April 18: Birthday, Personality, Zodiac, Events, & More (A Guide)

What is so unique about being born on April 18th? Not only are you of the Aries zodiac, but you are also connected to people, places, and events that you may have been completely unaware of.

What will you learn about yourself?

Signs, Symbols, and Meaningful Figures

April 20 Signs & Symbols Table
April 20 Signs & Symbols Table

April 18th is the 108th day of the year. In some cultures, the number 108 is connected to the Creator, the universe, time, and existence itself. Those who were born on the 108th day of the year are said to be creators in their own right and bringers of joy. 

The Aries are already creative, but you are the only Aries that has the unique ability to bring joy to every person, creature, and thing that you meet with your talents and perspective on life.

Follow every sign of falcons, cows, bulls, rams, and lions. Unfortunately, you will have many struggles in your life. The falcon will be your guide, but the cows, bulls, rams, and lions will help you barrel through the challenges that will come your way. 

April 18 Signs & Symbols Table

Number:1, 18, and 108
Spiritual path:Ascendance
Ruling Planet:Mars
Element:Cardinal Fire
Flower:Sweet pea, Daisy, Honeysuckle, and Thistle
Personages:Amun, Thoth, Aries, Mars, Ra
Health:Long Life
Compatibility:Sagittarius, Leo, or Pisces
April 18 Signs & Symbols Table

Your Zodiac: Aries Qualities and Personalities

You were born to be a motivator and you often inspire those around you to work harder and achieve more. Your teams will be regarded as productive, efficient, and hard-working. Your employers will feel very lucky to have you working for them and many will reward you in some way or another for it.

Aries are confident and secure. You are very aware of who you are and have a strong sense of identity. This makes you highly desirable as a friend, a partner, and an employee.

You are loyal and trustworthy.  Friends and family have no problem sharing secrets with you and relying upon you. You are a worthy confidant and will be appreciated most by those who have been betrayed and let down by others.

Perfectionism is a bit of a hindrance, but also a blessing for you. You demand excellence from yourself and those around you. Those who are already stressed will condemn you for it, but your teams will always produce the best there is. 

Unlike most Aries, you are organized and methodical. You’re a planner and you like to set goals and deadlines. Like most Aries, you are very ambitious and an idea powerhouse, but you will actually achieve more things on your own that no other Aries would be able to do.

You are responsible and reliable. Members of the Aries zodiac are known for being independent. This independence has already served you well, but it will soon help you stand out as someone that is desirable.

15 Successful People Born on April 18th

You are not the only amazing person born on April 18th. There are at least fifteen other phenomenal people who took the stage of life on that day.

  1. Lucrezia Borgia: Spanish-Italian noblewoman and Governor of Spoleto
  2. Kourtney Kardashian: American media personality, socialite, and businesswoman
  3. Vanessa Kirby: Award-winning English actress
  4. Conan O’Brien: American TV host, comedian, writer, producer, and voice actor
  5. Rick Moranis: Canadian actor, comedian, musician, songwriter, writer, and producer
  6. America Ferrera: American actress, producer, and director
  7. Chloe Bennet: American actress and singer
  8. Eric Roberts: Award-winning American actor
  9. Hayley Mills:  English actress
  10. David John Tennant: Scottish actor
  11. James Woods: American actor, voice actor, and producer
  12. Britt Robertson: American actress
  13. Jeff Dunham: American ventriloquist, stand-up comedian, and actor
  14. Maria Bello: American actress, producer, and writer
  15. Zazie: French singer, songwriter, and fashion model

You share your birthday with some really powerful women who have shown the world that talent has no prejudice. The men on this list have been considered the best at what they do. There is no doubt that you will become the best too.

You have the ability to be multitalented and up front and center, not just in your own life, but in the lives of your fans. 


15 Historical events that occurred on April 18th that you should know about:

What if there were connections to your life in the events recorded throughout history on your birthday?

  1. St. Peter’s Basilica cornerstone was laid
  2. Bona Sforza was crowned as queen consort of Poland.
  3. The Royal Academy of History was founded
  4. Paul Revere’s “midnight ride” occurred
  5. Black slaves in the United States of America were first counted as three-fifths of a person
  6. The University of Alabama was founded
  7. Spiritualism in France was born
  8. War was declared between Greece and the Ottoman Empire
  9. The 1902 Guatemala earthquake occurred
  10. The 1906 San Francisco earthquake and fire destroyed much of San Francisco, California
  11. 705 survivors from the RMS Titanic were brought safely ashore
  12. Australia’s longest-serving prime minister was elected
  13. The first Asian-African Conference was held
  14. The Republic of Zimbabwe was created
  15. Operation Praying Mantis began

As you can see from these events in history, you truly are connected to Creation and have the ability to bring joy to others. As someone who easily can create goodness and bring joy, you are also someone who can just as easily create evil and bring misery. This is a truth you need to acknowledge.

What you should know about being born on April 18th

You are not stuck in a box of characteristics. The listed fifteen below are just examples of your birthright as someone born on April 18th. You ultimately get to choose who you are, what you want, and what you will do.

15 Traits of Those Born on April 18th

  1. You are talented
  2. You are a creator
  3. Your talents will bring others joy
  4. You have a unique perspective on life
  5. You have a divine destiny
  6. You are part of something big
  7. You are dependable
  8. You are spiritual
  9. You have incredible potential
  10. You will be successful
  11. You are loved
  12. You are a leader
  13. You are loyal
  14. You are trustworthy
  15. You are hard working

Advice for Those Born on April 18th

How to maximize your potential

Seek careers, activities, and events that allow you to be creative. Creation is your birthright. Let yourself invent new things and never be afraid of or ashamed of what your hands and mind come up with.

Work hardest on proving yourself to those who are good people but do not trust you. Your most loyal friends will be the ones who have never found someone as trustworthy as you are. Everyone wants someone to truly care, so be that for someone and you will have a friend for life.

Reach out to those suffering at the hands of others. You are a kind and protective person, so doing so will come naturally to you as you move forward with it. The more you help others, the better you will be at it and the more people you will have in your life.

Take time to be surrounded by nature. In the hustle and bustle of daily activity, you tend to be surrounded by walls and unnatural light. Getting out under a pale blue sky and being surrounded by trees, mountains, vegetation, or meadows will give you knew life and ground you.

Learn to appreciate the creation of things. No matter how ugly or simple something is, someone had to work hard on it. Whether their work was more in thought than in the creation itself, or it was in the making of it rather than the thinking, a creation takes some kind of skill and initiative to make.


You were born on April 18th, and because of that, there is a lot to learn about who you are and who you are meant to become. Not all of the answers are quick to find, and not all of the knowledge is yours to claim yet.