Have you been consistently dreaming about the same person? Depending on the nature of the dream, it could mean a few things. When you see the same person keep popping up in your dreams, it’s a good idea to explore what it could mean.
Dreaming about someone means they’ve been on your mind or you have strong feelings about them. When you dream about someone, your brain processes thoughts and feelings about the subject.
Dreams often have deeper meanings that you can uncover if you reflect on your dream shortly after waking. As you consider what your dream about someone meant, think about their presence in real life. Check out these common questions below to learn more about what dreaming about someone means.
Does Dreaming About Someone Mean They’re Thinking About You?
Dreaming about someone could indicate that you have a metaphysical connection with your thoughts about each other. So, it could mean they’ve been thinking about you. If you’ve crossed paths in real life and exchanged words, there’s a possibility that spiritual threads connect you.
This phenomenon is a “soul tie,” meaning that your soul is emotionally and spiritually tied to another person’s soul. If you have a soul tie with someone, it could very well manifest in your dreams. The soul tie could reveal the other person’s thoughts about you.
However, dreaming about someone doesn’t prove they are thinking about you. There are many reasons other than that you’re dreaming about them. So, don’t get your hopes up if you’re dreaming about someone you want attention from.
The concept that if you dream about someone, they think about you is a common superstition. It has some basis in reality because if you’re dreaming about someone, you’ve probably seen them or talked to them recently, So they could be processing your interaction on their end.
However, this idea isn’t scientifically proven. If you’re dreaming about someone you’re close to, it’s a good idea to ask them if they’ve been thinking about you. In a way, you can run your own test on this concept!

Are You Dreaming About Someone Who’s a Stranger or Acquaintance?
Maybe you have a dream and don’t recognize the person you’re dreaming about. Or you have a dream about someone you’ve never met. Perhaps you’ve only exchanged pleasantries with the subject of your dreams.
This type of dream usually indicates you’re feeling lonely or cut off. You may have had a bad incident with your closest loved ones, and now you’re brainstorming how to feel comforted by new people. It’s a sign that you want to open up to people outside your usual circle.
If you dream of being surrounded by strangers, but they won’t listen to you, it’s a red flag that you’re struggling in your social life. It’s important for you to accept your situation and try new methods of connecting with people. Over time, you’ll turn those strangers into friends.
Also, this dream may foretell your future involvement with the stranger or acquaintance. If you feel like trying to connect with them, go for it! Now is the time to take a risk with new people.
In real life, try opening up more to strangers. It’s easier to do so by offering gratitude or compliments. Hopefully, these actions will boost your confidence and improve your social life.
If you dream about someone you don’t recognize in the dream, then the dream’s significance doesn’t relate to that person. Ask yourself what else was going on in the dream. Where were you, and what were you doing?
The dream with a stranger or someone whose face you can’t recall was likely about a place or event. Your focus was clearly on yourself and not the unknown person. So, explore the meanings of your personal life and your recent decisions.
Your brain was using a person to fill the space in your dream but didn’t want to draw your attention to that person. So, try to think of anything else that was in the dream. You may realize there was another person you do know in that dream.
Is Someone Missing You if You’re Dreaming About Someone?
Usually, it’s the other way around. If you dream about someone, you miss them. Of course, it’s possible that they miss you, too.
If you miss them, you may want to reach out to the person you dream about. In that case, follow your gut. You may find they’ve been thinking about you but were too shy to reconnect.
The universe could be warning you of potential separation from this person. So, if they’re meaningful to you, do everything you can to keep them in your life. You never know when someone misses you more than you imagine.
If the person you’re dreaming about is a loved one, there’s a good chance the universe is telling you to talk to them. They may very well miss you. There’s only one way to find out for certain!
What If You’re Constantly Dreaming About Someone?
Do you keep dreaming about the same person? Perhaps you even have the same dream about this person. This means you have strong feelings about this person, whether good or bad.
Constantly Dreaming About Someone Who You Like
If you have an unreciprocated crush on someone, you might find they keep appearing in your dreams. This isn’t necessarily a sign that you’re meant to be together. It indicates they’re in your mind all day and all night, which is normal when you like someone.
These recurring dreams about your special someone may inspire you. If so, trust your intuition. Be confident and contact the person you can’t seem to get off your mind.
You may find that the dreams stop when you reach out to the person. In that case, it means you fulfilled your task. You accomplished what you needed to by reaching out.
Constantly Dreaming About Someone You Dislike
On the other hand, you might have consistent dreams about someone you resent. Perhaps you’ve been hurt badly by someone and are still angry at them. This pain will fester until you release those emotions and forgive them and yourself.
