History | Symbolism | Dreams | Totem Animal | Power Animal | Tattoo | Mythology | Celtic | Native America | Christian | Life | Conclusion
For many people, dragonflies are just creatures that they have encountered several times in their lives. For them, an encounter with dragonflies is just an ordinary event. People who reside near bodies of water get to see dragonflies frequently. However, for many others, an encounter with the insect is a novelty and they really want to know the symbolism and meaning of dragonflies.
The dragonfly’s symbolises many things including transformation, spontaneity, opportunity, ancient wisdom, and many other mystical qualities.
For enlightenment, an in-depth analysis of the symbolism and meaning of the dragonfly is in order. However, before looking into the symbolism of the dragonfly, a brief history and description of the insect are required.

History and Description of The Dragonfly
One of the earliest winged insects, the dragonfly has been around for more than 300 million years. This is quite a long period when compared to the “brief” 2.8 million years of history of humans. The dragonfly is a shimmering insect with a slender body and almost transparent wings. Their preferred habitat is close to water bodies and they are predatory.
Adult dragonflies hunt other insects for food and they do this efficiently. The predatory nature of the dragonfly has made people attach ominous meanings to the insect. Whether the dragonfly is an ominous omen or not will be seen later.
Dragonfly Symbolism and Meaning
The dragonfly has numerous symbolisms and meanings. Encounters with the insect thoroughly captivated early humans and evidence of this captivation can be seen in the relics from past eras. The dragonfly is frequently used as a symbol in art and literature.
The symbol of the dragonfly has been a means of self-expression for many artists. The colors, shapes, and activities of the dragonfly all give rise to interpretations and designs that give the artist a voice to express their state of mind while crafting the art. However, even with the ability to take any meaning in the hands of an artist, the dragonfly has some unshakeable symbolism and meanings. They are;
The Dragonfly As A Symbol Of Progressive Change
The dragonfly is a great symbol of metamorphosis and change. When the dragonfly molts, it begins a new life chapter. The dragonfly is hatched from an egg as a nymph. The dragonfly lives most of its life as a nymph and only flies for a fraction of its lifespan.
The dragonfly is a symbol of how life should be a series of progressive changes. “The only constant thing in life is change”; this saying is all over the place and this is what the dragonfly signifies. It signifies that change must always occur in life. Many religious people who see dragonflies take them as heralds of a period of change for them.
The dragonfly represents transformation, flexibility, and the ability to embrace new opportunities.
The Dragonfly Symbolises Living Life to the Fullest
After hatching from an egg, the dragonfly lives as a nymph for most of its life. In this phase of its life, the dragonfly can’t fly. They spend up to four years in this phase and may undergo up to seventeen molts in this period.
This phase precedes the adult phase, a period when the dragonfly is at the peak of its abilities. Sadly, this period doesn’t last long. The adult dragonfly can only live for approximately six months before dying.
However, this makes them a symbol of living life to the fullest and making the most of their time because the dragonfly lives the best period of its life in this short phase and reaches the pinnacle of its abilities.
The Dragonfly Symbolises Patience
The dragonfly symbolizes patience even at the lowest point of life. The patience exhibited by the dragonfly in the nymph phase shows that it is important to go through processes, no matter how slow they seem. This is a very important symbol for us. It preaches against cutting corners or trying to skip processes.
The Dragonfly Symbolises Maturity
The dragonfly that is seen and admired by all is only the final transformation of the animal. This is why the dragonfly represents development, maturity, and the knowledge that comes with experiencing Life.
The Dragonfly Symbolises Poise
Dragonflies fly with incredible speed and grace. Their wings are 20 times stronger than those of other insects and they only flap them roughly 30 times per minute. They are highly skilled in the air and also graceful in motion.
The Dragonfly In Dreams
Seeing a dragonfly in dreams is a sign of change on the horizon. It is a signal of evolution that will metamorphose you into a wiser and better version of yourself. The dragonfly symbolizes the message to bring your dreams to reality. It keeps emphasizing change and most of the time, change actually begins within. It emphasizes the need to change within. However, if a dragonfly flits past you or hovers just out of reach, it may be a sign that you must push yourself to develop in some area.
