April 17: Birthday, Personality, Zodiac, Events, & More (A Guide)

What do you think it means to be born on April 17th? For you, it may seem like just another day to be born, but there is so much to learn about the significance of being born on that day as well as what your zodiac sign entails.

The question is, what will you do with the knowledge?

Signs, Symbols, and Meaningful Figures

April 17 Horoscope
April 17 Horoscope

April 17th is the 107th day of the year. This number is very spiritually significant. Many believe that the number 107 is the reflection of God and divine destiny.

As such, you are particularly blessed by the heavens. You stand as a representation of God’s image and have the ability to show others the path to enlightenment. Your life has been guided for this purpose.

The blessings promised with the number 107 are confidence, reliance, assurance, and new beginnings. As such, you carry the divine traits symbolic of creation, humanity, and soul. If you are true to yourself, more blessings will be unlocked for you.

Your moments of luck will occur most on spring Tuesdays coming from the South East.

Symbols and signs of animals such as falcons, cows, bulls, rams, and lions are messages from the angels to guide you on your journey. Follow them to find your answers.

April 17 Signs & Symbols Table

Number:1, 17, and 107
Spiritual path:Ascendance
Ruling Planet:Mars
Element:Cardinal Fire
Flower:Sweet pea, Daisy, Honeysuckle, and Thistle
Personages:Amun, Thoth, Aries, Mars, Ra
Health:Long Life
Compatibility:Sagittarius, Leo, or Pisces
April 17 Signs & Symbols Table

Your Zodiac: Aries Qualities and Personalities

You are a dreamer and you envision great possibilities for yourself and others. Because you see the potential in others, you may find yourself giving extra chances to those who do not seem to deserve it. Sometimes this mercy will give you extremely surprising and fruitful results. 

As a visionary, you tend to foresee the future. You come at the forefront of fads and are sometimes the setter of the trends before they start in your area. While you are original, it is okay to sometimes see what another area is doing and think it is cool enough to bring it to yours.

You are a team player and you enjoy working together with others. Any team would be lucky to have you. Your ambitions may put a damper on how well others work with you, however.

Aries people tend to be fairly optimistic and hopeful. This is a trait that gets them through hiccups and difficult challenges on the way to success. You can rely upon your positivity even in the sight of incredible discouragement.

You are a believer and you trust in God’s plan for you. While you may not know it yet, a lot of that positivity comes from your soul telling you that everything is going to work out just fine. Even if you do not think that you believe in a higher power right now, deep down, you know there is one and cannot truly deny it.

15 Successful People Born on April 17th

It is always interesting to find out who you share a birthday with. Here are just fifteen of the phenomenally talented people you are connected to by April 17th.

  1. Victoria Beckham: English fashion designer, singer, and TV personality
  2. Redman: American rapper, DJ, record producer, and actor
  3. David Bradley: English actor
  4. Sean Bean: English actor
  5. Henry Cusick: Peruvian-Scottish actor and a television director
  6. Joel Murray: American writer, director, actor, and comedian
  7. Carlo Rota: British-born Canadian actor
  8. Luke Mitchell: Australian actor and model
  9. Marguerite Bourgeoys:  French nun, pioneer, first female saint of Canada, and foundress of the Congregation of Notre Dame of Montreal
  10. Alexander Cartwright: founding member of the New York Knickerbockers Base Ball Club, the “father of baseball,” and pioneer
  11. J. P. Morgan: American financier and investment banker
  12. Afrika Bambaataa: American DJ, rapper, producer, and American hip-hop pioneer
  13. Jennifer Garner: American actress, advocate, and entrepreneur
  14. Jacqueline MacInnes Wood: Canadian actress, musician, and TV personality
  15. Kyla Drew Simmons: American actress and dancer

These people are all incredibly talented. Acting, producing, engaging the public, pioneering movements, and being musically inclined are all possibilities for you. You have evidence of it right here in front of you.

You are fully capable of developing these talents and becoming known for how good you are at them. Your originality can help you become a pioneer of sorts too.


15 Historical events that occurred on April 17th that you should know about:

Do you know who you share your birthday with? You would not believe how many successful people were born on April 17th. And this is only a few of them.

  1. The Bavand dynasty in Mazandaran ended
  2. Spain approved Christopher Columbus’s voyage to Asia to collect spices
  3. The Battle of San Juan became one of the largest invasions of the Spanish territories in the Americas
  4. The Battle of Plymouth began
  5. Morelos became the 27th state of Mexico
  6. The First Sino-Japanese War ended
  7. Montese, Italy was liberated from Nazi forces
  8. Tran Trong Kim became the Prime Minister of the Empire of Vietnam
  9. The Apollo 13 spacecraft returned to Earth safely
  10. The Provisional Government of Bangladesh was formed
  11. The Cambodian Civil War ended
  12. The Katina P spilled 60,000 tons of crude oil into the ocean
  13. The Texas Fertilizer Plant Blast occurred
  14. The first Earth-size planet in the habitable zone of another star was seen
  15. Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh’s funeral was held

Your birthday has much fewer incidences of disaster and destruction than most other people. The events in history that occurred on April 17th seem to be predominantly endings of hardship and beginnings of change. 

Let this be a sign that you are incredibly blessed. Even when hardship comes into your life, everything will be okay. You are protected by God’s hand.

What you should know about being born on April 17th

While all Aries have a good grasp on their identities, there may be traits about yourself that you do not know or have not yet embraced. These 15 characteristics of people born on April 17th are just a few examples of how powerful you are.

15 Traits of Those Born on April 17th

  1. You are blessed
  2. You are an image of God
  3. Your life is worth more than you know
  4. You are confident in your abilities and what you know
  5. You are resilient
  6. You are wise
  7. You are a leader
  8. You are protected and a protector
  9. You are capable of whatever you put your mind to
  10. You are spirited
  11. You are energetic
  12. You are hopeful
  13. You are earnest and passionate
  14. You will bring others hope
  15. You are a go-getter

Advice for Those Born on April 11th

You never have to do anything that you do not choose to do, but knowing what can improve your life is always worth the time to listen and learn. Others will offer you advice, but you get to choose what you internalize and what you reject.

How to maximize your potential

Do not deny yourself and your spiritual side. There are things about yourself that you know to be true, but you have been suppressing them. It is time to release the chains holding down your true identity and show the world who you really are.

Look for spirituality in your life and work to make it a bigger part of your everyday activities. 

You could begin by simply saying a thank you to the universe or God before every meal. Start sending your thoughts out into open existence.

You will begin to receive messages from heaven. Make sure that you stay open-minded so that you receive them when they come, and when you are comfortable with it, start sharing it with others. They will thank you.

Go after that dream that has always seemed to be out of reach. Forget what anyone said about you not making it there. You could be on the road to fame by next year if you really put your mind to it.

Focus on making good connections. It has been said that who you know is better than what you know, and for you, that rings true. Research where you can cross paths with those who will take your goals to the next stage.


You may never know everything there is to know about yourself and the meaning behind your birthday, but the knowledge you gain will unlock a future you only thought was a dream.