This beautiful periwinkle crystal looks just as calming as it will make you feel. This stone is the perfect thing to turn to if you are looking to de-stress.
Celestite, sometimes called celestine, is a mineral formed in sedimentary rocks.
The word celestite comes from the Latin word caelestis, derived from the word for heaven or sky. It is a lovely crystal!
Its name comes from its soft blue color, even though it comes in many other colors, such as white, green, pink and brown.
In ancient times, it was believed that these crystals were part of the stars and fell onto our planet, hence why they are found in small quantities all around the world. Celestite was worn as protection by ancient civilizations, such as the Greeks and Romans, who believed that they were signs of unity, wisdom, healing, and peace.
It wasn’t officially discovered and named until the 18th century when workers stumbled upon it while digging a well above a cave in Ohio in the 1790s. Originally, it was named Fasriger Schwerspath.
sThe name was later changed into Zoelestine, the German version of ‘celestite’, which it eventually evolved into. It was named by Abraham Werner, a German geologist who also founded the idea of Neptunism.
Celestite is found almost all over the world, but it is most often found in Madagascar, Mexico, and Egypt.
Celestite is a transparent strontium sulfate mineral, and it occurs in sedimentary rocks. It’s chemical formula is SrSO₄. It is usually found alongside other minerals, such as gypsum and halite. Celestite is vitreous, meaning it looks similar to glass. The crystals are usually formed as small shards.
This mineral is also found in many geodes. One of the largest known geodes, located in Ohio, is made up of celestite. The celestite crystals in the geode weigh almost 300 pounds. That’s almost as heavy as a refrigerator!
The crystal is only a 3.5 on the Mohs hardness scale, so it is pretty fragile and can easily be broken.
Celestite can occur in a number of different colors, including pale green, pink, white, pale brown, and sometimes even colorless. But its most most common color is its pale blue color that it is named after.
Celestite is known for bringing a sense of inner peace and connectedness. This crystal activates your third eye chakra and is associated with consciousness, wisdom, and meditation. Also, celestite activates the chakra of the crown and throat and helps better your communication. Some other things that the mineral can help you with are:
- understanding divine messages
- calming you down
- detoxifying
- relieving stress
- nervousness
- spiritual and emotional healing
- controlling dreams
- increasing creativity
- clearing your head
- dealing with grief
- cleanses your aura
Celestite relaxes your body, mind, and soul, and rids your body of toxins. The celestite crystal also grounds you, ridding you of stress and anxiety. The crystal does an awesome job at clearing your head of worries and overwhelming feelings.
Many also say that celestite connects you with heavenly and angelic communication, which is how it improves your communication. Along with this, it also betters your connection with your guardian angel. It is perfect for communicating with the angelic realm.
To get the most out of its healing properties, it is recommended to use celestite in your meditation and keep it on your bedside table, or another place used for resting. Another thing you can do is use a piece of jewelry that contains celestite. Keeping the stone with you can clear your head in frustrating or anxious situations.
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Color Energy
Celestite represents the color blue, which represents the sky. It symbolizes the beginning of something new, similar to how every new day begins as the sun rises in the sky. The blue aura is responsible for the throat chakra, and helps with communication and clearing your head, so it aligns perfectly with celestite.
People with a blue aura are better at communication, understanding, and imaginative. They are also patient, respectful, and overall calm. Artists and singers tend to have this aura, as blue relates to creativity, self-expression, communication and confidence.
Celestite’s sky-blue color also represents growth, both mentally and spiritually. It represents moving on from the past, letting go of what was done before and starting anew. The stone symbolizes reconciliation – letting go of the guilt built up from long ago. If you have a lot of emotional baggage from past experiences that you wish to let go, celestite is the perfect stone for this.
Zodiac Signs
Celestite compliments the Gemini, Libra, Taurus, and Cancer signs. The crystal helps with harmony and clarity for those with the sign of Gemini and Cancer, due to the crystal’s association with the throat chakra.
They can communicate better and in turn, guide others. In addition, celestite helps calm down the stubborn and prone to anger Taurus signs. Lastly, for those with the sign of Libra, it can help them better control their emotions and understand their feelings.
If you were born between February 19 – March 19 (in the spring and vernal equinox), then blue celestite is considered to be your natural birthstone, even though it technically isn’t an official birthstone.
In conclusion, this is the perfect crystal for you if you struggle mentally. This blue beauty can help you de-stress before any overwhelming event, such as an interview or an exam.
Or maybe you are having trouble communicating with others. Or you have low patience and anger issues. Maybe you need some reassurance or help with dealing with the past. Whatever the problem is, we can assure you that celestite is the best stone for you.
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