If you’ve ever heard someone refer to their star sign or looked at your birthday and tried to figure out what that meant, you’ve probably wondered, what exactly is the Zodiac?
The Zodiac is a group of symbols used to track the movement of celestial objects concerning the Earth and offer predictions about how such divine activity will affect human behavior and personality traits.
These symbols vary based on location, but astrologists have developed 12 universal signs that are used worldwide today. Understanding your zodiac sign may help you better understand yourself and your relationship with others.
The Horoscope: A Look Back
Most people aren’t blessed with enough patience to pore over detailed horoscopes, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t learn about your zodiac symbol.
This is because one day, you might meet a guy who claims he’s an Aries and that he wants you to know all about his personality. Don’t tell him that you have no idea what he is talking about; learn all there is to know!
All You Need to Know About Zodiac
Zodiac is a set of symbolic star groupings used in astrology. Astrologers believe that these groupings are connected to specific personality traits. The Zodiac (from the Greek circle of animals) is a circle with each sign describing an animal.
- The signs are grouped into three categories
- Fire signs (Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius)
- Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces), and
- Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, and Capricornian).
- There’s also a mixed category for air signs (Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius).
These 12 symbols have been used since Babylonian times, over 4500 years ago. Each one has its meaning based on ancient mythology.
All Signs
Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. From Aries (March 21-April 19), the ram, to Pisces (February 19-March 20), the fish. Below is an abbreviated guide to all 12 signs.
1. Aries (March 21—April 19)
Aries is characterized by a desire for freedom. This is a positive trait, as it tends to make them open-minded, and a negative feature, namely that they have little patience with being tied down or restricted.
Aries people can be impatient and impulsive but also very active. If you are dating an Aries, you will know it because they will be very energetic on dates. Aries is ruled by Mars, the Roman god of war.
The planet Mars is named after him because Aries governs aggression, self-assertion, and leadership. Also known as the warrior sign of Aries, people are fighters who tend to rush into things without thinking them through first.
They can be stubborn, which can get them into trouble, but they also have a capacity for leadership.
2. Taurus (April 20–May 20)
The Bull is the Zodiac symbol; Earth is the element; Copper is the metal, and Green is the color. A bull’s head represents Taurus on a black background. This symbol indicates a hard-working person that loves material possessions.
A Taurus has a high-paying job or income from investments such as real estate or business ventures. On average, people born under Taurus are wealthy, with great credit and stable finances that do not fluctuate much over time.
The earliest known documentation of Taurus dates back to 1515 BC. The Babylonians associated Taurus with a god named Papsukal. In Greek mythology, Aphrodite was in love with Adonis, who was killed while hunting by a wild boar.
Upon hearing of his death, Aphrodite convinced Zeus to bring him back to life so they could be together again. To reward her for her efforts, he put Adonis’ spirit in charge of protecting all beautiful things on Earth.
This is why people born under Taurus are often attracted to material possessions such as real estate or investments. It is also why many people born under Taurus have very high credit scores and stable finances that do not fluctuate much over time.
3. Gemini (May 21-June 20)
Gemini is ruled by Mercury. Their element is air. Its colors are yellow. Gemini’s symbol is two intersecting lines, or an X. Its gemstone is agate. The Gemini flower is lavender.
The ruling planet of Gemini is Mercury, which has rulership over communication and intelligence. Geminis are very talkative and witty; they love communicating with others.
They can also be incredibly indecisive at times because they have so many ideas going through their heads at once. Geminis also tend to be restless.
They enjoy change and variety in their lives, though they may not always find it easy to adapt when things change around them.
4. Cancer (June 21-July 22)
A crab represents Cancer because of its tenacity. It’s one of two zodiac signs ruled by a goddess (the other being Taurus). The Cancer symbol also resembles a shield, which is why it’s often used as an emblem for defence.
This symbolism alludes to Cancer’s independent streak; Cancers are proud individuals who like to keep others at arm’s length and don’t always make good team players.
5. Leo (July 23-August 22)
The Lion is a force to be reckoned with. A lion symbolizes bravery, confidence, and determination. The constellation of Leo resembles a backward question mark. The brightest star in Leo is Regulus, meaning “little king” in Latin.
Leo is well-known for being the King. The zodiac symbol of Leo is a lion, a regal symbol of power, love, and determination. They are born leaders with courage, confidence, and strength, all traits you’ll need when starting your own business.
Like lions, they are not afraid to be themselves in any situation but never forget their place (royalty). They have a strong heart line and will do anything for their loved ones. Libras are also social butterflies who love entertaining guests.
