Cancers are particularly the caregivers of the zodiac and are one of the zodiac signs who love to form a very deep emotional connection with their partners.
A cancer man is a great person to be in a romantic relationship with, as long as you adhere to their dos and don’ts
Who is a Cancer man?
A Cancer man is one whose birthday falls between June 21 to July 22. Men under this category are known to appear to be quite shy at first, even making it harder to find out if they have an interest in you or not. They are one of the slowest zodiac signs to open up fully to someone in a relationship.
A relationship with a cancer man is a long-term thing. They are sensitive and intuitive and love to make emotional connections that last. As a plus, they can be quite charming and flirtatious too. Just know that if you want to date a Cancer man, you will need Patience. Cancer men hate struggles or passiveness in a relationship.
MODALITY | Cardinal |
ELEMENT | Water |
RULING BODY | The Moon |
Just like all zodiac signs, Cancer men have specific kinks that make your heart skip for them. Below are a few of their traits.
Attentive/ Communicative
One of the beautiful attributes your cancer partner is most likely to possess is being very attentive. A relationship with a Cancer man is solely built on trust and communication. He will be very open about his feelings for you, and he would expect you to do the same. He will also expect you to listen, just as he does.
This is not surprising as they are full-time homebodies and love staying at home. It gets tricky here as most people miss out on this point. They expect your relationship to go on the local way, that is, in terms of who makes the moves. If you are interested in a Cancer man, do well to make the first move. Ask him out first or suggest a picnic; even better if you plan it indoors in the confines of his own house.
Traditionally, he would also expect you to talk about yourself; this will also give him the go-ahead to talk about himself.
Loyal and Dependable
Cancer men are not just loyal but also very dependable. If you and your cancer mate have no loopholes in your emotional, physical, and intimate bond, do not worry about him cheating because he won’t.
He is also the man who would have your back on a stressful day. You can trust him to prepare mouth-watering delicacies and even plan a dinner before you return, even better when you guys cuddle up on the bed or couch for Netflix.
A major attribute of a Cancer man is that he is a nurturer. He is family inclined and takes everything relating to them very seriously. You can see this attribute from the pictures of his family members and close friends around his house.
Even better, he is the home lover and would gladly bring you into his personal space. He is the type that always wants his lover close and tight. He is a hugger and is also the king of cuddling. There will be no time in your relationship that you won’t find him, wanting his body around yours.
Just as he is a family man, he is also protective of you. He would do everything in his power to keep you from harm. Even as he tries to avoid conflict, he strives to ensure you are safe. Also, he will have blind spots for you as his lover and overlook the flaws in your relationship.
Just as a Cancer man will be utterly devoted to you in the relationship, he will equally give you his support, emotionally, physically, or financially.
Emotionally he is empathic enough to understand how you feel due to his great emotional intelligence, and he would surely make you feel better in any way he can. Physically, he wants to satisfy you. Cancer men don’t have sex for fun; they derive satisfaction in knowing that their partner is happy in bed.
Financially, he will be the bank! One trait of cancers is that they are money minded. So being in a relationship with a cancer man will help you financially; either you learn to save, or they save for you both.
This is another charming trait of a Cancer man. He has this mysterious aura around him that makes him hard to understand. On your first encounter with him, he will appear hard to read and mysterious, thus drawing you closer to understanding him the more.
They are this way because they have great control over their emotions and can put up a calm face even when they are sad, so intimacy with your Cancer partner will make you understand his mystery.
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Just as every zodiac has a good and surely a shady side, So do Cancers. Here are some likely turn-off
The jealousy of a Cancer man can rival the jealousy of Scorpios. When he feels that you, as his partner, no longer feel committed, he could go deeper into his shell, farther into his sea of emotions. This could raise the wrong flags and bring great distrust into the relationship
Being a homebody is one thing, and wanting to have you around is one thing. He can be overly demanding if boundaries are not set between you two. He could be demanding in the company or your time.
One problem cancer men have is that they have a lot of emotions. They also have crazy mood swings, which can be draining to their partners. Sometimes as his partner, you have to be cautious of what you say because his mood can change in a twinkle, even over little things.
Being an enigmatic sign, he is mysterious and shady. If you do not emotionally connect with him, you can conclude he is secretive. He would be so distant from you that you think you are left out.
Also, if he feels you are keeping things from him, he could become even more secretive, causing a deeper rift in your relationship.
Being a very self-reserved sign, Cancer men tend to be extremely pessimistic. Keeping their emotions to themselves, they feel like letting in anyone will hurt them, so they are rather pessimistic about others.
Being an emotional sign, Cancer men, if left unchecked, can go as far as emotional blackmail to get what they want. They can literally even break into tears just to make you comply.
One thing that kills a relationship is sentiment. And Cancer men are an embodiment of sentiments, as they emotionally connect to everything they do. This brings about an emotional attachment to virtually anything. This can be draining to you as a partner.
When a cancer man is heartbroken, it is a whole new level of frustration because cancer forgives but never forgets.
Attention Seeking and Self-pitying
Your cancer man will be the type that wants you around the house all the frigging time. This can show off as attention-seeking and stress you out big time. Many times, he sulks in self-pity to make you feel guilty. All in all, this gives off a bad vibe for you as his partner.

Here are a few handy tips if you decide to go into a relationship with a Cancer man or are in one already;
Get to know him
If a cancer man is on your radar, and you want to really date this man. First off, get to know him. How do you do that? Engage in conversations with him. He might seem shy at first, but he will surely warm up to you as time goes. If you can get to this stage in your relationship, you can now move to the next.
Go for it by making the first move at him
The men in this sign are traditionalists, as it is already, so they might want you to be the one to take charge first. This will assure them that you are into them and give them the confidence to open up to you more. One thing, though, is never to ask a cancer man out in public; He will find it weird, and it would make him feel awkward. Cancer men are private people, so your approach should be private.
Do not play hard to get
The cancer sign is highly intuitive, so trying to play mind games with them will prove unfruitful. He will outright see right through your games and deem you untrue. Be real with him as much as you can.
Make him feel at home
Cancer members are family inclined, so they would love partners who are family minded. Talk about your family to him, make him have a sense of like minds with you.
Mean what you say
Be honest with him, no matter what! He is someone who is direct and would appreciate it if you could be direct with him. Cancer men also have trust issues and would love to trust someone of integrity. Any bit of dishonesty will not play out right between you two.
Always compliment him
Everyone likes compliments, but they like them the most. These signs work hard to take care of you; they want to feel that their actions are appreciated. They deserve it, after all.
Be direct with him
If you are dating a Cancer man, be direct with him. Do not make impressions for him to read your mind; it is outright immature to him. Tell him plainly if you want him in bed; if you want to go out with him, let him know.
In bed, a Cancer man takes it really slow. He is not the type to come with fire in bed because he aims to satisfy his partner. They are traditionalists in bed, so do not expect a rough encounter.
This man is softer and more careful; every touch you make with him goes a long way. They are also great kissers who can outright spoon you all night. They are extremely sensual signs, so sex with them will be very immersive.
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