Most know the dove as a symbol of peace. But did you know doves have much richer and more varied meanings worldwide?
Doves are widely admired and symbolized differently among cultures and spiritual practices. Generally, doves are symbols of peace, hope, and joy.
Keep reading to learn about the symbolism of doves and their unique spiritual meanings!
Dove Meaning: Symbolism
The dove symbolizes peace, love, hope, joy, and gentleness. In addition, doves symbolize purity, holiness, grace, and the soul. Most notably and universally, the dove is a symbol of peace.
Doves are members of the Columbidae family of birds. They’re pigeons that people breed to be light gray or white. For example, Barbary doves are one species that people often breed to be white.
White-feathered domestic pigeons are subspecies in the Columbidae family. If you’ve seen release doves, you likely saw domestic pigeons. These derive from rock doves, the world’s oldest known domesticated bird.

Dove Meaning Across Cultures
About 5,000 years ago, the ancient Egyptians domesticated rock doves, also known as rock pigeons. Interestingly, they’re on ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics and Mesopotamian cuneiform tablets.
Surprisingly, it’s unknown when exactly doves gained their famous status as a peace symbol. However, we know that early stories of Christianity, Judaism, Islam, and paganism used the dove as a peace symbol. Inanna, the ancient Mesopotamian goddess of love, fertility, and war, used a dove for representation.
Also, ancient Greeks considered doves holy animals that represented Aphrodite. Ancient Greeks offered Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty, sacrificial doves in her honor during her yearly festival.
In Rabbinic Judaism, the dove is compared to God’s holy spirit floating about the flood waters in the story of Genesis. The Hebrew people also used doves to illustrate the human soul in Judaism. This may reference a mention in the Old Testament that souls chirp.
In Islam, doves and pigeons hold respect due to their alleged assistance to the first Islamic prophet, Muhammad.
Pictures and other depictions of doves are in politics as peace symbols. At the Olympic games or anti-war demonstrations, they’re a universal sign of truce. In political terms, a pacifist could be referred to as a dove. Similarly, a white dove print by Picasso was chosen in 1949 to be the World Peace Council’s symbol.
The Royal Air Force’s communications sector uses the rock dove as the main image on its crest. As the homing pigeon’s ancestor, the rock dove makes an appropriate mascot for any communications committee.
Dove Meaning Symbol in Native American Culture
Native Americans attributed spiritual meanings of peace and gentleness to doves. The Cheyennes, indigenous peoples of the Great Plains, had a proverb: “If a man is as wise as a serpent, he can afford to be as harmless as a dove.”
Aztec and Mexican Native tribes used the dove symbol for the fertility goddess, Xochiquetzal. As a result, doves were often symbols in their wedding ceremonies. The Blackfeet tribe, currently located in Montana, saw doves as symbols of protection.
During wars, Blackfeet tribe members wore dove feathers for protection and good fortune to return home safely. Also, Mourning Dove is the name of a Native American author. Her 1927 book, “Cogewea the Half-Blood”, was one of the first books with a woman protagonist.
Doves as Messengers
Dating back to 3,000 BCE, people used pigeons to send messages. Ancient Egyptians and ancient Greeks used messenger pigeons for numerous purposes. Ancient Greek used messenger pigeons to spread news of the winner of the ancient Olympics.
You may know these specialized birds as carrier pigeons or homing pigeons. Homing pigeons use the Earth’s magnetic field to navigate over 1,000 miles back to their base. Impressive, right?
Homing pigeons’ most famous role in history is wartime communication. If it seems contradictory to the dove’s symbolic meaning of peace, it is. However, despite the irony, these birds held onto their respect.
There are fascinating stories of brave pigeons who returned home with important messages. For example, a French pigeon called Cher Ami successfully delivered 12 critical messages during WWI, despite having injuries.
In WWII, Irish, American, and English pigeons were given medals of honor for heroic service delivering messages that saved lives. Although they were part of the war, these amazing creatures still provided joy and hope.
White Dove Release
White dove releases are relatively common at funerals or weddings. When a release is done at a funeral, it’s bittersweet. It represents the end of life.
But, as these beautiful birds fly into the heavens, it’s a reminder of hope after death. It means you shouldn’t stay in the grieving process for long but rather look up to a new life. They also bring a soothing element of peace to the funeral scene.
At weddings, white doves represent love, peace, and joy. They represent new beginnings.
