For many people worldwide, Sunday is an enjoyable day, not only because it is the first day of the week. But also because you get to relax from days of work and prepare for the next work week. However, there is more about Sunday than meets the eye, especially in astrology.
This article will discuss the traits and personalities of people born on Sunday, their astrology, and how it affects certain decisions or activities in their lives.
Sunday in Astrology
As it is important among people, Sunday is also very important in Astrology. It is the day ruled by the king of planets, the Sun. The sun is referred to as Surya Dev in Hinduism and is responsible for fortune and luck in human endeavors.
Similarly, Vedic Astrology regards the Sun as egoistic and relentless. These characteristics find their way into the lives of people born on Sundays. It also means that people born on Sundays have a big bag of mixed traits.
This mixed bag of traits reiterates the need for people to learn about them and their traits to facilitate a better relationship with them. People born on Sundays must also understand how astrology affects them and their personalities to get the best out of life.
Facial Features and Looks
To keep it simple, people born on Sundays are attractive. It is safe to use the urban slang “hot” for them, which makes sense, seeing as they carry the melting power and ability of the sun itself. With their looks and facial features, people born on Sundays are intense and give off a lot of sex appeal.
This intense attractiveness and sexual appeal come in different forms for males and females, so we would examine it separately.

In men, the effect of the planet Sun makes males born on Sundays tall and athletic. Their eyes imbibe the sun’s fiery nature as it is always intense and burning with passion.
Their skin is often crafted in an olive-gold color like that of a warrior. In summary, men born on Sundays have an intensely glorious and deeply attractive bodies.
As for women, a simple description for them is feisty firecrackers. Their facial features go beyond normal or conventional and are very intriguing. Like their men, they are tall and confident in their looks.
When you think of a damsel in distress, it is clearly not a woman born on a Sunday. Their body and stride exude the level of confidence that makes many men cower or feel intimidated.
As for their skin, it usually takes a medium-fair hue. This goes with large smokey eyes, fuller lips, and a curvy body that brews intense sexual tension.
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Personality Traits
Given the description of their bodily features, it is easy for people to assume that people born on Sundays would be shallow and self-absorbed. This assumption is wrong. Despite their attractive bodies, people born on Sundays have impressive and wholesome personalities. It includes;
People born on Sundays are effortlessly funny. They make jokes out of any situation and make people around them laugh. You are sure to have a good time in the company of a person born on Sunday.
They are also the best people to have around if you are feeling down. They make jokes so easily that you would start laughing in a matter of minutes in the company of a person born on Sunday.
Bossy Nature
Another thing you can expect from a person born on Sunday is that they don’t take orders. They are not very good subordinates as they always have opinions and even believe their input is better than yours. Therefore, if you are working with a person born on a Sunday, ensure that you do not make the mistake of bossing them around, as it would not work.
In fact, you may not have the chance to boss them around, as they are bossy. They always have instructions for all tasks. This is even when they do not have all the information required to give a good command.
They are very popular. The chances that a person born on a Sunday enjoys having people around them are very high. As much as they enjoy other people’s company, people also enjoy their company. And what is there not to enjoy? They are good-looking and also funny. They have all the requirements for popularity, and you can expect that they will use it to the fullest.
If you prefer being alone or do not enjoy people’s company, you should not be roommates or housemates with a person born on a Sunday. This is because, more often than not, you will have people in your personal space looking for your popular roommate.
This popularity also means that if a person born on a Sunday is fixated on you or spends a lot of time with you, it is possibly an indication that they like you. They are never starved of attention and even find it hard to reciprocate the attention they get. Therefore, they really like you if they give you all their attention.
As you can expect, people born on Sundays are smart and intelligent. Their intelligence goes beyond school or learning, as they are natural problem solvers. They implement their intelligence in real-life issues and provide unexpected and resounding solutions to problems presented to them.
Small Circle
As much as a person born on a Sunday is popular and enjoys the company of other people, they have a small circle of real friends. This is because they are usually hard to impress, and while they make almost everybody happy, they need a small number of people to keep them grounded.
Again, if you make this small circle of friends for a person born on a Sunday, you are very special to them.
Intense and Short Tempered
As lovers, people born on Sundays are intense lovers. They are passionate, like the Sun that rules over their day, and go above and beyond to show their love. This makes them jealous lovers.
In the same vein, they are short-tempered. The intensity of their passion makes them susceptible to quick anger. They usually do not have the patience to talk things through. Therefore, if they feel like they are not being treated right in a romantic relationship, they move on really fast.
Another consequence of their intensity is their vengeful nature. If you offend a person born on a Sunday, you should apologize or seek forgiveness. Otherwise, you may be courting trouble as they will most likely take revenge for being wronged.
Romantic Life
To start with, people born on Sundays are passionate lovers. We have mentioned that they go above and beyond to show their love. However, do not expect lots of words and poetry from these people as an affirmation of their love.
You are better off expecting them to plan dates, vacations, and other activities to show their love. This is because they are more about the action than words.
Also, there are indications that while they are passionate lovers, they are not deep lovers in the real sense of the word. This indication comes from the fact that they are not patient, and you require patience and understanding to imbibe the full essence of love deeply.
In a marriage, you must be careful with a person born on a Sunday. The marriage will not be a bed of roses (no marriage is!) because you may have to deal with their aggression, insecurity, or jealousy.
However, this does not make them bad people in a marriage. They usually love their spouses passionately and would give anything to make their family happy and safe.
One of the things important to people born on Sundays when it comes to their careers is freedom. They find it hostile when people boss them around or try to hover above them. In other words, they are not good subordinates and do not work well when they have to depend on someone else for their decisions.
Therefore, they excel well when they make their decisions independently and give orders rather than receive them. Because of the freedom it affords, people born on a Sunday do well as an entrepreneur, a CEO, or independent artists.
Because they are also very smart and intelligent with a knack for problem-solving, they do well as a financial advisor, financial planners, politicians, or researchers. They can also have a good career as a data scientist.
Important Points for People Born on Sundays
The Sun is the planet that controls the fate and personality of people born on Sundays. As a result, there are certain things they should bear in mind as they go through the world;
- Be careful of their ego and anger, as it could destroy them and their relationships.
- Because of their short temper, they may say hurtful things they do not mean. Therefore, they must imbibe a culture of apologizing.
- Red is the lucky color for people born on a Sunday
- Wearing a ruby gemstone ring helps to bring their anger under control
- 1 is their lucky number, and they should start important tasks or endeavors on the 1st.
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