Tarot card spreads range from a single card to twenty cards. No matter the spread, tarot readings are an excellent way to gain insight and clarity on the questions of your soul. If you’re just beginning your tarot reading practice, there are several easy tarot spreads to help you.
Easy tarot spreads include one, three, and five-card spreads. Beginner tarot readers can also focus on single-question readings and yes-or-no spreads until they move on to more advanced spreads.
If you’re here, you likely have been practicing your tarot readings and seeking inspiration for which spreads to try next. You’re in the perfect place to learn more! As you read through these easy tarot spreads, always follow your intuition when choosing the next spread, and you will succeed.
Tarot Spreads for Beginners
With tarot readings, simplicity is best. So, get comfortable with any of these easy tarot spreads and make them your own. Also, you can even come up with your own easy tarot spread!
If you’re a visual thinker, you will love the layout varieties of the three-card and five-card spreads. Choosing a specific layout for three cards will help you read them in a specific flow. Also, when you master a few easy tarot card spreads, you can adapt and tweak them as you like.
One Card Tarot Spreads
The beauty of a single-card spread is its simplicity. You have a question and the card answers. In short, this is a great way to quickly and easily gain insight into life.
If you’re new to tarot readings, you’ll get to know the card well. You’ll familiarize yourself with the deck.
Your focus is drawn deeply to one card, so you get to know its symbolism well.
One-card readings are fast and easy, and they’re not intimidating. That’s why, for first-time tarot readers, they’re a go-to choice.

1. Think of your question and specify your intention
Take a moment to tune into your body. Then, slow your breathing and reconnect your mental and physical states. Open your mind to receive insight and solutions when you think of your question.
The key is to begin the exercise in a nonjudgmental state. Also, focus on the sole problem or question you have. Most importantly, understand that the goal is singular since you’re just doing a one-card pull.
2. Repeat the question and select the card
Next, shuffle the deck as you repeat the question in your mind. Then, select your card from the deck. Notably, it doesn’t matter where the card comes from between the deck’s top, bottom, or middle.
During this step, the most important thing is to go with your instinct. Quietly listen to your intuition and pull the card that feels right to you. You may feel drawn to the card as if your fingers feel a magnetic pull toward it, or your eyes can’t turn away from it.
3. Contemplate
Now, for the fun part! It’s time to reflect on the card you drew and let your mind wander as you consider its imagery and divine meanings. Importantly, don’t hold back on your thoughts.
Let your mind be free to accept the card’s meaning, even if you don’t like it right now. Also, have a journal and pen nearby to jot down notes about your interpretation. As a result, you’ll recall the thoughts that the card inspired, so you can implement your findings in real life.
One-Card Tarot Spread Question Ideas
- What is most important in my life right now?
- What should I focus on?
- What’s the card of the month?
- How do I define myself?
- What does the world need me to share?
- What strength do I need to use more?
In summary, one-card tarot spreads are perfect for beginners. However, they’re also an efficient exercise for the most experienced tarot readers to stay connected with their intuition and gift. For a quick and easy tarot reading, go for the one-card pull!
Three-Card Tarot Spreads
Three-card tarot spreads are perfect choices for drawing cause-and-effect sequences or linear patterns.

General Examples:
- Problem, Effect, Solution
- Past, Present, Future
- Partner, Relationship, You
- Situation, Action, Outcome
- Idea, Goal, Process
1. Balanced 3-card spread
In a balanced spread, every card is interconnected to the one next to it. Also, each card is equally important. Each card has a story to tell and is a necessary part of the spread.
- Think, Feel, Do
- Mental, Emotional, and Physical
- Choice 1, Choice 2, Choice 3
2. Take-Away Spread
In this style of a tarot spread, the third card serves as the answer, advice, or “take-away” you provide the querent.
- Distraction, Goal, Solution
- What You Want, What You Need, How To Balance
- Strengths, Weaknesses, Advice
- Problem, Effects, Advice
3. Crossed Spread
In this spread, card #2 lays crisscrossed on top of card #1, and card #3 is below them. Ideally, the top two cards represent a conflict or challenge the querent faces. Card #2 is the roadblock that prevents the querent from achieving card #1. The third card represented the lesson, solution, or advice that will help overcome the roadblock.
- Goal, Challenge, Advice
- Desire, Hesitation, Solution
In summary, three-card spreads are extremely relational. It simplifies the challenges and concerns of the querent, and it’s a way to find solutions. Also, it’s a way to learn lessons and gain clarity on past and current events.
- Dreaming About Murder
- Dream About Orcas
- Dream Of Peeing
- Dreaming About Possums
- Dreaming About Sharks
Five Card Tarot Spreads
Now, it’s time to take it up a notch! Five-card spreads provide more detail and insight than three-card spreads. When looking for easy tarot spreads, though, these are still a great choice to help you gain more familiarity with your deck.
In your next session reading, try one of these five-card tarot spread ideas. Over time, you may be drawn toward one in particular. So, always feel free to unleash your creativity and follow your deepest intuition.
1. Past, Present, Future
Of course, this spread can easily work with three cards. However, place the fourth and fifth cards under the first and third, respectively, to gain more insight into the past and future. The fourth card provides details on what holds you in place, and the fifth card gives wisdom on reaching your future goal.