Dove releases were traditional at the Olympic Games, starting in 1896. Doves, as a universal symbol of peace, were a strategically symbolic choice of ceremony. However, after some doves were burned by the Olympic Torch in 1988, the practice became symbolic.
On another note, there is some question about the ethics of white dove releases. Typically, dove release businesses say their doves come back. However, many doves do not return, whether killed in accidents or by predators.
Dove as a Symbol of Death
This may sound out of place, but many traditions regard doves as a symbol of death and rebirth. The Greek word for dove is synonymous with Alpha and Omega, or life and death. Some believe that after death, the soul is carried to the afterlife by a dove.
Doves may also represent the spirit of one who has died. They may be messengers of ancestors who are in the afterlife. Slavic traditions hold that human souls are carried to heaven by white doves.
Dove as a Love Symbol
Surely, you’ve seen doves on anniversary cards or pictures of dove pairs nestled inside a heart. There’s a reason doves symbolize love or lovers. In nature, doves are monogamous. So, the pair raises their baby (or babies) together in the nest for about a month before it flies off.
But it gets better! Doves are very romantic when they pair up. For instance, you may see them snuggling, love-pecking, and cooing at each other.
As you can see, doves are the perfect fit to symbolize love. So, next time you’re thinking of doing something romantic, consider using this graceful symbol to get your point across. Next, you’ll learn about spiritual dove meanings.
Dove Meaning: Spiritual
Next, you’ll learn about the spiritual meanings of doves and their meaning in the Bible.
Encountering a Dove In Your Life: Spiritual Meaning
You See a Pair of Doves
If you see a dove pair, get ready for romance. That’s because dove pairs are an omen of coming romance. Generally, it means you’re going to soon find your soul mate.
Additionally, if you’ve already found your soul mate, this is a sign that you two have a deep bond. Your love is going to grow even stronger. Be careful, as it might take a challenge for your love to grow.
No matter what, a pair of doves is a good sign. Take it as a positive omen of your strong romantic love.
You See Three Doves
If you see three doves together, it’s a very powerful and unique experience. In a trio, the first dove represents peace. The second represents love, and the third represents divinity.
Therefore, seeing a dove trio means you’re in divine presence. Your prayers or wishes will come true if you focus on them and open your heart to receiving them. You will be blessed with grace and good fortune.
Dove Lands Near You
If a dove lands near you, it’s a sign that you have a gentle spirit. Perhaps you’ve just done a kind deed, and it will be reciprocated soon. Whatever the case, take this moment to be grateful for the dove’s intention.
Dove Crosses Your Path
This is a sign of good luck in your relationships. While it’s most likely referring to a romantic relationship, it could also refer to family or friends. You will soon find your relationships deepening.
If your romantic relationship has been fading, it will be rekindled. However, you’ll need to focus on taking action to foster this love. Use the qualities of hope and faith to restore your relationship.
You See a Dove Overhead
Seeing a dove fly directly over you means you’re on the right path. Alternatively, you’re about to gain clarity on your path. It’s a positive sign and should give you confidence.
Dove Lands On You
Indeed, this is an extremely rare occurrence. If a dove lands on you, it means a holy spirit has endowed you with grace or perhaps a divine mission. In this case, spend time in prayer or meditation to find this divine purpose.
Dove Follows You
This means you could be swaying from your path and may require guidance to get back on it. You can change your life for the better, you just need to put in the work. At your core, you are a gentle and kind soul.
Perhaps you’ve recently made a mistake you regret, and you wish to make it right. Take this as a sign to take action to give yourself grace. Make peace with the person you’ve wronged.
Dove In Your Home
A dove in the home bestows it with grace and hope. It’s a spiritual symbol that your home is a peaceful oasis. You have happy memories, loving moments, and caring people in your home.
Moreover, this represents the love that overflows from your nest. The familial relationships in your home are strong, and the connections run deep. Each household member is grounded in love, peace, and hope.
Dove Outside Your Window
When you spot a dove outside your window, you’re a step away from receiving new love. It signifies it’s time to let down the walls you’ve built to protect yourself from pain. Opening your heart to receive love is the most important thing for you right now.
Further, you need to ask yourself why you recently closed yourself off from others. Be kind and curious about yourself. This should be a period of self-discovery and growth for you. So, be ready for change!
Dove Hits Your Window
There’s unease in your life if a dove crashes into your window. So think carefully about what the conflict is. Then, think of solutions you can implement to mend it.