To forgive the person who hurt you, you must learn to let go. What they did was in the past. You can’t change it, and neither can they.
Forgiving yourself for your part in the situation will likely be more difficult. You may want to start practicing self-love affirmations and journaling to spill out all those negative thoughts. When you identify the root of your lack of self-forgiveness, you can begin to mend it.
Once you resolve your negative feelings about the person who keeps showing face in your dreams, you will soon find they have disappeared. This means you’ve learned to let them go. You’ve accepted your fate and decided to move forward confidently.
Dreaming About Someone… Is It Your Ex?
Dreaming about an ex-lover, ex-friend, or ex-partner is extremely common. Anyone who’s now an “ex” was once significant in your life. You cared for them, adored them, and spent time with them.
Now that it’s over, those memories don’t just fade away. Indeed, you may wish they would so you can forget about that person. That’s what makes dreaming about your ex so difficult.
If you’re dreaming about someone who’s an ex, you may have unresolved feelings for or about them. And yes, this could still be true if it’s been years. After your breakup, you may have deeply buried feelings of heartbreak, failure, shame, or rage inside you.
You can’t bury those thoughts and feelings forever. Those feelings are still in your subconscious if you’re dreaming about your ex. This is especially true if dreams are constant.
In that case, you have to take decisive action if you want to resolve the recurring dreams about your ex and put those bad feelings to rest. There are many ways for you to clear your mind of negative thoughts. One that may be particularly helpful to you is to name your feelings.
It might be easier to do so immediately after one of your dreams about your ex. What feeling did you have in the dream? Was it regret, sadness, anger, or hopelessness?
Name your feeling so you can release it into the universe. Once you’re cleansed of negative feelings about your ex, you’ll finally move on. You’ll find that the dreams about your ex start to fade.
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Dreaming About Someone From School
Dreaming about someone from your high school or college is also common. After all, think about how many hours you spend there! You probably see the person you’re dreaming about quite a bit, or at least every day or week.
When you dream about this person, what do you say to them? Or do you avoid talking to them and hide from them? What do you feel about them in your dream?
All of these questions will help you understand the dream’s meaning. If you talk to them about deep, meaningful topics in your dream, it’s a sign you want to open up to them. If you talk to them about school work, it could simply be your brain recounting past events.
Perhaps you have feelings about someone in your class but are embarrassed to admit it to them. What’s more, you might be embarrassed to admit it to yourself. Asking hard questions can help you get the answers you need.
If you embarrass yourself in front of someone in your school dream, it’s a subconscious fear. You’re worried about looking like a fool in front of that person. In that case, it would help to confront those fears.
Remember that the dream you have about someone could be a memory. Your brain sorts out events that happened during waking hours when you’re asleep. So, don’t stress out about this dream.
If You’re Dreaming About Someone, Should You Share It With Them?
You might wonder whether to tell the person in your dream what happened. First, it’s essential to trust that you will make the right decision. You know what’s best based on your current standing with that person.
If the person you’re dreaming about is a current friend, partner, or family member, then the answer is probably yes. However, it depends on the nature of the dream. Generally, your loved ones wouldn’t want to hear a disturbing or unpleasant dream about them.
On the other hand, they would probably be happy to know they’re in your subconscious while you sleep. Perhaps you had a romantic dream about your partner. Surely, they would appreciate hearing about it.
If you had a dream about someone that seemed like a warning, it wouldn’t hurt to check in with that person. Depending on your relationship, you could tell them you thought your dream was a sign. If you’re not very close, then simply touching base may be enough to calm your nerves.
Ultimately, whether to tell someone about your dream is up to you. Consider the consequences and your level of trust in that person before spilling your private dream. Go with your gut feeling, and you won’t go wrong.
Dreaming About Someone… Is It Your Crush?
Have you been dreaming about your crush? First, understand that it’s perfectly normal and very common. When you begin falling for someone, they’re on your mind constantly, like a song on repeat.
But they’re not only on your mind during waking hours. The cycle continues while you sleep. So, it’s no wonder they pop up in your dreams.
Ask yourself hard questions about your dream. Are you embarrassed by your crush in your dream? Are you confidently engaging with them?
Use your actions in your dream as motivation. If you’ve been too shy to talk to your crush, but you speak to them in your dreams, then take it as a sign to move forward. If you dream about you and your crush on a date, try asking them out.
Of course, consider the entire situation before reaching out to your crush. For instance, now is not the time if they’re in a relationship. Be kind and courteous as you respond to your dream.