2. Love Spreads
There are a few five-card tarot spreads that offer insight into relationships and love.
- You
- Partner
- Relationship
- Past
- Future
In this five-card spread, arrange cards 1, 2, and 3 in a line and place card 4 above them and card 5 below. The first three cards represent you, your partner, and the status of the relationship. The second two represent your past and your future together.
This exercise will provide insight into many aspects of the relationship. The couple may find clarity on concerns or questions they’ve had. All in all, this five-card relationship spread is a simple yet effective spread for those seeking relationship advice.
- You
- Partner
- Relationship
- Positives
- Negatives
In this version of the five-card relationship spread, the additional two cards are dedicated to analyzing the positive and negative aspects of your relationship. By learning more about the positive traits, you can appreciate your love more. By learning more about the negative traits, you can begin to work on improving them.
- You
- Past Loves
- What Worked
- What Didn’t Work
- Things You Must Work On
In this love spread, you dive deep into your own love life. Using your intuition, the cards will guide you to learn lessons from your past loves. Many valuable lessons await you from past relationships, and this spread will help you uncover them.
- Breakup:
- Your Contribution
- Your Partner’s Contribution
- Cause
- Effect
- How to Grow
In the breakup five-card spread, arrange the cards in an X pattern, with the “Cause” card in the center. This spread is very sensitive, especially if the breakup in question is fresh. The contents of the cards may surprise or upset the querent.
However, it’s worth it to understand your lost love better despite the pain of analyzing a breakup. As you can see, the final card inspires you on how to grow and how to move forward. After a breakup, the best thing you can do for yourself and your future partner is to learn and mature.
3. Horseshoe
In a five-card horseshoe tarot spread, the cards, as you can guess, are arranged in the shape of a horseshoe. This spread is helpful if you desire clarity and perspective on an issue or question you face.
- Past
- Present
- Current Issues
- Advice
- Effect
4. Career
Do you have questions about your profession and career path? Well, the five-card career tarot spread is right for you. Using this spread, you can acquire insight and clarity about your current and future career.
Particularly, if you’re facing a new job offer or a business opportunity, you may have uncertainty. So, use this spread technique to help answer your questions and calm your anxiety about the potential new role.
- Pros of the Opportunity
- Cons of the Opportunity
- Current Status
- Advice
- Effect
Also, there is a spread that’s perfect for you if you’re stuck or unsure about your next career move. Arrange five cards in an oval shape to begin the career guidance tarot reading. During this session, each card reveals pivotal information that will help you determine what’s best.
- Current Status
- Your Talent
- Insecurities
- Desires
- Next Steps
5. Self-Love and Mental Healing
Now you know a few ways to uncover meaning in your relationships and career path. Next, learn how to practice self-love and mental healing. These two aspects of life are crucial, no matter what your goals and beliefs are.
Use this tarot spread as a spiritual tool to learn how to better care for and love yourself.
- Your Best Traits
- What Makes You Smile
- Your Gifts
- Negative Thoughts
- Positive Behavior
You may be wondering why “negative thoughts” is one of the ideas in this spread. Learning and understanding the negative thoughts or limiting beliefs you have is vital to develop your character. Also, when you recognize the negativity holding you back, you can learn to control it.
Yes Or No Tarot Spreads
For beginners, yes-or-no tarot readers are good practice to help you trust your intuition. Also, you’ll learn the cards and which ones mean yes, no, or maybe. However, this spread is rather limited, so intermediate or advanced practitioners may not be interested.
Sometimes, you desire a clear sign from the universe about whether to move forward with a decision. In short, you just want a “yes” or a “no.” In this case, simply draw the card that speaks to you and discover its meaning.
Advanced Tarot Spreads
If you’re ready to move on to more advanced spreads, check out these new shapes. Even if you’re a beginner looking for inspiration, it helps to view new tarot spread ideas. As you learn your deck more and more, you’ll desire new shapes and spreads to strengthen your insight.
Astrological Spread
In an astrological spread, arrange twelve cards in a circle as if they were numbers on a clock face. There are twelve questions, one for each card. The twelve questions can represent the next twelve months, twelve weeks, or twelve days.
Carefully ponder each question and the card that revealed itself. This spread is an engaging and deep way to learn more about who you are and where you are meant to be.
- What is your spiritual identity?
- How do you define your values?
- How do you use your talents?
- What do you focus on?
- What are the biggest conflicts you face?
- How do you listen to your inner voice?
- How can you treat others better?
- What baggage do you need to let go?
- How can you balance your life?
- What distracts you from your goals?
- What do you desire?
- What do you hide from others?
Even reading these questions may intimidate you. Surely, these will raise issues to light, but they’ll also help you face them and grow from them. There is no better time to explore who you are and what defines you than right now.
What’s Next?
Now that you’ve learned some easy tarot spreads, and gained some inspiration from advanced tarot spreads, what’s next for you? It’s best to practice tarot reading sessions as much as you can. Allow your intuition and psychic ability to blossom.
In summary, easy tarot spreads include single-card, three-card, and five-card spreads. Although the number of cards may be few, the understanding and wisdom you’ll gain will be extraordinary.
- Dreaming About Bears
- Dreaming About Elevators
- Dreaming About Ex
- Dreams Of A Full Moon
- Dreaming About Murder