The possibility of having all the fruits of the spirit is at your fingertips, but it depends on your choices. And, recently, they haven’t been the best choices. You’ve been avoiding a challenge, fear, or personal conflict.
In this case, look inside yourself for the answer. Undoubtedly, you already have the answer and power within you to face the thing you’ve been avoiding. This is your sign to fix it now.
Dove In Your Yard
Seeing a dove in your yard is a highly favorable omen of love and faith. In fact, it’s regarded as a sign of coming marriage or increased devotion. Continue to foster your romantic relationship, and it will grow stronger.
If the dove is nesting in your yard, it is an even more powerful sign of love and devotion. You may even notice this happen during your engagement or pregnancy. Doves nest in places they find safe and peaceful.
In this case, that place is your very own yard, so you should be grateful and heart-warmed. This is a relatively rare occurrence that should be cherished.
Dove Coos Near You
As mentioned, doves have a history of delivering messages. So, when you hear a dove cooing nearby, it’s a personal message. It’s not easy to interpret, like a written note.
However, you should feel this dove’s message in your heart. It may be a sorrowful message or a joyful one. Therefore, get in tune with your feelings when you hear the cooing.
Your heart will deliver the rest of the message. It’s likely referring to your loved ones, so this is a good time to touch base with them. Take this opportunity to reconnect with your friends and relatives.
Dove Feather
Finding a dove feather is a sign of clarity. It’s particularly special if you found it in the way of a path you were walking. If you’ve felt like you’re in a fog, a little lost in life, the air is about to clear.
A dove feather will bring your soul peace and will light your path. Further, it’s a sign that your spiritual life is in balance. Surely, you’ve put in the time and effort required to make your heart strong.
Now, instead of seeing fog, you’ll use your new strength on the clear path ahead. Using the dove feather, your journey will become easier. You’ll encounter people who will provide further clarity into your soul.
Dead Dove
Importantly, don’t fear if you see a dead dove. In short, it’s a sign of transition or change in your life. Perhaps you’re moving from one type of peace to a richer, fuller peace.
In addition, you may have just experienced the end of a relationship or the loss of a loved one. However, seeing a dead dove is a sign of hope that you’re healing and that peace will be restored. Although this time has been difficult, you must trust that the outcome will be positive.
Dove Meaning In Bible
Doves in the Christian Bible are messengers of hope and peace. Now, you can explore dove meanings in Bible across the Old and New Testaments.
Old Testament
In the flood story in Genesis, a dove was sent in search of land. Soon, according to the story, the dove returned with an olive branch. Thus, it represented hope and the promise of land.
“And the dove came in to him at eventide; and, lo, in her mouth an olive-leaf plucked off: so Noah knew that the waters were abated from off the earth”. Genesis 8:11
“Oh that I had wings like a dove!
For then would I fly away, and be at rest.” Psalm 55:6
In the times of the Old Testament, pigeons and doves were often used as sacrifices. Their sacrifices were meant to please the Lord and bring good fortune. The following Bible verses pertain to dove sacrifices.
Sacrifices in Leviticus
“But if he cannot afford a lamb, then he shall bring to the Lord his guilt offering for that in which he has sinned, two turtledoves or two young pigeons, one for a sin offering and the other for a burnt offering.” Leviticus 5:7
So He said to him, “Bring Me a three year old heifer, and a three year old female goat, and a three year old ram, and a turtledove, and a young pigeon.” Genesis 15:9
‘But if his offering to the Lord is a burnt offering of birds, then he shall bring his offering from the turtledoves or from young pigeons.” Leviticus 1:14
Sacrifices in the Old Testament done by the Israelites were highly ritualistic and often involved oils. These rituals were also meant to bring purification and holiness. As you can see, this symbolism is tied to the dove meanings we’ve already explored.
‘But if his means are insufficient for two turtledoves or two young pigeons, then for his offering for that which he has sinned, he shall bring the tenth of an ephah of fine flour for a sin offering; he shall not put oil on it or place incense on it, for it is a sin offering.
“Then on the eighth day he shall take for himself two turtledoves or two young pigeons, and come before the Lord to the doorway of the tent of meeting and give them to the priest;” Leviticus 15:14
The verses in Leviticus pertain to five dove sacrifices. In Mosaic law, under Hebrew tradition, doves were pure animals. Poor people sacrificed them when they did not have lambs available.