What if your crush is someone you’re already dating? In this case, it’s natural for them to appear in your dreams. It means you’re on the right romantic path.
However, you could have a negative dream about a crush. For instance, you may have asked your crush to go out with you, and they shut you down. Afterward, you may find yourself in more of a nightmare about your crush.
You may even be yelling helplessly at your crush in your dream. You might feel sad, angry, or flustered. These negative emotions are probably expected if you’ve only ever experienced friction with your crush.
Carefully consider what your confrontation with your crush will look like in real life. When you have a dream about your crush, it’s usually best to keep it to yourself. If you’re wondering what to do about the situation, try confiding in a close friend or journaling your thoughts.
Dreaming About Someone: Dream Interpretation
Dream interpretation consists of remembering a dream or hearing about a dream from someone and then figuring out or otherwise assigning meaning to that dream. Some believe dreams are divine messages or even prophecies. In terms of mental health, there’s no conclusive evidence that this process has a positive effect.

Many ancient societies, such as Greece and Egypt, practiced dream interpretation religiously. Also, there are stories of dream interpretation in the Christian Bible. In today’s world, neurobiologists and psychologists are researching the science behind dreams.
Until researchers have more information about the science behind dreams, you are left to interpret your dreams on a personal spiritual basis. However, some people today use Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalytic theory on dream interpretation as a tool to understand their subconscious minds and interpret their dreams. You’re welcome to use whatever resources and tools are available to you in your dream interpretation journey.
Generally, people are biased in their dream interpretation. For instance, in real life, you desire a new car, and you’ve been working toward that goal. If you have a dream about your current vehicle, you’ll ignore it, but if you dream about driving your brand-new vehicle, you’ll use it as inspiration and view it as a sign.
For further reading on this topic, check out Freud’s book “The Interpretation of Dreams.” In Freud’s view, all or most dreams revolve around wish fulfillment. Your dreams allow your deepest desires to surface as you sleep.
The dream is the liberation of the spirit from the pressure of external nature, a detachment of the soul from the fetters of matter.
Sigmund Freud
Psychologist Carl Jung believed dream analysis was part of a much bigger scope. He believed dreams were associated with the collective unconscious. Jung stated that dreams are a conversation between the ego and the self, where the self tries to give the ego information that will better align the two.
This whole creation is essentially subjective, and the dream is the theater where the dreamer is at once: scene, actor, prompter, stage manager, author, audience, and critic.
Carl Jung
Another psychologist, Calvin S. Hall, believed dreams reflected personal fears, thoughts, or recognitions. In his view, objects, animals, people, and conflicts in dreams offered insight into your cognitive world. In dreams, he argued, you visualize your thoughts.
Dreams reflect the dreamer’s unconscious self-conception, which often does not at all resemble our trumped up and distorted self-portraits’ by which we fool ourselves in waking life; dreams mirror the self.
The Meaning of Dreams, Calvin S. Hall
Many clairvoyant people focus on dream interpretation related to lucid dreaming. In lucid dreams, some people try to force themselves to discover meaning in the depths of their subconscious. They may seek a divine being or divine messages in their lucid dreams and interpret those upon waking.
Early Buddhists interpreted lucid dreaming as a state of spiritual awareness. Lucid dreams are different than regular dreams and consequently require different interpretations. Their applications vary among people and cultures.
Perhaps only one idea regarding dream interpretation is concrete. That is, more research on the topic will benefit people who are trying to connect with and better themselves. The more you learn about what your subconscious tells you in the dream world, the better.
Science Behind Dreaming About Someone
As mentioned, Sigmund Freud had a theory or two about dreaming. If you consider his theory, then dreaming about someone means you desire them in some way. Maybe you miss them and want to spend time with them or talk to them.
Dream interpretation isn’t scientifically backed, so there is limited scientific evidence on this topic. Scientists propose that dreams are by-products of thoughts or events that passed recently. In that case, dreaming about someone means you’ve thought about them or seen them and nothing else.
People have pondered dream meanings for thousands of years and won’t stop now. As scientists continue researching the topic, you may find more information about what it truly means to dream about someone. Until then, do your best with your dream interpretation practice.
To sum it up, dreams can create valuable meaning and provide insight into your subconscious. Dreaming about someone is a chance to reflect on your relationship with that person. It’s a chance to consider what actions you should take.
Although the science behind dreaming about someone is inconclusive, you may find a special meaning in your dream through your dream analysis. Use these dreams as a chance to positively impact people in your life. Whatever you do, don’t stop being curious about the nature of your subconscious mind, and keep dreaming!
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