase your grace and beauty. A tattoo of a large-bodied elephant represents strength and royalty. Elephant tattoos of a pair of elephants with their trunks entwined represent infinite love and undying loyalty.
Further, elephant tattoos represent creative energy and growth. You may tattoo an elephant on your body to remind you of a time of courage and development that helped mold you into who you are today. Lastly, these tattoos can remind you to be positive and manifest good luck in your career or relationships.
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