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More Old Testament Verses
In the Song of Songs book, some verses portray the dove’s strong symbolism of love and constancy.
“O my dove, in the clefts of the rock,
in the covert of the cliff,
let me see your face,
let me hear your voice;
for your voice is sweet,
and your face is lovely.” Song of Songs 2:14
Mourning doves, and the solemn and sweet nature of doves, are also portrayed in prophetic books of the bible. So, you know that even thousands of years ago, doves held much of the same symbolism they do today.
“We all growl like bears;
like doves we moan mournfully.
We wait for justice, but there is none;
for salvation, but it is far from us.” Isaiah 59:11“If any survivors escape,
they shall be found on the mountains
like doves of the valleys,
all of them moaning over their iniquity.” Ezekiel 7:16
Additionally, doves symbolically cleansed one’s soul after doing any unclean act, including giving birth. In this way, they embodied purity and cleanliness. They were holy animals.
God saw these creatures as pure and good, so he wanted his people to use them appropriately. The people of the Old Testament had many uses for doves, which is why they showed up repeatedly in these biblical books.
New Testament
The New Testament books of Matthew and Luke also refer to the Holy Spirit appearing in the form of a dove. The peaceful dove often holds an olive branch in the Christian tradition, a symbol derived from Greek ideology.
In the New Testament, Jesus underwent a purification ceremony, a tradition for his people. During the ceremony, the people sacrificed turtle doves as part of their purification process.
“When the time came for their purification according to the law of Moses, they brought him up to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord (as it is written in the law of the Lord, “Every firstborn male shall be designated as holy to the Lord”), and they offered a sacrifice according to what is stated in the law of the Lord, “a pair of turtledoves or two young pigeons.” Luke 2:22-24
Undeniably, the people in this time were deeply rooted in the meanings of doves. It was part of their culture, tradition, and religion. As a result, doves showed up in Christian art and writings outside of the Bible.
So, that’s why much of the artwork around Jesus’s baptism shows doves flying overhead. They represented the Holy Spirit and were crucially important to his purification.
Doves also symbolize quiet innocence in the New Testament. They were seen as forces for good.
“See, I am sending you out like sheep into the midst of wolves; so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves”. Matthew 10:16
Therefore, the dove was a powerful and dynamic symbol that was used in Christianity even before the symbol of the cross. Throughout the first, second, and third centuries, doves were portrayed in most Christian artwork. The symbol of the dove remains important for Christians today.
Spiritual Meanings of Different Types of Doves
White Dove
The white dove is the ultimate symbol of divine peace. Additionally, white doves represent spiritual purity and innocence. White doves are typically released in a flock to symbolize new beginnings, prosperity, and hope.
Also, white doves remind you to submit your control to the universe or your God. White doves are linked to the third chakra energies. This chakra involves emotional intelligence and creative energy.

White doves are reminders to keep an open heart and mind and embrace your inner child. In other words, live and love like a child. Trust your intuition and maintain your innocence.
White doves in weddings symbolize eternal love and prosperity in marriage. They’ll bring good luck to the newlyweds and provide guests with feelings of hope and joy. A wedding is a new beginning, which these white doves foster.
Additionally, in Christianity, white doves, in particular, are a divine symbol of purity. According to biblical folklore, their white color is meant to repel the devil. As mentioned, the white dove was a manifestation of the Holy Spirit during Jesus’s baptism, as portrayed in two biblical books.
In summary, white doves are a symbol of love. When they’re around, they bring signs of peace and prosperity.
Mourning Dove
Mourning doves are graceful birds with slender heads and tails. Their calls are soft and drawn-out, like a song of mourning. Hence, they’re called mourning doves.
Shockingly, the oldest known mourning dove was at least 30 years old. These peaceful, elegant creatures bring mystery to the world.
They’re a symbol of sorrow. However, they also symbolize peace and love, just like white doves. In short, they symbolize solemn hope.
If you have a mourning dove as a spirit guide, your life will improve, and your heart will be filled with determination and hope. Certainly, loving people will enter your life.
A mourning dove may also be a temporary spirit guide to help you maneuver past the loss of a loved one. Use your mourning dove to cry with, share your emotions, and find comfort. Whether the mourning dove is your permanent or temporary spirit guide, you should be grateful for the care it brings.
Other Types Of Doves
Did you know there are 344 types of pigeons and doves? In general, they carry the same dove meaning as white doves. However, there are different meanings among species.