Seeing a dragonfly in a dream may be an appreciation of the need for freedom and a realization of how brief moments of freedom can be. The dragonfly represents immortality and longevity despite its short life.
Dreaming of a dragonfly may be a sign that we are worthy and that we should attempt to achieve that goal we think is so far out of our reach. It strips away the “I can’t” mentality and replaces it with an emphatic “I can”. Dragonflies spend the longest part of their lives unable to do what they want. They spend that period unable to reach their fullest potential but they never give up. Dreaming of dragonflies may mean you need to keep pushing and never give up. It is a motivation to continue striving for your goals.
The Dragonfly As A Totem Animal
The dragonfly represents a lot as a totem. It tells you that you are about to experience transformation in such a manner that will make you evolve into a wiser and more competent version of yourself. The dragonfly is motivating you to undergo a shift of mindset. It is trying to point out to you that the only thing that is limiting you is your mindset. The dragonfly is like an invitation to a higher thought realm where your thoughts and dream can be made manifest.
Transformation is tough. Changing and moving higher always comes with its challenges. The dragonfly serves as a motivation to keep moving regardless of the odds. The dragonfly gives you the courage to look within yourself and find strength in the toughest periods of your transition.
As a totem animal is a good omen. It shows you that even in the worst of circumstances, there is change going on inside you and you are being transformed into a better version of yourself.
Dragonfly As A Power Animal
The Native Americans believe that dragonflies were once dragons and they are intensely powerful animals. If the dragonfly is your power animal, it means your skills have been honed by continuous usage.
It means that you had an intense childhood and you probably spend a huge chunk of your time beside water bodies. You are an outdoors person and love engaging in activities that make you feel in sync with nature. You are a creative person and it is at this point that you are at the peak of your creativity. You love sunlight and bask in the glow of it. Without it and the feel of the wind blowing into your face, you feel sad.
If you feel overwhelmed, ask for the dragonfly’s help. It brings guidance and shows you that there is a way out of whatever predicament you find yourself in. Make a list of things you want to change and seek the strength within to follow the transformation process to the end. Changing bad and destructive habits is not an easy task. However, try to harness the power of the dragonfly and watch how it gets relatively easier to break the hold of bad habits.
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Dragonfly Tattoo Meaning
Dragonfly tattoos signify change. It signifies transformation and renewal. The Aboriginals tattooed dragonflies on their bodies as symbols of freedom and illumination.
To the warrior, the dragonfly represents speed and agility. Tattooing it on their bodies served as an embodiment of all these characteristics in them. In Asian cultures, tattoos of dragonflies were signs of prosperity and good luck.
Dragonfly In Mythology And Folklores
Dragonflies are linked with warriors in many cultures. Emblems of the dragonfly have been found on shields, armor, and clothes from the Great Plains. The swiftness of the darting movements of the dragonfly captivated the warriors and they wanted to replicate those movements in battle.
Welsh mythology believes the dragonfly to be the snake’s servant because it always seems to follow the snake around. In Japan, dragons are revered and held in high esteem. In fact, Japan was called Akitsushima which means “Island of dragons”. The Japanese also believe that dragonflies are the reappearance of their long dead ancestors who return for the feast of the dead in the summer.
Samurais engrave images of the dragonfly on their swords and arrows as a sign of their deep reference to the insect. They believe that the swift movement of the dragonfly aligns with the movement of their swords and arrows; swift and true.
In China, the dragonfly is a common ingredient in love potions. It is said to be an omen of good luck and makes the love potions even more effective.
Dragonfly Symbolism In Celtic Cultures
The Celtic culture and folklores have 23 names for the dragonfly. The Irish Gaelic name of the dragonfly is ‘Snáthaid mhór’ (big needle) in tribute to the shape of the insect. Basically, the dragonfly means good luck in the Celtic culture.
