February 12 Zodiac: Birthday, Personality, Traits, & More (A Guide)

You are born on the 43rd day of the year. This day is extraordinary and brings you many hidden messages and truths. Your birthday is not just a number; it reveals your zodiac, personality, traits, facts, and events.

This guide will provide you with incredible information to help you polish yourself. Find out for yourself.

February 12 Zodiac Sign

February 12 Zodiac Overview
February 12 Zodiac Overview

According to your birthday, your zodiac sign is Aquarius because people born between January 20 – February 18 possess Aquarius. Your horoscope is an authority, and you should have information about it. Your zodiac is associated with particular symbols, colors, elements, and numbers.

Astrological Symbol

Being an Aquarius, your horoscopic symbol is the bearer of water originates from Latin. A figure emptying the jug of water and three random lines represent it. It symbolizes your freshness, progress, youth, and responsibility.

Opposite Zodiac

According to the zodiac chart, Leo stands opposite Aquarius. Although both are opposite signs, they share elegance, friendship, and love. This opposite relation reflects benefits for both sides.

Zodiac Color

Your representative color is considered to be Blue-green. Other colors that are supposed to influence you are grey and navy blue. It symbolizes your activity, wealth, progress, loneliness, and maturity.

It shows you are active, mature, balanced, confident, and attractive. You prefer peace of mind over an unnecessary argument. You can use this color in your house, sitting areas, office, and dressing.

Ruling House

According to your birthday, your ruling house is the eleventh house. This house is a community of friendship, higher expectations, and visions. It influences your social circle and friendly nature.

Ruling Planet

Your ruling body is Uranus which is the 7th planet from the sun. It is known for granting you great spirit and intelligence. It reflects your calm nature, great mind, and experiences.

Venus and Jupiter also influence you. Venus is known for bestowing you with affection, communication, and sociability.


Air is considered to be your lucky element. It represents your creative thinking and superior quality. Air also interacts with other factors, such as vaporizing the water and heating things with fire.

Your Lucky Day, Number, and Birthstone

Your luckiest day is Tuesday. It was associated with its ruling by Mars. It represents your steady flow of life. Your lucky numbers include 1, 7, 13, 16, and 23.

Amethyst is your lucky birthstone. It represents your stability, inner strength, and balanced nature. It is said to help heal your headaches and arthritis.

Personality of February 12 individuals

February 12 Personality Traits
February 12 Personality Traits

Being an Aquarius, you are born with all possible attributes and have a magnetic personality. You are logical, energetic, imaginative, and innovative. You use scientific approaches in your matters to solve them quickly.

For you, work means a lot. You want to make a change in this world. Your attention plays a vital role in your success.

Your horoscopic profile shows that you are a creative thinker and impress others with your unique ideas. You know how to start a conversation and make business opportunities. You don’t like others’ interaction in your work and focus on your ideas.

According to your zodiac, you have a lovely, attractive, stimulating, and romantic nature. You know how to convince others with your thoughts. You show passion, struggle, and consistency in every field of life.

Your astrological profile shows you are diligent, careful, professional, and talented. You know to put your efforts into business to make a huge success. You are fair and honest and can prove yourself in literature, music, and painting.

You can combine different societal elements and sort out issues and problems of your family, friends, and relationships. You, being an Aquarius, don’t like disagreements with others. Being a true Aquarius, you take care of others and make people up and encourage them.

You work hard to move from one stage of your career to another. Once you decide to do something, you never step back even an inch and make it possible. You prefer difficulties rather than compromising the situation.

All in all, you are a logical, intellectual, and realistic person. You should accept other people’s ideas because sometimes your ideas seem to be unrealistic. Overall, your characteristics and personality are exceptional.

You have a stubborn nature that you never change your ideas, but you need to understand the situation and change your illusions and wrong views accordingly. You are blessed with great courage and qualities.


Traits of people born on February 12

The below-given table highlights your positive and negative characteristics. Your positive traits are dominant in your personality, with some negative features.

Positive TraitsNegative Traits
Positive and Negative traits

Famous Personalities Born on February 12

  • Bill Russel (American basketball player)
  • Arsenio Hall (American actor)
  • Chynna Phillips (American singer)
  • Abraham Lincoln (16th U.S. president)
  • Michael McDonald (American singer)

Historical Events on February 12

  • After 12 years, the USA beat Canada and won the gold Olympic men’s ice hockey medal.
  • Albert Einstein warns about the possibility of ending life on earth through the development of hydrogen bombs.
  • Intel released its first graphic card chip, i740.
  • Utah granted women the right to vote.

February 12: Relationship and Life Dealings

Love and Sex

Your innocence and charming nature always put you on others’ priority lists. You are looking for someone attractive and energetic. Your sexual compatibility is with people born on the 6th, 9th, 15th, and 18th.

You fall in and fall out of love with great frequency. As a lover, you involve romanticism and joy. You love to make your life better, and you are a lover of peace and expect the same from your partner.


You are exceptionally social and friendly. You always seek a close friend in your life. Your sociability and friendly nature make you relate to people freely.

You have a great sense of humor that makes people happy and relieves them from their stress.

Children and Family

You have an overwhelming love for your family and put all your efforts into making a happy family. You never let go of your childhood innocence. With your wisdom and knowledge, you know how to treat your children and what it means to be a kid.


You are well aware of your mental and physical conditions. You take care of your body, bones, diet, and routine exercise. For you, health, wealth, and happy life are closely related.

Your bones are prone to injury, so you must take measurements. You should try to avoid junk food; it can be harmful.

Career and Finance

You enjoy a progressive career and stable financial life but cannot handle your money. You will find financial success in rare places that others neglect. That’s why you must have outstanding efforts.

Compatibility of people born on February 12

You are attracted to similar people. You are most compatible and make strong relationships with people of Aquarians, Libra, and Geminis. These zodiac signs share the same element and vision of life.

You are less compatible with Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. It will help if you avoid close and romantic relationships with them.

Advice for people born on February 12

God has created you with every possible quality. Keep your emotions and nature under control; they can distract you from your goals. Stay communicative and open to your fellows and surrounding.

You must analyze yourself and take care of others’ opinions. You’ll be more successful if you pay attention to others’ ideas. Let everyone feel appreciated in your company.


It is all about you. You have to make a difference between yourself and who don’t know as much as you know. You have to decide what you will do with this knowledge.

In short, your qualities are endless. You know more than an ordinary man. It would be best if you utilized them for your future and progress, and you’ll achieve success in no time.