A cold breeze runs chills down your spine as you sink to your knees. You look up, tears welling in your eyes, only to find that, once again, you have been left behind. But it is just a dream, a vision, a spectacle in your sleep.
What does it mean to dream about being left behind?
If you dream about being left behind, it could mean a number of different things, depending upon what your life has looked like up until now. It is important to find which interpretation is right for you.
A Brief History of Dream Meanings and Interpretations
For centuries, mankind has been attempting to understand the mysteries of life. One grand mystery is about what happens when we dream.
All over the world, religious writing speaks of dreams, interpreters, and events that followed the interpretations. Every day, people travel to religious leaders, shamans, psychics, physicians, and therapists to learn what their dreams mean. Even modern research has led to many discoveries about dreams and what they mean.
Many Christians believe that God speaks to His people through dreams.
In the Old Testament of the Bible, the Pharoah asked Joseph to interpret his dreams. Following the interpretations, Joseph prepared for the drought and famine in Pharoah’s dream. Years later, when the events in Pharoah’s dream came true, Joseph’s preparations saved the people of Egypt.
Meanwhile, in the New Testament, it talks of God delivering a message through a dream to Joseph, who was doubtful about his union with Mary because she was pregnant. Following the dream, Joseph married Mary, who then gave birth to the Son of God.
In Traditional Chinese culture, dreaming was a message from your body.
For the Chinese, to dream was to have your soul divided; one part to walk the dream realm, and the other to keep your body alive. It was believed that, by interpreting dreams, you could know your health, future success, or untimely death.
The Native American Indians believed that dreams were sacred.
Many tribes believed in “dream walkers” who were able to visit others through dreams. They believed that dreams could open your mind to receive messages from ancestors and the spirits of the earth.
For many American Natives, dreams meant changes in social status. Following the interpretation of the dream, an individual would be given a new name.
Other cultures had similar takes on dreams.
The Greeks had a god of dreams named Morpheus, who was believed to develop dreams and then appear in them. He was called the messenger of the gods.
Religions such as Buddhism and Hinduism believe that dreams are sacred, a way to enlightenment, and a sign of how close someone is to reaching their spiritual awakening.
Whether participating in religious practices, embodying your culture, or just getting through life day to day, you have probably awoken from a dream in a cold sweat or with a furrowed eyebrow. You may be wondering what it is that brought on such a dream and what it means.
So then, what does it mean to dream about being left behind?
10 Interpretations of Your Dream About Being Left Behind:
1. If you dreamed that the person left you, your dream means that the relationship with that person will become deeper and fuller.
This is a call within yourself to be grateful to that person and spend more time with them.
2. If you dreamed that they died, your dream means that they will live a long life.
This is the universe telling you to stay with the person and learn from their wisdom.
3. If you dreamed about the death of someone who has already died, your dream means that you are moving on and about to move forward with your life.
This is your subconscious telling you that you are ready to come to terms with this person’s passing and move forward.
4. You have been disconnected from your roots, ancestry, and self.
This is your ancestors telling you it is time to learn who you are, from whom you are, and to reconnect.
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5. You have deep, internal trauma from being abandoned by someone.
This could be from divorce, death, a parent leaving, having someone you trust betray you, a friend moving away, someone not being there to help you when you need it, or some other event that caused emotional trauma.
It is due to a trigger. Has anything made you feel vulnerable recently? Have you been sick? Did you see a picture, a video, or hear a name that reminded you of the person who left?
This is linked to your inner child. This is your subconscious telling you to heal from an event that happened when you were young or from an event that happened when you were at your most vulnerable.
6. You are struggling with the recent loss of someone you care about.
Dreaming about being left behind will follow a huge change in your life.
It will be linked to your feelings of security. It may be from the death of someone you know or a break-up with someone you imagined having a future with.
This is your subconscious telling you to mourn your loss properly.
7. You fear someone you care about will leave you.
Dreaming about being left behind will follow someone offending you.
It is due to anxiety and low self-esteem. Did someone bully you online? Have you recently gained or lost weight? Did your loved one make a negative comment about something you do or how you look? Did someone criticize your work?
This will be linked to your feelings of self and will be your subconscious telling you to take better care of yourself and love yourself.
8. You feel unaccomplished and subconsciously compare yourself to your peers.
This is your subconscious telling you that you are not on the path you desire for yourself and need to make a change.
You recently compared yourself to someone you know who is doing something they seem to enjoy or have wanted to do for a long time.
9. You feel guilty.
You have done something wrong either to the person who left you in your dream, or in general. What you have done makes you feel so guilty that you do not want to be with yourself, so you subconsciously believe no one else will either.
This is your conscience telling you to ask for forgiveness and to forgive yourself.
10. You are about to meet someone new.
This is the universe telling you to prepare to meet someone who will become very important to you.
Dreaming about being left behind symbolizes feelings of insecurity, anxiety, and abandonment. It represents a fear of change or of being left out. However, many cultures would argue that being left behind in a dream is a sign of a bright future for you, and sometimes, that person who left you.
It could be a message from the universe, a higher power, a god, an ancestor, or another all-knowing entity. Or, it could be your true self talking to you.
There are a few possible interpretations of this dream, and it is important to consider what the dream specifically means for you. If you have this dream, it might be helpful to talk to write it down, meditate, and look deep within yourself to find what the dream could be symbolic of.
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