Celtic legends always symbolize the dragonfly as a magical being because of the way its wings change color as the sun shines on it. The dragonfly’s eyes see in 360 degrees vision. This signifies the human mind and seeing beyond limitations and mundane circumstances of life.
The magic of the dragonfly is especially used to overcome delusions of the self. It is believed that the dragonfly actually helps you see yourself in the true light, beyond those limitations you have placed on yourself. The dragonfly has a short flying lifespan yet it teaches humans so much about life, showing that you can live life to the fullest and achieve your greatest potential even in such a short timeframe.
Dragonfly Symbolism In Native American Culture
Dragonflies are major depictions in Native American artworks. The Mimbere tribe of southwestern New Mexico made pots with dragonfly icons engraved on them.
The Native Americans believe that dragonflies symbolize springs, rebirth, and transformation. In dry areas, the sighting of dragonflies is a sign that there is water close by. Dragonflies have an affinity for water and can only be found close to water bodies. The depiction of dragonflies in an artwork is a sign of rain and more water.
In Native American myths, the dragonfly symbolizes rapid change, swiftness, and illusion. In some stories, it is said that they were sent to the earth by Satan to foment trouble in the world. They were referred to as the Devil’s Darning Needles and were used to admonish children to avoid lying. Children were told that if they lied, the Devil’s Darning Needle will come and sew their mouths shut at night.
The Zuni tribe believed that dragonflies possessed mythical powers due to their strong resemblance to dragons. It was considered taboo to kill them. A person that killed a dragonfly was said to have opened the doors of misfortune upon himself and his relatives.
The Christian Symbolism of Dragonflies
Christians use the dragonfly as a symbol. It has a subterranean beginning and a nocturnal existence before emerging into the light. Early in life, it seems clear and colorless. However, it later takes on a gorgeous body with a mystical hue when exposed to sunlight. The dragonfly is changed by light and to the Christians, it signifies how their lives are brightened and enlivened with the light of Christ.
“You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and hide it under the bowl.
Instead, they put it on a stand so its light can be shone upon everybody so that light can shine and illuminate everyone.
In the same way, let your light shine upon men. Let them see and praise your good deeds. You, in turn, praise the Father in heaven.”
Matthey 5:14-16
This extract from the Bible shows how Christians are supposed to let the light of Christ shine through them to the whole world. This is the same way the dragonfly reflects the light of the sun on its colorful body.
They symbolize our ascent from the depths of despair and darkness into God’s Light, as their transformation from dark to light reflects our own.
There is no clear reference in the Bible concerning the dragonfly. However, many Christians may symbolize the death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus with the metamorphosis of the dragonfly from egg to the glory of adulthood.
Dragonflies in Life
Seeing dragonflies in Life may serve as a gentle reminder to enjoy every moment of life as fully as possible. It may also mean that you are ready for a change in life.
Encountering two dragonflies may mean that you and your partner have attained a stable and unique stage in your relationship. It may also be a sign of the future. A sign that involves you finding a unique and special partner.
Seeing a dragonfly on a fishing trip is a good sign. It is a sign that you are close to an area of water that is densely populated by fish.
Magicians and people who believe in magic believe that seeing a dragonfly is a symbol of positive energy. Healers and psychics believe that seeing dragonflies is a good sign that improves the psychic energy and aids in the magical process. They also believe that coming across a dragonfly is a sign that you are going in the right direction or doing the right thing.
Among Native American children, seeing a dragonfly may be a frightful experience especially if they had just finished lying. It is believed that dragonflies are sent to sew the mouth of liars shut. Killing a dragonfly is also considered to be taboo. It could mean that someone in your family will die.
Ancient folktales and myths have it that whoever kills a dragonfly and beheads it is inviting death upon himself. It was also said that such a person would also be beheaded.
The spiritual meanings and cultural interpretations of dragonflies are numerous. All around the world, different cultures and religions have their meaning and interpretations of dragonflies. However, one thing remains indisputable and widely acknowledged; there are too many lessons that can be drawn from the lifecycle and habits of the dragonfly.
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