Turtle Dove
A third-century Roman author proclaimed turtle doves were sacred to the Greek god of harvest, Demeter. Historically, turtle doves are symbols of trust and faith. A turtle-dove pair is a strong symbol of everlasting love.
Also, turtle doves are mentioned in the Bible. They were offered as part of the Jewish custom upon Jesus’s presentation in the temple in the New Testament. As such, turtle doves were a sign of devotion.
If you see turtle doves nearby or flying overhead, it’s a good omen that people you trust will soon deliver good news. Also, it means your heart and soul are pure, and you’re in good favor of the universe. Your heart is open to manifest new experiences and abundance.
Laughing Dove
The laughing dove is a small pigeon native to Africa and the Middle East. It’s a sign of boundless love, faith, and hope. The laughing dove meaning is similar to that of a turtle dove.
However, its strong and unwavering mating habits make it a sign of even more powerful love. Although they’re small in size, their symbolism is substantial.
If you’re in a relationship and you see laughing doves, it may signify that you have a fertile future with your partner. If you’ve been considering having children, this is a sign to bring that up with your partner. Your openness and honesty in your relationship is a good sign of faith.
Diamond Dove
White speckles on diamond dove’s wings give them their iconic name. These small Australian doves often waddle on the ground looking for nuts or seeds. They’re a symbol of peace and love.
Their symbolism also has a strong element of steadfastness and strength. Diamond doves are bold birds, and seeing one means you must take action to follow your heart. Be courageous in your goals, and don’t fear failure.
Fruit Dove
As the name implies, fruit doves live on a diet of mostly fruit, and they boast brightly colored feathers. Their feet may be bright orange or red. As one of the most colorful species of doves, they represent joy.
Their bright colors also symbolism optimism and hope. If you see a fruit dove nearby, find comfort in it. It’s a gentle reminder to count your blessings.
Emerald Dove
Named for its vibrant green hue, this dove is from Australasia and Indomayala. They carry strong symbolism in this region of the world. In the Indian state of Tamil Nadu, the emerald dove is the state bird.
Many Europeans considered the emerald dove a symbol of India. In addition to their symbolism of peace, emerald doves signify beauty and good fortune. If you see an emerald dove, be prepared to be showered with blessings.
Also, they’re a sign that you have someone in your life who’s there to help you grow and prosper. Someone you love is nurturing you and helping you. So, if you know who it is, recognize and thank them.
Dove In Your Dream Meaning
So, you’ve had a dream of a dove. First, ask yourself what the dove was doing in your dream. Generally, the dove meaning in your dream represents peace and love. However, reference the list of actions above to gather the specific meaning.
Then, reflect on your dream. It may help to meditate on the topic, so you’re open to receiving the specific message in your heart. In any case, take this as a sign of hope.
You Fly With a Dove
If you find yourself soaring high with a dove in your dream, it’s a sign that your love will elevate to the next level. You may be facing a time of trial with your partner that will result in a closer connection. Be prepared for changes in your life that you must learn to grow from.
Flying with a dove in your dream also shows your spiritual strength. In other words, you’ve been hard at work tapping into your inner soul. You’ve devoted much energy to knowing your higher power.
You’ll gain wisdom and peace from the spiritual ideals you’ve met. You’re closer to your source energy, and your life reflects that. If it helps, you can continue seeking spiritual guidance from trusted mentors.
Further, flying with a dove in a dream represents your lighthearted personality. Others perceive you as a gracious and easygoing person, and your friends enjoy your company. You lift others up just as you work to lift yourself up.
You Create Artwork of Doves
This combines your power of creation and your pure, loving energy. If you’re molding or painting doves in your dreams, you’re likely building something worthy in real life. Therefore, this indicates that a higher power has ordained your project and will help you finish it.
Creating dove artwork also taps into your childlike innocence. Despite all the trials you’ve faced and all the roadblocks in your path, you choose to bring joy to the world. You didn’t stop creating.
Further, it shows that you choose to give your creative gifts to the universe instead of holding them back. Eventually, this decision will positively impact you and everyone around you. Your mission of spreading joy is a noble cause, and you should not give it up.
For that reason, your quest is divinely ordained. Therefore, keep your joy as you continue building up the world around you. You’ll have no shortage of creative energy and pure light.
Dove Talks to You
If a dove talks to you in your dream, try to remember its message. If you can, you’ll already know the meaning behind this dream. However, if you don’t recall what the dove said to you, don’t worry.
