To the average person, there is nothing special about the day people are born. This is why many people pay more attention to the date rather than the day on which a person is born. However, in astrology, the birthday is as important as the birth date.
This is because humans are under the influence of the planets and the planet’s position on the birthday matters a lot in a person’s life. The birthday influences many things regarding career, love life, and even personality. To this effect, it is important that people learn about their birthday and how it affects them.
This article will briefly review people born on Tuesdays and how their birthday affects their personality and behavior, as well as certain choices they must make.
People born on Tuesdays have a huge burst of energy, making them strong, brave and highly motivated. However, you will also have to deal with their stubbornness or rash approach to issues.
The Effect of the Planet
Astrology takes planets as celestial beings and believes that the planets influence behavior and occurrences in people’s lives. This means the nature of the planets ruling the day you are born affects the type of personality and life that you have.
People born on Tuesday get influenced by the planet Mars because Mars rules on Tuesdays. Thus, to understand what this portends for people born on Tuesdays, we need to understand the nature of Mars.
Mars is a fiery planet. After Saturn, it is the fiercest of all planets. This means that it comes with great energy and bravery. Attributes such as bravery, courage, strength, determination, and stubbornness can all be associated with the planet Mars.
Apart from its fiery nature, Mars is also a profound planet. This is due to its closeness to Earth. Mars is the closest planet to Earth after the moon. With this understanding, let us examine how the planet affects or influences those born on Tuesdays.
Body Structure
It is common to find people born on Tuesday with stunning and attractive bodies. They are usually strong and broad, with curly hair, wide shoulders, and long necks. Their skin color is usually wheatish and a bit light in complexion.
Finding them with freckles or some rash on their face is also not out of place. Despite these freckles, the face is mostly glowing or radiant due to the effect of Mars on the natives.
Strength and Tenacity
There are many parts to a person born on Tuesday, but their strength and courage are the most dominant of these sides. They usually exude physical and mental strength that an average person does not have. You are more likely to find them doing something strenuous than relaxing.
This strength and tenacity spell well for them as it forms a propelling force to achieve, conquer and dominate. There is a natural urge to overtake and succeed. Therefore, naturally, a person born on Tuesday has all the physical attributes to be successful.
The combination of tenacity, intelligence, and motivation makes them so unstoppable. They will not stop until they have succeeded or achieved their aim.
Love of Material Things
The drive to succeed also makes them more susceptible to the love of material things. Remember that their planet is fiery, and it is difficult to hide anything fiery. Thus, there is always a need for people born on Tuesdays to accumulate and show off their wealth. Thus, they buy and use expensive jewelry, designer clothes, and luxurious cars.
Another important aspect of their personality is their anger. With strength and courage comes intense anger that can go unabated for a long period. Similarly to the fiery nature of the planet Mars, people born on Tuesdays usually have ferocious anger.
In most cases, you are more likely to find a person born on Tuesday starting a fight than trying to end it. However, this anger does not mean that they have bad intentions. Their anger is usually justified, as it occurs when provoked. The only glitch is that it comes with too much force and sometimes comes too early.
Lack of Tact
Apart from the anger, people born on Tuesdays are somewhat rash in their approach to issues. They are not popular for their tact or diplomacy, which makes them a bit heated and irrational in tense situations. You are more likely to find a person born on a Tuesday indulging in combat sports such as boxing or martial arts than a tactical game of chess. They do not have the patience for it.
Cannot Be the Butt of the Joke
Their rash approach is also why they usually don’t like being the butt of the joke. Most often than not, they usually would not find the joke funny or get the joke in the first place. In worse situations, they may take the joke personally and get offended by it.
In summary, it is always polarizing for a person born on a Tuesday. You will either like or hate them; you cannot ignore them. It is also impossible for them to sit on the fence on issues. They will almost always pick a side in any situation.
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Based on their personality, jobs that require strength, courage, and tenacity are good for Tuesday-borns. They would appreciate jobs requiring them to remain physically active more than mentally.
As entry-level employees, they will learn quickly and put all the required effort into their jobs. They will work hard, not just to please their superiors, but to get a sense of fulfillment.

Managers will carry out their duties and responsibilities to perfection, which is good for the company.
However, they will expect the same level of perfection from their subordinates, which may be a bit problematic. This is because not everyone has the tenacity that people born on Tuesdays have.
As a supervisor, you can expect their instruction to come straight and sincere. You can also count on their loyalty if you have them on your team. As a leader, they tend to be more authoritarian in their efforts to achieve success, and this rubs off poorly on people around them.
With all of these attributes in mind, the following professions are ideal for people born on a Tuesday;
- Police and Law Enforcement
- Athletics
- Combat Sports
- Engineering
- Automobile Manufacture or Repair
- Car Racing
- Military Personnel
- Head of Operations
- Entrepreneurs (but should have co-founders with complimentary attributes)
Romance and Love
People born on Tuesdays tend to bring their tenacity and physical strength to their romantic life. They love hard and are usually very passionate. They are also more physical in the display of their love.
Most times, they may not appreciate the softer aspects of love, such as talking or connecting on an emotional level. They do more than they feel and are usually attracted to physical beauty, which makes sense as they have stunning bodies.
While strength, daring nature, and courage are all good attributes, they also have unfavorable sides. Tuesday-borns are stubborn and can be assertive, with very little recourse for their partner’s opinions. They tend to assume a leadership role in the relationship against a partnership outlook.
Also, they are vulnerable and susceptible to seduction. This is because their strong will is usually limited to physicality and not their emotional or mental capacity. Their sex life is also ever-present and physical, with the tendency for domineering during sex.
Colors and Numbers
The auspicious color for people born on Tuesdays is Red Maroon, whose numbers are 3, 6, and 9.
Due to the effects of the planet Mars on Tuesday, people born on Tuesday get the planet’s fiery, strong, and hard-headed nature. This influences their lives and the type of things they are good at.
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