April 3: Birthday, Personality, Zodiac, Events, & More (A Guide)

Congratulations! You were born on April 3rd, which is the Aries zodiac, and thus, you are a bold one. But what else does it mean to be born on April 3rd?

If you were born in April, your zodiac could tell quite a bit about yourself. Even so, you will be able find more meaning by learning more about your specific day of April 3rd.

Signs, Symbols, and Meaningful Figures

April 3 Horoscope
April 3 Horoscope

April 3rd is the 93rd day of the year. The number 93 is said to be a symbol of angelic love.

It is said that those born on April 3rd are loved, supported, and surrounded by the angels of heaven. You are loved.

Your lucky day of every year is the Tuesday of the week when winter turns to spring. As an April 2nd baby, you should keep your heart pointed South East.

Symbols and signs of animals such as falcons, foxes, rams, lions, hippopotamuses, Ibises, and baboons will send you messages of good fortune ahead. Be sure to heed them, as they will lead you to where you need to be.

Additional signs and symbols
Number:1 and 3
Spiritual Path:Ascendance
Ruling Planet:Mars
Element:Cardinal Fire
Flower:Sweet pea, Daisy, Honeysuckle, and Thistle
Personages:Mars, Mangala, Kuja, Thoth, Taouret
Health:Long Life
Compatibility:Sagittarius, Leo, Pisces
April 3 signs and symbols table

Your Zodiac: Aries Qualities and Personalities

Being born an Aries means that you have a strong sense of identity. You know what you are worth and are confident in your abilities and your appearance. You are hardworking and take pride in your work.

Aries people are often described as passionate about everything they do. You love to take charge and can sometimes be seen as overbearing when you work in groups. The results of your group work are usually phenomenal.

As an Aries, you are a visionary, and you are always thinking big. Your work is something to be proud of. Other people will recognize that and will follow you because of your obvious ingenuity.

Because you are a free thinker and you are open-minded, you will have opportunities arise that will surprise you. Others will also be surprised by your good fortune. Do not let people doubt that you rightfully earned all of your success.

15 Successful People Born on April 3

It is less common to be born on April 3rd than most other days of the year. Thankfully, some really great people were also born on April 3rd. You should get to know their stories, as these are some of the people you are connected to.

  1. Henry IV: “Henry the Great,” “Good King Henry,” King of France, King of Navarre, King of England
  2. Eddie Murphy: Award-winning American actor, singer, producer, film director, comedian, writer, and voice actor
  3. Jane Goodall: English primatologist, anthropologist, and leading expert on chimpanzees
  4. Lorenzo Snow: Religious leader and 5th president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
  5. Charles Wilkes: Antarctic explorer, American naval officer, explorer, renowned cartographer, and ship’s captain
  6. Cobie Smulders: Canadian-American actress
  7. Sofia Boutella: Award-winning Algerian actress, model, and dancer
  8. Alec Baldwin: Award-winning American actor
  9. Gus Grissom: American astronaut, engineer, and pilot in the United States Airforce
  10. Gabriel Jesus: Brazilian soccer/football player and Olympic Gold medalist
  11. Jennifer Garth: American actress
  12. Doris Day: Award-winning American actress, singer, public servant, and animal welfare activist
  13. Amanda Bynes: Award-winning American actress
  14. Adam Scott: American actor, producer, podcast host, and comedian
  15. Young M.A.: American rapper

These are only a few of the amazing people who share your birthday. Much like them, you were born on April 3rd and have the potential to open the minds of others. These successful people have helped bring humor, joy, knowledge, and entertainment to the world.


22 Historical events that occurred on April 3rd that you should know about:

  1. Jesus Christ died
  2. Edward the Confessor was crowned King of England
  3. The first Fruilian state was created
  4. The Italian Wars ended
  5. The First Prime Minister of Britain was sworn in
  6. Mongkut became Rama IV and crowned King of Thailand
  7. The first mail service’s successful Pony Express run began from Misourri to California
  8. Ruthless murderer, robber, and outlaw, Jesse James was killed.
  9. The patent for the engine that led to the creation of the motorcycle was granted
  10. Jack the Ripper committed his first heinous crime
  11. Joseph Stalin became the head of the Communist Party in the Soviet Union
  12. The first flight over Mount Everest occurred
  13. The Marshall Plan was signed to give aid to Europe during the Cold War
  14. The Jeju Uprising began
  15. Martin Luther King Jr. gave his last speech, “I’ve Been to the Mountaintop”
  16. Vietimization was announced in the United States
  17. The first handheld mobile phone call was made
  18. The 1974 Super Outbreak of tornados began
  19. Operation Babylift began
  20. The first successful portable computer was announced
  21. The Thalit massacre began in Algeria
  22. Apple released the first IPad

As you can see, April 3rd is a day of future altering events. Your birth was one of them. If you were born on April 3rd, you have a unique connection to invention and societal impact.

Many of these historical events that occurred on April 3rd have something in common. They involve movement and change. Change is something you should embrace and seek after. 

A few of these events caused lasting sadness, but more of them resulted in the progression of technology, safety, information, and knowledge. You have the ability to impact the world and spark something new.

What you should know about being born on April 3rd.

There are several traits that are associated with being born on April 3rd. You may find that you have many of these traits in common with the successful people mentioned above.

15 Traits of Those Who are Born on April 3rd

  1. You are creative.
  2. You are intuitive.
  3. You do not need other’s approval to do the things you love.
  4. You like to try new things.
  5. You do not fear failure.
  6. You are a little rebellious.
  7. You are passionate about what you love to do.
  8. You are insightful.
  9. You are curious.
  10. You are open-minded.
  11. You are independent.
  12. You are mature.
  13. You know who you are.
  14. It is easy for you to decide what you want.
  15. You are lucky.

It is said that those born on April 3rd have the most luck of all those born in April. They are said to have a charming personality and are highly sought after in the workplace. Because you were born on April 3rd, you have a bright future ahead with your relationships and your career.

Advice for Those Born on April 3rd

How to maximize your potential

Never hesitate to nurture your creativity and explore your imagination. Be open to new experiences. It is because of your ability to open your mind and your desire to try new things that you are successful in your ventures. 

Get involved. You will hear many great ideas in your lifetime. Be sure to jump on every chance to use your ingenuity.

Beware of being too pushy. You have great ideas, but be open to the idea that someone in your group may have an idea that is more fitting to the situation and resources available. When your ideas are chosen, be sure to thank everyone for supporting you.

Every person has amazing potential, but some just do not know what that potential looks like. Thankfully, because of your open mind, you have sought out more information on what your potential is. Keep seeking information.

You have a great ability to lead and come up with ideas that impress. This will draw people to you, but beware of the sweet talkers who will lead you away from who you are. 


You are connected to many events that have had a great impact on changes and progression in history. The successful people who share your birthday have created positive experiences for large masses of people over long periods of time.

As someone born on April 3rd, you are of the Aries zodiac. You are bold and fiery. But unlike others who were born in April, you may have the greatest luck and the most potential for innovation and sparking positive change.

What are you going to do now?