October 21 Zodiac: Birthday, Traits, & More (Must Read)

People born on October 21 are unique and imaginative. They are great for their confidence and surprise everyone around them by achieving very great things.

If you are born on October 21, then you are a libra. You are innovative, generous, thoughtful, and open-minded. Reading further, you will discover more about your birth date and how it influences every aspect of your life.

October 21 Signs and Symbols

October 21 birthday horoscope
October 21 Horoscope
Zodiac signLibra
Ruling planetMercury
Ruling godAres
Lucky dayFriday
Lucky number3, 17, 25
Lucky tarot cardJustice
ColorLight blue, green, and pink
Star nameArcturus
BirthstoneOpal and Tourmaline 
Element Air
Zodiac compatibilityAquarius and Gemini
Spirit AnimalBee
October 21 Signs and Symbols

People and Historical Events that took place on October 21

The fifty-first day of autumn which is October 21 is very special. The world holds records of great historical events that happened on this day, as well as powerful and influential people born on this day. This section explores renowned people who share the same traits as you.

Famous people born on October 21

  1. Andrew Scott – Actor
  2. Kim Kardashian – A reality TV star
  3. Doja Cat – Rapper
  4. Celia Cruz – World music singer
  5. Judge Judy Sheindlin – TV host
  6. Ken Watanabe – Actor
  7. Catherine Hardwicke – A movie director
  8. Kane Brown – A country singer
  9. Glen Powell – Actor
  10. Carrie Fisher – Actress

Historical events that happened on October 21

  1. Martin Luther King joins the theological faculty of Wittenberg University in 1512
  2. Tokugawa Ieyasu defeated rival Japanese clans during the Battle of Sekigahara and becomes the new shogun of Japan in 1600
  3. The Southern Great plain Indian leaders signed the Medicine Lodge Treaty in 1867
  4. Thomas Edison applied for a patent for his design of an incandescent light bulb in 1879
  5. Albert Steck founded the Swiss Social Democratic Party in 1888
  6. A secret society in the Imperial Japanese army launched a coup d’état attempt in 1931
  7. French women voted for the first time during the French legislative election in 1945
  8. The British authorities defeated the Mau Mau uprising in Kenya in 1956
  9. President Dwight. D. Eisenhower approves the transfer of the US army space-related activities to NASA in 1959
  10. Moshe Dayan resigned from the Israeli government due to an argument with Menachem Begin concerning the policy over Arabs

The overall personality of people born on October 21

October 21 birthday positive and negative traits
October 21 Positive and negative traits

October 21 borns are special and very likely to change the world. You have various excellent positive traits and a few negative ones that when left uncontrolled can negatively change your destiny.

Positive traits of people born on October 21

  • Imaginative
  • Open-minded
  • Generous
  • Self-worthy


You have a wild imagination which leads you to develop a lot of creative ideas. Original ideas and stories are your specialties, and this makes you a great storyteller as well. Coming up with innovative solutions comes easily to you and this quality will make you a great artist.


Even as you create a lot of unique ideas, you also welcome the ideas and opinions of others that differ from your own. This quality makes you capable of generating solutions to world problems.

Being open-minded also means that you search for opinions and questions that challenge your ideas. This makes it easy to adjust your mindset and take new approaches to solving problems.


You have an open palm that gives freely to people who need your help. Your generosity does not necessarily apply to giving out your resources, you also give your time and attention freely to people who need it.

Your kindness and sympathy towards people make you somewhat selfless and a good listener when needed.


You are a person deserving of love and attention. This means that you are internally pure and you try to rid yourself of negative energy or thoughts. Being self-worthy also relates to your behavior towards the things and people you love.

Negative traits of people born on October 21

  • Opinionated
  • Impulsive
  • Judgemental


Because you are imaginative, it is difficult to let me off some irrational ideas. You may also put your ideas and beliefs on a high pedestal and have a tough time accepting that they are wrong. This refusal to budge and change your perspective a bit may hinder you from great opportunities.


You tend to make impulsive decisions and follow them up with impulsive actions. This habit of not thinking things through may lead you to losses and dangerous situations. 


You offer harsh and critical opinions and feedback on other people’s ideas and solutions. This trait can make people keep their ideas from you and feel insecure when around you. Letting this judgemental attitude take over, will lead to losing connections with many people.

October 21 Zodiac Compatibility

Your zodiac match is either an aquarium or Gemini. When going into romantic relationships, you will find it difficult to fall in love and make meaningful connections with people, this will make you very possessive of your partner.

Your ideal match is an active and energetic partner who motivates you to carry out your life goal. Because of your loyalty and faithfulness, you will get hurt when your loved ones betray you.


October 21 Career

Creativity is in high demand these days and your imaginative personality allows you to have a lot of job offers. If you combine hard work and dedication with your creative nature, you will have no trouble in your job search.

In addition, you will love whatever role or position you choose because you prioritize the satisfaction of working and growth over the money you earn. This also serves as extra motivation to carry out your job well.

October 21 Health

Your health may be in a bad place, and this is because you usually go for narcotics to relieve the mental and physical pain caused by anxiety, stress, depression, and headaches. This can make you dependent on these drugs which prevent you from having a balanced healthy life. To fix this problem you should take some time off to rest, and your diet should consist of lots of fruits and vegetables.

People born on October 21 may also experience insomnia, but you shouldn’t treat this using drugs. You should get enough rest and maybe talk to someone concerning your physical and mental health issues.


October 21 born are very innovative and creative. They are most likely to provide solutions that will help the world. This is no surprise seeing as a lot of great people were also born on this day and some notable events occurred as well.