In that case, you can take it as a sign you need to listen to your higher power. Perhaps you’ve been holding onto control in your life out of fear. Something traumatic happened, and you don’t want to listen to your spirit because you’re afraid it will hurt.
However, now is not the time to plug your ears. Now, it’s time to get back in touch with your inner voice and figure out the next step in your life. It will take a quiet, still soul to be able to hear the message the universe whispers to you.
With time, you’ll be able to hear the message and realign your path. When your energy aligns with your purpose, you’re unstoppable. So, listen to your spiritual dove for answers.
You Play With a Dove
In short, playing with a dove in your dream reminds you to tap into your childlike, carefree, joyous energy. If you’ve had a dream like this, you’re in luck. It’s a sign of good faith and a clear path ahead.
Recently, you may have forgotten what it was like to be carefree. You’ve been burdened by struggle. Soon, however, you’ll finally feel free of your burdens.
Your heart will be restored, and you’ll find harmony again in your life and relationships. You’ll laugh and play again like a child, pure at heart. It’s special to have a dream like this, and it may have even been sent specifically by your dove spirit guide.
So, what actions can you take after this dream? Take some time to plan out the coming weeks, and book fun activities you can do with friends or family. The doors will open for you to relax and be present in the moment.
Dove In Water
If you see a dove in the water in your dream, it’s a sign of upcoming spiritual transformation. You may see the dove cleaning itself in a birdbath. This is a sign that you’re ready to be purified and manifest greater wealth into your life.
It’s a sign that your heart is humble and gracious enough to receive gifts from family or friends. If you see a dove in the rain, it means you’ll have a new beginning. This could be a new job, a new friendship, or a move.
Doves in water evoke powerful emotions. Water is an elemental of transformation, and doves represent purity and peace. So, the change in your life will bring peace to you or your loved ones.
Remember, transformations are not easy. So, lean on your loved ones during this time and ask them for support. Undoubtedly, they’ll assist you while you make necessary adjustments during the change.
The energy and effort you put into preparing yourself for the next chapter in life is admirable. You should be proud and celebrate that! The time has finally come for the next big phase of your life that will strengthen your spirit and kindle your love.
Dove Flies Away From You
If you see a dove flying away in your dream, it’s bittersweet. It means a relationship or project is coming to a close. You won’t like it, but it’s inevitable.
This dream symbolizes the need for peace in the chaos. No matter what happens to you, stand firm in your values. Your beliefs will carry you through the upcoming difficult challenge you will face.
If your relationship ends, it will be painful, but know that your heart is strong enough to go on. Don’t let yourself think you’ve been beaten down by the world and can no longer shine. You can still shine your light in the world, and you’ll have plenty of opportunities to do so.
Seeing a dove flying away from you is a solemn moment, but remember that more will come into your life. You only lose your joy when you choose to give up, but that choice is always in your hands. Let this dream be a reminder that you always have a little bit more fight in you to keep going.
So, although this represents a bittersweet loss, you have the power to maintain your peace. You can bring joy into your own life. You have the creative energy to start fresh and build something even better.
Dove as Your Spirit Guide
Doves are typically spirit guides of love. With this in mind, it’s easy to imagine how they lead and guide you on your romantic journey. In short, their goal is to bring more love into your life.
As a spirit animal, doves help guide you toward your heart center. They bring clarity and help remove distractions that sway your love life. In this manner, they combine peace with love.
A dove spirit guide gently reminds you when you’ve allowed chaos to control your life and relationship. The light of a dove will shine over your flaws, helping you correct them. In turn, this will make you a more desirable partner.
If your totem animal is the dove, it defines who you are as a person. If you find your totem a dove, you’re truly a special individual. It means your soul is gentle, kind, and loving. You likely enjoy helping others and you notice that friends and strangers alike confide in you.
Further, you find hope in the worst situations. You are the friend who is constantly a steady encouragement. You’ve often been asked to mediate conversations between fighting friends or family.
In any case, doves will encourage you to let go of a troubled past. What’s more, they’ll guide you to a hopeful future. You have nothing to fear with a dove guiding your way.
Dove Meaning: Conclusion
In summary, doves have powerful symbolic and spiritual meanings with deep-seated histories. Doves are a sign of peace, love, and hope.
Now that you know more about dove meanings, take them to heart. Use dove symbolism to remind yourself to bring more peace and joy to your life.
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