April 14: Birthday, Personality, Zodiac, Events, & More (A Guide)

Being born on the 14th of April means that you are a member of the Aries zodiac, but it also means that you share a birthday with famous people and events that can also shed some light on what your life may have in store for you.

Horoscopes are not just for telling you your personality and compatibility. They can also show you a potential future.

Signs, Symbols, and Meaningful Figures

April 14 horoscope
April 14 horoscope

April 14th is the 104th day of the year. The number 104 is a symbol for hard work, success, and energy. It is also a sign of distinguished relationships and positive thoughts.

You are being blessed by the angels with the energy and strength to work hard and gain abundance. The blessings of emotional stability and sincere partnership can also be yours.

Head South East on a Tuesday in Spring. A blessing awaits you.

Falcons, foxes, rams, lions, and imps are symbols you should look for if you want some fun. You may have been a little uptight lately. One of these will show up soon.

April 14 Signs & Symbols Table

Number:1, 14, and 104
Spiritual path:Ascendance
Ruling Planet:Mars
Element:Cardinal Fire
Flower:Sweet pea, Daisy, Honeysuckle, and Thistle
Personages:Amun, Thoth, Aries, Mars
Health:Long Life
Compatibility:Sagittarius, Leo, or Pisces
April 14 Signs & Symbols Table

Your Zodiac: Aries Qualities and Personalities

Aries are well known for their charm and adventurous nature. People are drawn to them like magnets. As an Aries, when you stay true to who you are, you will always have a lot of people to spend time with.

Since you are such a hard worker, any employer would be lucky to have you. You are diligent and will do everything to achieve your goals. Not every promotion will be worth your time though.

You are sensitive, selfless, and compassionate. This will undoubtedly help you create positive relationships. You are also a romantic and you are incredibly passionate when you open up to someone.

You’re affectionate and nurturing. This will make you a great parent or teacher. You care deeply about relationships, so you will do everything to make them work.

You are thoughtful and considerate. As an Aries, you are also a giver and you give freely of yourself. People think of you as generous and kind-hearted.

Because of your nature, people have been known to try to take advantage of you, but those people have forgotten that you also have a blazing hot temper. A good tongue-lashing is in their future.

As shown above, Aries are most compatible with Sagittarius, Leo, or Pisces because of their extremely complementary traits. However, as someone born on April 14th, you may find that you feel the most at home with a Leo due to the zodiac’s innate joy and sincere generosity.

15 Successful People Born on April 14th

As you may know, April birthdays are the less common birthdays, but that does not stop you and all of the people who share your birthday from being connected. Here are just fifteen.

  1. Sarah Michelle Gellar: American actress, producer, and entrepreneur
  2. Christiaan Huygens: Lord of Zeelhem, Dutch mathematician, physicist, engineer, astronomer, pioneer, and inventor
  3. William Cavendish-Bentinck: 3rd Duke of Portland, politician, Chancellor of the University of Oxford, Prime Minister of Great Britain, and Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
  4. Arnold J. Toynbee: English historian, philosopher of history, author, and research professor
  5. B.R. Ambedkar: Indian jurist, economist, social reformer, and political leader
  6. John Gielgud: English actor and theatre director
  7. François Duvalier: “Papa Doc,” Haitian politician, President of Haiti
  8. Philip III of Spain: King of Spain, King of Portugal, King of Naples, King of Sicily, King of Sardinia, and Duke of Milan
  9. Abigail Breslin: American actress and singer
  10. Erich von Däniken: Swiss author, producer, and the “father of the ancient alien theory”
  11. Anne Watanabe: Japanese fashion icon, model, actress, and singer
  12. Shinjirō Koizumi: Japanese politician, Minister of the Environment, and Member of the House of Representatives for the Liberal Democratic Party
  13. Brad Garrett: American actor and stand-up comedian
  14. Da Brat: American rapper
  15. Nguyễn Phú Trọng: Vietnamese politician, General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam, and President of Vietnam

There appears to be a connection to being born on April 14th and politics. You may have a bright future in it. Becoming a politician is a great way for you to make the difference you have always wanted to make in the world.

While it may not interest you at the moment, being a politician definitely has its perks. Why else would so many of these people follow that career path?


15 Historical events that occurred on April 14th that you should know about:

If you looked into the past, would you see your future? Maybe. Or maybe you would see all the connections that would bring answers to your life’s long-awaited questions.

  1. The Baptism of Poland occurred 
  2. The celestial phenomenon over Nuremberg was sighted
  3. Hungary declared independence from Austria
  4. Abraham Lincoln suffered a fatal gunshot wound
  5. The Four Dead in Five Seconds Gunfight was fought
  6. The Pan-American Union was founded 
  7. The Black Sunday dust storm occurred
  8. The Bombay explosion occurred
  9. The heaviest hailstones ever recorded fell
  10. Pai Hsiao-yen was kidnapped
  11. NATO’s accidental bombing of ethnic Albanian refugees occurred
  12. The 1999 Sydney hailstorm fell
  13. The 2006 Twin blasts in Jama Masjid, Delhi went off
  14. The April 2014 Nyanya bombing occurred
  15. The Chibok school girls kidnapping began

What can be learned from the events that occurred on April 14th? Disasters, both natural and manmade, shook whole communities and went down in history as the biggest or most costly of their time. 

You may want to always have hail coverage for your homes and vehicles. Steering clear of areas where there is increased political unrest may be in your best interest. Prejudice is something you should never participate in.

The similarities in events that occurred on this date are messages to you. In time, you will know what it all means.

What you should know about being born on April 14th

You have read a little bit about the characteristics of an Aries born, but there is more to your day of birth than just making you a member of your zodiac. 

15 Traits of Those Born on April 14th

  1. You are a hard worker
  2. You will have success
  3. You know who you are
  4. You are decisive
  5. You are talented
  6. You are kind
  7. You will look out for others and stand up for their rights
  8. You are charming
  9. You are adventurous
  10. You are meant to bring about change
  11. You stand out
  12. You are selfless
  13. You stand up for yourself and do not let anyone walk all over you
  14. You are nurturing
  15. You are a go-getter

Advice for Those Born on April 14th

How to maximize your potential

You need to push aside the things that are distracting you. As someone with the divine ability to accomplish more in life, you should bend over backward to get what you want. Turn over every stone that needs to be turned in order to achieve success.

Never be afraid that people will not like you for pursuing your interests. You are an Aries. Just about everyone wants to be your friend.

Look into becoming a parent, but avoid any foster systems. Your natural protectiveness and desire for deep connections will not mix well with the systems that frequently remove children from voluntary care with little or no warning. Adoption may be a good option for you as well.

You should think about careers in either teaching or politics. Look into the benefits and what it takes to enter those fields. You may be surprised that one of them calls to you.


Were you surprised by what April 14th has shown you? You have an abundance of good qualities, messages from heaven, and successful people to learn from. Consider the advice and any other discoveries you have made while learning more about your birthday.