They like to bring people together; sometimes, they’re referred to as party animals. The sign’s symbol is a pair of scales, which signifies a strong sense of balance. Libras try to keep things in balance in their lives.
This helps them be patient and tolerant, which makes them great mediators.
6. Virgo (August 23-September 22)
Virgo (August 23-September 22): Element: Earth; Ruler: Mercury. The sign of Virgo dates back thousands of years ago. It is represented by a young woman holding a sheaf of wheat.
Virgos are practical, analytical, and critical thinkers. They are perfectionists who strive for excellence in everything they do. Their attention to detail makes them well-suited for jobs in science or medicine.
They also excel as accountants, editors, and librarians. Here are some fun facts about Virgos. Virgos are one of four signs that end with o (the others being Leo, Libra, and Sagittarius).
The Roman goddess of agriculture was Ceres; Virgo’s glyph resembles a bundle of wheat stalks. Virgos were considered servants of Ceres, so when August came around, it was time to harvest their crops.
7. Libra (September 23-October 22)
Libra symbol is the Scales; Element: air; Quality: Cardinal; Planet(s): Venus; Colors: Pink, Blue-green, Pale Green.
The scales symbolize equilibrium and justice; their corresponding dates are September 23 through October 22.
Although Libras don’t always feel it, these people know how to balance their wants and needs with others; they know how to be flexible and achieve harmonious relationships with different people.
When you meet someone born under Libra, you will notice that they are very even-temper even when faced with difficult situations or trying times.
And while some may call them indecisive or wishy-washy, Libras tend to see things from many perspectives and will not decide until they have considered every angle of an issue or problem.
8. Scorpio (October 23–November 21)
Scorpion; Water as an element; Fixed as a quality; Pluto as the ruling planet. The symbol for Scorpio is the Scorpion, as represented in art or mythology.
Scorpios tend to be intense, imaginative people who have a great need for privacy and solitude. Scorpios are highly passionate individuals who must learn to harness their instincts.
Not everyone can handle a Scorpio’s intensity, but those who do will be rewarded with a deeply loyal and intensely loving partner. Scorpio celebrities include Demi Moore, Steve Jobs, and Paul Newman.
9. Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)
Sagittarius is represented as a centaur: half-man, half-horse. It is characterized by a centaur archer holding a bow and arrow. The symbol was created by the Babylonians and has been associated with things like long journeys and jesting.
He’s also considered to be adventurous, sociable, and optimistic. While every other sign is based on Greek or Roman mythology, Sagittarius has no historical figure associated with it; the idea was simply to represent one of their constellations with its symbol.
As one of three fire signs (alongside Aries and Leo), they’re often considered energetic and fiery. They’re often regarded as one of three fire signs (alongside Aries and Leo) as enthusiastic and passionate.
In ancient Greek tradition, Sagittarius was associated with Heracles and Zeus. The former was also represented by a centaur wielding a bow. Due to their connection with archery, it’s thought that these individuals are proficient in athletics or other sports.
10. Capricorn (December 22–January 19)
The goat is the symbol; Earth is the element, and Saturn is the ruler. Capricorns are ambitious, practical, patient, and focused on achieving success. They love money, but not just for its own sake.
They value it because they believe that financial security is crucial to staying in control of their lives, which is one of Capricorn’s core values. Capricorns take pride in their work and expect a lot from their colleagues.
At work, they’re efficient, focused, and responsible; at home, they can be moody, tense, and reserved. They tend to have strong traditional values and an eye for those who don’t.
11. Aquarius (January 20–February 18)
The water bearer represents this sign. Its symbol is a man pouring water from an amphora. It’s a fixed air sign, which means Aquarius has a thoughtful personality that doesn’t change even if you learn more about them.
They tend to have strong intuitions that serve them well in making decisions or choosing a path. The fish is a symbol of both wisdom and selflessness. It also shows that they can move quickly between different worlds or states of being.
12. Pisces (February 19–March 20)
The original dreamers of the Zodiac, Pisces, are a creative bunch who are not afraid to pursue their creative visions. They make excellent musicians, dancers, and artists.
Pisces is a sign associated with spirituality; they tend to have strong intuitions that serve them well in making decisions or choosing a path.
The fish symbolizes wisdom and self-sacrifice; it also represents their ability to move effortlessly between different worlds or states of being.
No matter which sign you are, there’s much more going on in your life than your daily horoscope. When you take a step back and look at everything happening in your day-to-day life concerning your astrological chart, you’ll start to see emerging patterns that will help shape who you are as a person.
Take time today to sit down and think about what these symbols mean for your personality and future, and if you want to learn more about how other people see you based on your star sign, you might want to take one or two personal growth quizzes.
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